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Erich I b. 1241 d. 27 March 1272

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Lineage Estridsson
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Erich I

w Matilda Schauenburg von Holstein [Schauenburg-Holstein] b. 1220 d. 1288

Abel of Denmark [Estridsen] b. 1218 d. 29 June 1252

Wiki-page wikipedia:ru:Эрик I (герцог Шлезвига)


1241 birth:

marriage: Margaret Elizabeth von Pommern-Rügen [Wizlawiden] b. 1247 d. 27 April 1272

from 1260 - 27 March 1272 title: Herzog von Schleswig

about 1262 child birth: Waldemar IV Eriksоn [Estridsson] b. about 1262 d. 1312

27 March 1272 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Bruno Schauenburg von Olmütz
birth: about 1205, Rinteln
occupation: 1229, Provost of Lübeck
occupation: 1236, Provost of Hamburg
birth: 1238, Provost of Magdeburg
occupation: 20 September 1245, Olomouc, (Olmütz) Appointed Bishop of Olomouc by Pope Innocent IV.
death: 17 February 1281
Adolf IV. von Schauenburg und Holstein
birth: before 1205
title: Graf von Schauenburg (1225 bis 1238) und Holstein (1227 bis 1238)
marriage: Heilwig (Hedwig) zur Lippe
other: 1225, Mölln/Möllner Seenplatte, Schlacht bei Mölln, Albrecht von Weimar-Orlamünde wird als dänischer Administrator des besettzten Holsteins verjagt
other: 22 July 1227, Bornhöved, bei Segeberg, Schleswig-Holstein, Sieg über die Dänen unter Waldemar II. und Rückeroberung Holsteins
other: 1238, durch ein Gelübde bei der Schlacht von Bornhöved gebunden, Rückzug in ein Franziskanerkloster; 1244 in Rom vom Papst zum Priester geweiht
death: 8 July 1261, Franziskanerkloster, Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein
Bernhard III zur Lippe
birth: about 1200
marriage: Sophie von Arnsberg (Lippe)
marriage: Sophie von Ravensberg
title: from 1230 - 1265, Landesherr der Herrschaft Lippe
marriage: Sophie von Ravensberg
death: 1265
Otto II zur Lippe
birth: about 1198
title: 1248, Bischof von Münster
death: 21 June 1259
Gertrude von Lippe
birth: 1212
marriage: Ludwig I von Ravensberg
death: 30 September 1244
Simon zur Lippe
title: from 1247 -, Bischof von Padeborn
death: 6 June 1277
Ingeborg van Denemarken
birth: 1174
title: 14 August 1193, Corbeil
marriage: Philippe Auguste de France (Philippe II) , Amiens
annulment: Philippe Auguste de France (Philippe II) , Paris
death: 29 July 1236, Corbeil-Essonnes (91)
marriage: Boguslav I
title: 1176
death: 1177
Knut VI of Denmark
birth: 1163
marriage: Гертруда Баварская
title: 1182, King of Denmark
death: 12 November 1202
Helena von Dänemark
birth: about 1180
title: Herzogin von Lüneburg
marriage: William of Lüneburg (of Winchester) , Hamburg
death: 22 November 1233, Lüneburg
Richardis de Danemark
birth: between 1174 and 1180
marriage: Erik X von Schweden
title: 1210, Reine de Suède
death: 8 May 1220, Ringsted
Margarete Dagmar of Bohemia
birth: about 1186
marriage: Waldemar II "the Conqueror" of Denmark (1202-41)
title: from 1205 - 1213, Принцесса Богемии
death: 24 May 1212
Waldemar II "the Conqueror" of Denmark (1202-41)
birth: 28 June 1170
title: from 1202 - 28 March 1241, King of Denmark
title: 1202
marriage: Margarete Dagmar of Bohemia
title: 1202, roi des Slaves
