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Abel Waldemarsohn Sappi b. about 1292 d. about 1335

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Lineage Estridsson
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Abel Waldemarsohn Sappi

Waldemar IV Eriksоn [Estridsson] b. about 1262 d. 1312


about 1292 birth:

physical description: illegitimer Sohn

marriage: Цецилия Ферке [Ferke] b. about 1305

1322 child birth: Вальдемар Абельсон Sappi [Sappi] b. 1322 d. about 1399

about 1335 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Sophia de Schleswig
birth: 1240
marriage: w Bernhard d'Anhalt-Bernbourg (Bernhard Ier)
title: 3 February 1258, Princesse d'Anhalt-Bernbourg
death: after 1284
Erich I
birth: 1241
marriage: Margaret Elizabeth von Pommern-Rügen
title: from 1260 - 27 March 1272, Herzog von Schleswig
death: 27 March 1272
Вислав II
birth: 1240, Берген, Рюген
marriage: Agnes von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
title: from 20 August 1260 - 29 December 1302, князь Рюгена
death: 29 December 1302, Осло, Норвегия
Margaret Elizabeth von Pommern-Rügen
birth: 1247
title: Herzogin zu Schleswig
marriage: Erich I
death: 27 April 1272
== 3 ==
Эрик II Вальдемарсон
birth: about 1290
title: герцог Шлезвига и Южной Ютландии
death: 12 March 1325
Abel Waldemarsohn Sappi
birth: about 1292
physical description: illegitimer Sohn
marriage: Цецилия Ферке
death: about 1335
== 3 ==
Иоганн Педерсен Скрам
birth: about 1309
other: сын адмирала
marriage: N. Valdemarsdatter Sappi (Skram)
death: 1371

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