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Siegfried III von Orlamunde b. about 1155 d. 1206

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Lineage Orlamunde
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Siegfried III von Orlamunde

Герман I [Асканианские] b. 1125 d. 1176


about 1155 birth:

child birth: Irmgard von Orlamunde [Orlamunde] d. about 1222

from 1176 - 1206 title: граф Веймар-Орламюнде

1181 marriage: Sophia de Danemark [Estridsen] b. about 1159 d. 1208

after 1182 child birth: Albrecht von Orlamunde [Orlamunde] b. after 1182 d. about 18 February 1245

about 1184 child birth: Hermann II von Orlamunde [Orlamunde] b. about 1184 d. 27 December 1247

1206 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Albert Ier de Brandebourg - (Albert Ier l’Ours)
birth: about 1100
marriage: w Sophia von Winzenburg
title: from 1124 - 1131, Margrave de Lausitz
title: from 1134 - 1157, Margrave de Nordmark
title: from 1138 - 1142, Duc de Saxe
title: from 1140 - 1170, Comte de Weimar-Orlamünde
title: from 1157 - 1170, Margrave de Brandebourg
death: 18 November 1170
Sophia von Winzenburg
birth: 1100, Winzenburg
marriage: Albert Ier de Brandebourg - (Albert Ier l’Ours)
title: 1124, Dame de Ballenstedt
title: 1157, Markgräfin von Brandenburg
death: 1160, Brandenburg
Otto I ? (Askanskie)
birth: about 1128
marriage: w Jutta de Pologne , Kruszwica
title: from 1170 - 1184, маркграф Бранденбурга
marriage: Adelheid van Holland
death: 7 March 1184
Bernhard III von Sachsen
birth: 1140
marriage: Judith von Polen
title: from 1173 - 2 February 1212, Fürst von Anhalt
title: from 1180 - 2 February 1212, Herzog von Sachsen
death: 9 February 1212, Ballenstedt
Hedwig Askanier von Brandenburg
birth: about 1140
marriage: Otto II von Meißen
death: March 1203
burial: after March 1203, Kloster Altzella, bei Nossen
Siegfried de Brandebourg
birth: 1132
death: 24 October 1184
Герман I
birth: 1125
title: from 1167 - 1176, граф Веймар-Орламюнде
death: 1176
== 3 ==
Siegfried III von Orlamunde
birth: about 1155
title: from 1176 - 1206, граф Веймар-Орламюнде
marriage: Sophia de Danemark
death: 1206
== 3 ==
Beatrix von Andechs-Meranien
birth: 1210
marriage: Hermann II von Orlamunde
death: after 9 February 1271
Hermann II von Orlamunde
birth: about 1184
marriage: Beatrix von Andechs-Meranien
title: from 1206 - 27 December 1247, граф Веймар-Орламюнде
title: from 1206 - 27 December 1247, сеньор Веймара
death: 27 December 1247
Albrecht von Orlamunde
birth: after 1182
title: from 1206 - 18 February 1245, граф Веймар-Орламюнде
marriage: Гедвига
death: about 18 February 1245
Heinrich II von Schwarzburg
title: comte de Schwarzbourg
title: comte de Kevernburg
title: comte d'Ilmenau
title: comte d'Arnstadt
marriage: Irmgard von Orlamunde
death: 20 February 1236
Gunther VII von Schwarzburg-Blankenburg
title: comte de Schwarzbourg
children count: 9 dont 5 garçons et 4 filles
marriage: София
burial: Stadtilm, monastère d'Ilm du Langraviat de Thuringue
Hermann III von Orlamunde
birth: about 1230
title: from 1247 - 1283, граф Веймар-Орламюнде
death: 1283
Otto III "der Gewaltige" von Orlamunde
birth: 1244
marriage: Agnes von Truhendingen
title: from 1247 - 1285, граф Веймар-Орламюнде
death: 1285

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