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Gottfried III der Bärtige b. estimated 1010 d. between 21 December 1069 and 30 December 1069

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Lineage Wigeriche-Verdun
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Gottfried III der Bärtige
Other given names met de Baard

Gotzelo von Oberlothringen und Niederlothringen [Wigeriche-Verdun] b. about 967 d. 19 April 1044

Nn van Lotharingen? [Lotharingen] b. 965 d. 1040

Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Gottfried III. (Niederlothringen)


estimated 1010 birth:

marriage: Doda [?] b. estimated 1020 d. before 1053

about 1035 child birth: Wiltrud de Basse-Lorraine [Wigeriche-Verdun] b. about 1035 d. 1093

1040 child birth: Gottfried IV von Niederlothringen [Wigeriche-Verdun] b. 1040 d. 27 February 1076

estimated 1040 child birth: w Ida von Lothringen [Wigeriche-Verdun] b. estimated 1040 d. 13 April 1113

between 21 December 1069 and 30 December 1069 death: Verdun

burial: Kathedraal Notre-Dame Verdun


  1. -

From grandparents to grandchildren

Godfried (Godfrey) Verdun (de Lotharingen)
birth: estimated 930
title: 959, count of Bidgau
title: 959, count of Methingau
marriage: Mathilde (Maud) of Saxony
title: between 963 and 1002, Count of Verdun
title: between 974 and 998, count of Hainault
title: between 974 and 998, Count of Mons
death: 3 September 1002
burial: Ghent (Belgium), St Pieter
Бернхард I Біллун
birth: about 950, Люненбург, Князівство Німецьке, Священне Царство Римське
title: from 973 - 9 February 1011, Воєводство Саське, Князівство Німецьке, Священне Царство Римське
marriage: Hildegard van Stade , Князівство Німецьке, Священне Царство Римське
death: 9 February 1011, Город Корвей, Хёкстер, Детмольд, Северный Рейн-Вестфалия, Немецкое королевство, Святое Римское царство
burial: St Michaeliskerk te Lünenburg, Князівство Німецьке, Священне Царство Римське
Swanhilde van Saksen Billung
birth: estimated 950
marriage: Ekkehard I van Meissen
death: 26 November 1014
burial: after 26 November 1014, Малая Ена, Саксонское герцогство, Немецкое королевство, Святое Римское царство, Kloster Jena, transferred 1028 to Naumburg Georgskirche
Liudger van Saksen Billung
birth: 945
death: 26 February 1011
Baldwin III Flanders
marriage: Mathilde (Maud) of Saxony
title: from 958 - 962, Graf von Flandern und von Artois; Mitregent in Flandern, zusammen mit seinem Vater
death: 1 November 962, Bergues, France, Sint-Winoksbergen
Mathilde (Maud) of Saxony
birth: estimated 945
marriage: Baldwin III Flanders
marriage: Godfried (Godfrey) Verdun (de Lotharingen)
death: 25 May 1008
burial: Ghent (Belgium), St Pieter
Friedrich van Lotharingen
birth: 970
marriage: Nn van Verdun?
death: 6 January 1022
Ermentrud van Verdun
birth: estimated 950
marriage: Arnulf I van Rumigny
marriage: Arnulf I van Rumigny
death: after 1010, datum is 7 maart
Arnulf II Flanders
birth: 961
marriage: Rosalie Lombard (d'Ivrea)
title: 962, Graf von Flandern, Mitregent
death: 30 March 987
Эрментруда Вердунская
birth: estimated 970
marriage: Arnold I van Florennes
death: after 1010, datum is 7 maart
Gotzelo von Oberlothringen und Niederlothringen
birth: about 967
marriage: Nn van Lotharingen?
death: 19 April 1044
burial: Munsterbilzen
== 3 ==
Oda von Verdun
birth: 990
marriage: Lambert II van Louvain
death: after 1054
burial: Nivelles
Stephan IX
birth: about 1020, Lothringen
title: 1049, Kardinal, [[Person:426637]]
title: August 1057, Papst
death: 29 March 1058, Florenz
Oda van Neder-Lotharingen
birth: estimated 1000
death: after 1047, datum van overlijden is 23 oktober
Frederik van Verdun
birth: estimated 1000
death: between 1021 and 1022, datum is 6 januari
birth: estimated 1020
marriage: Gottfried III der Bärtige
death: before 1053
burial: Münsterbilsen
Gottfried III der Bärtige
birth: estimated 1010
marriage: Doda
death: between 21 December 1069 and 30 December 1069, Verdun
burial: Kathedraal Notre-Dame Verdun
== 3 ==
Adalbert II von Calw
birth: about 1030
marriage: Wiltrud de Basse-Lorraine
death: 22 September 1099, Hirsau
Mathilde of Tuscany
birth: 1045
marriage: Gottfried IV von Niederlothringen
death: 24 July 1115, Bondono de Roncovi
Eustace II de Boulogne
birth: about 1020
title: comte de Boulogne
title: comte de Lens
marriage: w Ida von Lothringen
death: about 1085
Ida von Lothringen
birth: estimated 1040
marriage: Eustace II de Boulogne
death: 13 April 1113, Atrecht
burial: Abdij St Vaast
burial: 1669, Parijs
burial: 1808, Bayeux
Godefroy de Bouillon (King of Jerusalem)
birth: about 1060
title: avoué du Saint-Sépulcre
death: 18 July 1100, Jerusalem
Balduin I von Boulogne
birth: after 1060
title: Граф де Булонь
marriage: Арда
marriage: Godehilde de Tosny
title: from 1098 - 1100, Graf von Edessa
title: from 1100 - 1118, Король Иерусалимский
death: 2 April 1118, al-Arisch, Ägypten
Maria van Schotland
birth: estimated 1080
marriage: w Eustache III van Boulogne
death: 31 May 1116
burial: Bermondsey Abbey
Eustache III van Boulogne
birth: about 1058
marriage: Maria van Schotland
death: after 1125, Rumilly (Pas-de-Calais)
ordination: 1125, Rumilly (Pas-de-Calais)
Gottfried von Calw
birth: 1075
marriage: Liutgard von Zähringen
death: 6 February 1131

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