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Thetburge van Thurgau b. 880 d. 923

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Lineage Thurgau
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Thetburge van Thurgau

Adalbert II of Thurgau [Thurgau] b. estimated 835 d. about 894

Judith van Friuli [Unruochinger] b. estimated 835 d. about 855


880 birth:

child birth: Liutgarde van Dillingen [Dillingen]

about 909 child birth: Manégold 1er von Dillingen [Dillingen] b. about 909

923 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Адальберт I
birth: 800
title: граф Реции
title: граф Тургау
death: 8 January 846
Charles II of Francia
birth: 13 June 823, Frankfort
title: 840, King of West Francia
military service: 25 June 841, battle of Fontenoy-en-Puisaye against [[Person:8631|Lothair]] and Pepin II
marriage: w Эрментруда Орлеанская Агилульфин , Quierzy, {{Anselme Caille|Edition=3|Tome=1|Permalien=|Page=33}}
other: August 843, Verdun, Treaty of Verdun
other: 844, execution of [[Person:262964|Bernard]], Count of the Hispanic March
other: 848, Orléans, coronation
title: October 854, Limoges, King of Aquitaine
other: 859, repulsed his brother Louis
title: 869, King of Middle Francia
other: 9 September 869, Metz, coronation
marriage: w Richilde d'Ardennes , Aix-la-Chapelle, {{Anselme Caille|Edition=3|Tome=1|Permalien=|Page=34}}
title: 875, Pavia, King of Italy
title: 25 December 875, Rome, Western Roman emperor
death: 6 October 877
burial: estimated November 877, abbey Saint-Pierre de Nantua
burial: 884, Saint-Denis-en-France, Abbey of Saint-Denis
Lothar I of France
birth: 795, Prüm
title: 818, Roi d'Italie et de Lotharingie
marriage: w Irmingard von Tours
title: 840, Empereur d'Occident
title: 843, Prüm
death: 29 September 855, Prüm, Prüm abbey
burial: Prüm, Prüm abbey
Pépin d'Aquitaine (Pépin Ier)
birth: 797
title: 817, Roi d'Aquitaine
marriage: Ringardis de Madrie
death: 13 December 838, Poitiers (86)
Louis II
birth: 806
marriage: Емма Баварська Вельф , Regensburg
title: 840, Германське королівство, Святе Римське царство, король Германії
death: 28 August 876, Frankfurt
Hildegarde de France (Religieuse)
birth: 803
caste: Laon (02), abbesse de Saint-Jean de Laon
death: after 842, {{Anselme Caille|Edition=3|Tome=1|Permalien=|Page=32}}
Arnulf de Sens
birth: about 794
death: about 841
Gisela of the Franks
birth: between 819 and 822
marriage: w Eberhard of Friuli
death: after 1 July 874, Cysoing
Eberhard of Friuli
birth: estimated 810
religion: Saint de l'Église catholique romaine
title: February 828, Marquis de Frioul
marriage: Gisela of the Franks
will: 867, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство, {{Anselme Caille|Edition=3|Tome=1|Permalien|Page=32}}
death: before 14 April 868, Italy
title: сеньор фон Шемис
Гунфрид III
title: from 856 - 863, граф Бона
title: from 857 - 864, граф Барселонский
title: from 857 - 864, граф Руссильона
title: from 857 - 864, граф Нарбонны
title: from 857 - 864, граф Ампурьяса
title: from 857 - 864, граф Жироны
title: from 857 - 864, граф Бесалу
title: from 858 - 863, граф Отёна
title: from 858 - 863, граф Шалона
title: from 858 - 863, граф Макона
title: from 858 - 863, маркиз Бургундии
title: from 858 - 864, маркиз Готии
title: from 862 - 862, граф Лиможа
title: from 863 - 864, граф Тулузы
title: from 863 - 864, граф Руэрга
title: from 872 - 876, граф Цюрихгау
death: after 876
Adalbert II of Thurgau
birth: estimated 835
title: from 854 - 894, Graf Thurgau
title: from 854 - 885, Graf Allgäu
death: about 894
Berengar I of Friuli
birth: 845, Cividale del Friuli
title: Marquis de Frioul
marriage: Bertila Spoleto
title: 6 January 888, Roi des Lombards
title: from 915 - 924, Empereur des Romains
death: 7 April 924
Helwise Friaul
birth: 860
Unruoch III van Friuli
birth: estimated 840
marriage: Ava van Monza
death: 874, datum is na 1 juli
Юдит Фриульская Унрошевич
birth: Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство
marriage: Conrad III Guelph (d' Auxerre)
Judith van Friuli
birth: estimated 835
death: about 855
== 3 ==
Burchard I Suabia
birth: 855
title: Margrave of Rhaetia
title: Comte de Thurgau
title: Comte de Baar
marriage: Luitgard av Lothringen
title: from 909 - 911, Duke of Suabia
death: 5 November 911
Hubert I von Dillingen en Donauworth
birth: 875
death: 16 July 909, Francfort-sur-le-Main
Thetburge van Thurgau
birth: 880
death: 923
== 3 ==
Adelbert I van Karinthie
birth: estimated 920
marriage: Luitgard van Preising
death: 10 September 969
Udalrich van Ebersberg
birth: estimated 965
marriage: Richardis van Viehberg
death: 11 March 1029
burial: klooster Ebersberg
Hucbald II von Dillingen
birth: about 945

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