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Eberhard of Friuli b. between 805 and 810 d. before 16 December 866
From Rodovid EN
Lineage | Unruoching |
Sex | Male |
Full name (at birth) | Eberhard of Friuli |
♂ w Unruoch Frioul [Unruoching] b. estimated 780 d. before 13 November 853 ♀ Engeltrude [-] b. estimated 795 | |
Wiki-page | wikipedia:en:Eberhard of Friuli |
between 805 and 810 birth:
child birth: ♀ Judith de Frioul [Unruochinger] d. about 874
other: Saint of the Roman Catholic Church
February 828 title: Marquis Frioul
estimated 835 child birth: Священне Царство Римське, ♀ Юдита Старшинина Фріульська [Старшини Фріульські] b. estimated 835 d. about 855
836 marriage: ♀ Gisela of the Franks [Carolingian] b. between 819 and 822 d. after 1 July 874
836 child birth: ♀ Ingeltrude de Friuli [Unruoching] b. 836 d. 870
estimated 840 child birth: ♂ w Unruoch III van Friuli [Unruoching] b. estimated 840 d. 874
845 child birth: Cividale del Friuli, ♂ Berengar I of Friuli [Unruoching] b. 845 d. 7 April 924
855 child birth: ♀ Helwise Friuli [Unruoching] b. 855 d. 895
estimated 858 child birth: ♀ Heilwide de Frioul [Frioul] b. estimated 858 d. 896
before 16 December 866 death: Italy
867 will: [3]
burial: Cysoing (59)
[edit] Sources
- ↑ - wikipedia fr royaume lombard
- ↑ - wikipedia fr Cysoing
- ↑ Histoire généalogique de la maison royale de France et des grands officiers de la couronne By Anselme and H. Caille — Edition: 3 — Tome: 1 — on this [{{{Permalien}}} page] (page: 32)
From grandparents to grandchildren

children count: 10
marriage: ♂ Eberhard of Friuli
death: after 1 July 874, Cysoing
burial: Cysoing (59), abbaye Saint-Calixte
marriage: ♀ Ingeltrude de Friuli
death: 28 August 886
burial: Soissons, Abbey of St. Medard
title: from 854 - 894, Graf Thurgau
title: from 854 - 885, Graf Allgäu
death: about 894
marriage: ♀ Judith de Frioul
marriage: ♀ Waldrada of Orléans (of Worms)
title: 859, duc de Bourgogne
title: 864, comte d'Argengau
title: 864, comte de Paris
title: 864, comte d'Auxerre
death: 876

title: marquis Ivrée
title: comte Aoste
title: comte Lombardie
marriage: ♀ w Gisela de Frioul
death: between 17 July 923 and 8 October 924, Ivrea, Piedmont, Italy

marriage: ♀ Hedwig of Babenburg
title: estimated 880, Eichsfeld, count
title: estimated 880, dux
title: after 2 February 880, head of the Liudolfinger
title: 888, count, Südthüringau
title: from 902 - 912, Bad Hersfeld, layman abbot (german: Laienabt)
death: 30 November 912
burial: Bad Gandersheim, church of the monastry
marriage: ♀ Willa d'Arles (van Bourgondie)
title: 888, Roi de Bourgogne
death: 25 October 912
marriage: ♀ Adelgunde Guelph
death: after 14 June 904, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство
title: Margrave of Rhaetia
title: Comte de Thurgau
title: Comte de Baar
marriage: ♀ Luitgard av Lothringen
title: from 909 - 911, Duke of Suabia
death: 5 November 911