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Aldegarde (Audéarde) de Thouars

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Lineage Thouars
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Aldegarde (Audéarde) de Thouars

Raouel I de Thouars [Thouars]

Arenbourga [?]


child birth: Rorgo [Lusignan]

1060 child birth: Hugh V Le Debonnaire (de Lusignan) [Lusignan] b. 1060

From grandparents to grandchildren

Herbert de Thouars
birth: estimated 925
title: from 960 - 997, vicomte de Thouars
death: about 997
Aldegarde d'Aulney
birth: estimated 935
death: after 1012
Savary III de Thouars
birth: estimated 950
title: from 997 - 1004, vicomte de Thouars
Aimery III de Thouars
title: from 987 - 997, vicomte de Thouars
Raouel I de Thouars
title: from 1004 - 1015, Thouars (79), vicomte de Thouars
== 3 ==
Hugh IV de Lusignan
birth: 985
property: from 1012 - 1126, seigneur de Lusignan
death: 1026
== 3 ==
Adelmonde de la Marche
birth: 1020
marriage: Hugh V Le Debonnaire (de Lusignan)
title: 1038
marriage: Raymond III Pons Toulouse
title: 1040, Barcelona, cathedral
title: May 1053, Comtesse de Barcelone
marriage: Ramón Berenguer I
death: 17 November 1071
Ramón Berenguer II de Barcelona
birth: 1053
title: 1076, Conde de Barcelona
marriage: Mahalta ? (Apulia, Vichard)
death: 6 December 1082
William IV Toulouse
birth: about 1040
marriage: Emmalina Mortain
death: 1094, Huéscar
Ines de Barcelone
marriage: Wigo Albon
title: 10 May 1070, Comtesse de Grévisaudan et de Briançonnais
Berenguer Ramon de Barcelone (Berenguer Ramon II)
birth: 1053
title: 1076, Comte de Barcelone
death: 1097

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