marriage: Berengaria of Portugal
death: 28 March 1241, Vordingborg
Alfonso II of Portugal
birth: 23 April 1185, Coimbra, Portugal
marriage: Urraca van Castilie
title: from 26 March 1212 - 25 March 1223, King of Portugal, 3rd
death: 25 March 1223, Coimbra
burial: Coimbra, Santa Cruz Monastery
Mafalda de Portugal
birth: 1197
marriage: w Энрике I Кастильский , Burgos
title: 29 August 1215, Burgos, Reine de Castille et de Tolède
annulment: w Энрике I Кастильский
death: 1 May 1257, Lisbonne
Teresa Sanches
birth: 1205, Coimbra, Portugal
death: 1230, Portugal
Ferrand de Portugal
birth: 1186
death: 1233
Berengaria of Portugal
birth: 1194
marriage: Waldemar II "the Conqueror" of Denmark (1202-41)
title: from 1214 - 1221, reine consort de Danemark
death: 1221
Gerhard I Schauenburg von Holstein-Itzehoe
birth: 1232
marriage: Adelaide (Alessina) of Montferrat
title: from 1238 - 1261, князь Гольштейн
title: from 1238 - 21 December 1290, граф Шауэнбург
marriage: Elisabeth de Mecklembourg
title: from 1261 - 21 December 1290, einziger Graf von Holstein-Itzehoe
death: 21 December 1290
Johann I Schauenburg von Holstein-Kiel
birth: about 1229
marriage: Elisabeth von Sachsen
title: 1261, Graf von Holstein-Kiel (Wagrien, Ostholstein, Segeberg mit Residenz in Kiel)
death: 20 April 1263
Ludolf Schauenburg von Holstein
occupation: Mönch
death: after 1239
Matilda Schauenburg von Holstein
birth: 1220
title: 25 April 1237, Varnhem, Sweden, Klosterkirche Varnhem
marriage: Abel of Denmark
title: 1 November 1250, Queen of Danemark
death: 1288, Kiel
Waldemar III of Denmark
birth: 1209
title: from 1215 - 28 November 1231, King of Denmark
marriage: Eleanor de Portugal
death: 28 November 1231
Erik IV "Plovpenning" of Denmark
birth: 1216
marriage: w Jutte de Saxe
title: from 1241 - 10 August 1250, King of Denmark
death: 10 August 1250
Christopher I of Denmark
birth: 1219
title: 1241, King of Denmark (1252-59)
birth: 1241, seigneur de Falster
marriage: Маргарита Самбирия - Тчевская
title: 1252
death: 29 May 1259, Ribe
birth: 1217
marriage: Johann de Brandebourg (Johann Ier)
title: 1230, Margravine de Brandebourg
death: 1247
Кнут Вальдемарссон
birth: about 1205
physical description: внебрачный сын датского короля Вальдемара II Победоносного
title: герцог Ревеля, Блекинге и Лолланна
marriage: Ядвига Померанская
death: 1260
Abel of Denmark
birth: 1218
title: 1232, duc du Sud Jutland
marriage: Matilda Schauenburg von Holstein
title: 1 November 1250, King of Denmark
death: 29 June 1252
== 3 ==
Sophia de Schleswig
birth: 1240
marriage: w Bernhard d'Anhalt-Bernbourg (Bernhard Ier)
title: 3 February 1258, Princesse d'Anhalt-Bernbourg
death: after 1284
Margaret Elizabeth von Pommern-Rügen
birth: 1247
title: Herzogin zu Schleswig
marriage: w Erich I
death: 27 April 1272
Erich I
birth: 1241
marriage: Margaret Elizabeth von Pommern-Rügen
title: from 1260 - 27 March 1272, Herzog von Schleswig
death: 27 March 1272
== 3 ==
Эрик II Вальдемарсон
birth: about 1290
title: герцог Шлезвига и Южной Ютландии
death: 12 March 1325
Abel Waldemarsohn Sappi
birth: about 1292
physical description: illegitimer Sohn
marriage: Цецилия Ферке
death: about 1335

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