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Елизавета фон Саксен-Лауэнбургская

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Lineage Асканианские
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Елизавета фон Саксен-Лауэнбургская

Johann I von Sachsen [Askanier] b. 1249 d. 30 July 1285

Ingeburg av Sverige [Eriksgeschlecht] b. about 1260 d. 30 June 1302


marriage: Waldemar IV Eriksоn [Estridsson] b. about 1262 d. 1312

about 1290 child birth: Эрик II Вальдемарсон [Эстридсены] b. about 1290 d. 12 March 1325

From grandparents to grandchildren

Adelheid von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
marriage: Henri de Brabant (Heinrich Ier de Hesse)
title: 10 September 1263, Dame de Brabant
death: 12 June 1274, Marburg
Albrecht I von Braunschweig
birth: 1236
title: 9 June 1252, Duc de Brunswick
marriage: Elisabeth de Brabant
marriage: Adelaide (Alessina) of Montferrat
title: 1269
death: 15 August 1279, Brunswick (Basse-Saxe)
Johann I of Brunswick-Lüneburg
birth: about 1242
title: 9 June 1252, Duc de Brunswick-Lünebourg
marriage: Liutgard de Holstein-Itzehoe
title: 1269, Prince de Lünebourg
death: 13 December 1277
Mathilde de Brunswick
marriage: w Henri II d'Anhalt-Aschersleben (dit « le Gros »)
title: 1245, princesse héritière d'Anhalt
title: 1252, princesse d'Anhalt-Aschersleben
death: 1295
Elisabeth de Brunswick
birth: 1235
marriage: Wilhelm II von Holland , Brunswick (Basse-Saxe)
death: 27 May 1266
Konrad de Brunswick
death: 15 September 1300
Otto von Brunswick
birth: about 1247
death: 4 July 1279, Hildesheim, Hochstift Hildesheim
Hermann II von Thüringen
birth: 28 March 1222, Creuzburg
title: 1227, Landgraf von Thüringen
marriage: Helena von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
death: 3 January 1241, Creuzburg
Helena von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
birth: 1231
marriage: Hermann II von Thüringen
marriage: Albrecht I von Sachsen
title: 1247, Duchesse de Saxe et Comtesse d'Anhalt
death: 6 September 1273
Heinrich I von Anhalt
birth: about 1170
marriage: Ирмгарда
title: 1212, граф Ангальт
title: 1218, prince d'Anhalt
death: 1252
Albrecht I von Sachsen
birth: about 1175
title: from 1212 - 1260, Herzog von Sachsen
marriage: Agnieszka Austrijski
marriage: Agneta of Thuringia
marriage: Helena von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
death: between 7 October 1260 and 8 November 1261
Albrecht II von Sachsen-Wittenberg
birth: about 1250
title: from 1260 - 1298, Herzog von Sachsen
marriage: w Agnes de Habsbourg
death: 25 August 1298, Wittenberg
Jutte de Saxe
marriage: Erik IV "Plovpenning" of Denmark
title: from 1241 - 1250, reine consort de Danemark
Jutta de Saxe
marriage: Johann de Brandebourg (Johann Ier)
title: 1255, Margravine de Brandebourg
death: 4 April 1266
Johann I von Sachsen
birth: 1249
marriage: Ingeburg av Sverige
death: 30 July 1285, Wittenberg
Ingeburg av Sverige
birth: about 1260
marriage: Johann I von Sachsen
death: 30 June 1302
== 3 ==
Johann II von Sachsen-Lauenburg
birth: about 1275
death: 22 April 1322
Albrecht III von Sachsen
birth: 1281
title: from 1282 - 1296, герцог Саксонии
title: from 1296 - 1303, герцог Саксен-Лауэнбурга
marriage: Маргарет
death: 1308
Erich I von Sachsen-Lauenburg
birth: before 1285
marriage: Elisabeth von Pommern-Wolgast
death: about 1360, Nienburg/Weser
== 3 ==
Abel Waldemarsohn Sappi
birth: about 1292
physical description: illegitimer Sohn
marriage: Цецилия Ферке
death: about 1335
Эрик II Вальдемарсон
birth: about 1290
title: герцог Шлезвига и Южной Ютландии
death: 12 March 1325

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