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Herman b. estimated 920 d. 16 July 996

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Lineage Ezzonenowie
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Herman

Erenfried II [Ezzonen] b. estimated 910 d. before 970

Richwara van Zülpichgau [Zülpichgau] b. estimated 920 d. before 10 June 963

Wiki-page wikipedia:pl:Hermann Pusillus


estimated 920 birth:

child birth: Ezelin von Schwaben [Ezzonen]

child birth: w Adolf I von Lothringen [Ezzonen] d. 1018

marriage: Heilwig von Dillingen [Dillingen] b. estimated 930 d. 12 November

about 955 child birth: Holy Roman Empire, w Ezzo - [Ezzonid] b. about 955 d. 21 May 1034

16 July 996 death:


  1. -

From grandparents to grandchildren

birth: estimated 885
Eberhard van de Keldachgau
birth: estimated 870
title: 904, Кельдахский гау, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство, гауграф Кельдахский
title: 913, Боннское графство, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство, граф Бонна
death: after 937
birth: estimated 905
marriage: Amalrada
death: before 964, datum is 3 september
Erenfried II
birth: estimated 910
marriage: Richwara van Zülpichgau
death: before 970
Richwara van Zülpichgau
birth: estimated 920
marriage: Erenfried II
death: before 10 June 963
== 3 ==
Heilwig von Dillingen
birth: estimated 930
marriage: w Herman
death: 12 November
birth: estimated 920
marriage: Heilwig von Dillingen
death: 16 July 996
== 3 ==
Mathilde of Saxony
birth: 979, born in the summer
marriage: w Ezzo - , marriage takes place in the spring
death: 4 November 1025, Düren, Echtz
burial: Brauweiler (North Rhine-Westphalia), During Mathilde's funeral the monastery of Brauweiler was still built, the service was therefore (with great pomp) place in a tent.
Ezzo -
birth: about 955, Holy Roman Empire
title: Holy Roman Empire, Count of Auelgau
title: Holy Roman Empire, Count Bonngau
marriage: Mathilde of Saxony , marriage takes place in the spring
title: from 994 - 20 March 1034, Holy Roman Empire, Count Palatine of Lorraine
marriage: Thietburga
death: 21 May 1034
burial: Pulheim, Holy Roman Empire, Benedictine monastery Brauweiler
Mieszko II Lambert
birth: 990
marriage: Рикса Лотаринська
title: from 1025 - 1031, Король Польський
title: from 1032 - 10 May 1034, Князь Польський
death: 10 May 1034, Poznań
burial: Poznań, Cathedral in Poznan
Рикса Лотаринська
birth: about 995
marriage: Mieszko II Lambert
title: from 1025 - 1031, Польское королевство, польская королева
death: 21 March 1063
burial: Маргаритский монастырь в Кёльне, Святое Римское царство
Liudolf von Brauweiler
birth: estimated 1000
marriage: Mathildis van Zutphen
death: 11 April 1031
burial: Abtei Brauweiler
Otto van Bliesgau-Deutz
birth: estimated 1000
marriage: van Egisheim
death: 7 September 1047, Tomburg
burial: Brauweiler
Adolf II von Lothringen
birth: about 997
death: 1041
title: 1041, Graf im Keldachgau
title: 1041, Vogt in Deutsch
Eberhard von Trier
birth: about 1010
title: 1047, Erzbischof von Trier
death: 15 April 1066, Trier

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