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Heribert von der Wetterau b. estimated 930 d. 992

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Lineage Konradiner
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Heribert von der Wetterau

w Udo I van Wetterau [Konradijnen] b. about 900 d. 2 December 949

Cunigonde van Vermandois [Herbertijnen] b. estimated 905

Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Heribert von der Wetterau


estimated 930 birth:

estimated 970 child birth: Gerberge van Gleiberg [Konradijnen] b. estimated 970 d. after 1036

972 child birth: Irmtrud van Wetterau [Konradijnen] b. 972 d. after 1015

estimated 975 child birth: w Otto I van Hammerstein [Konradijnen] b. estimated 975 d. 5 June 1036

992 death:


  1. -

From grandparents to grandchildren

Конрад Старший
birth: about 855, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство
marriage: Glismut
title: from 866 - 27 February 906, Верхне-Ланское графство, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство, граф верхнеланский
title: from 897 - 27 February 906, Гессенское графство, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство, граф гессенский
death: 27 February 906, Фрицлар, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство
burial: Вайльбург, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство, церковь Святого Мартина
Эберхард Конрадинер
birth: about 858
title: граф в Нижнем Лангау
death: 902
Рудольф Konradiner
birth: about 860
title: епископ Вюрцбурга с 892 года
death: 908
Gebhard van de Lahngau
birth: estimated 860
title: from 903 - 910, Duc de Lotharingie
death: 22 June 910
Pepin de Senlis
title: between 877 and 893, Conde de Berengariu
Bernard van Laon Bayeux
birth: 837
death: 893
Herbert de Senlis
birth: estimated 850
marriage: Bertha Morvois
title: 896, seigneur de Péronne et de Saint-Quentin
title: 896, comte de Soissons
title: 896, comte de Vermandois
title: 896, comte de Meaux
death: between 900 and 907
Hermann I von Schwaben
death: 10 December 949
Udo I van Wetterau
birth: about 900
children count: au moins 5
marriage: Cunigonde van Vermandois
death: 2 December 949
Beatrix von Vermandois
birth: 880
marriage: Robert I of France (de Neustria)
title: 898, Comtesse de Paris
title: 29 June 922, Reina de Francia
death: 931
Heribert II van Vermandois
birth: about 880
title: Count of Kinziggan
title: Count of Meaux
title: Graaf of Vermandois
marriage: Adelheid Aelis van Capet
death: 23 February 943
burial: Saint-Quentin (Aisne)
== 3 ==
Konrad 1er de Rheinfelden
birth: before 922
death: 20 August 997
Irmtrud van Avalgau
birth: 957
death: 1020
Heribert von der Wetterau
birth: estimated 930
death: 992
== 3 ==
Hendrik van Schweinfurt
birth: estimated 950
title: margrave de Nordgau
marriage: Gerberge van Gleiberg
death: 8 September 1017
burial: bij de kloosterkerk van Schweinfurt
Gerberge van Gleiberg
birth: estimated 970
marriage: Hendrik van Schweinfurt
death: after 1036
Otto I van Hammerstein
birth: estimated 975
death: 5 June 1036
Gerberga van Boulogne
birth: estimated 1010
marriage: w Friedrich II von Luxemburg
death: before November 1049
burial: Stavelot
Ida Billung (van La Roche)
birth: estimated 1035
marriage: w Friedrich II von Luxemburg
marriage: Albert III de Namur , Священне Царство Римське
death: 31 July 1101
burial: Namur
Friedrich II von Luxemburg
birth: about 1005
title: Duc de Basse-Lotharingie
marriage: Ida Billung (van La Roche)
marriage: Gerberga van Boulogne
death: 28 August 1065
burial: Stavelot
Radulf van Gent
birth: estimated 995
marriage: Gisèle de Luxembourg
death: between 1052 and 1056
Gisèle de Luxembourg
birth: estimated 1005
marriage: Radulf van Gent
death: after 1058
Бернхард II Саксонии
birth: estimated 990
marriage: Elika von Schweinfurt
death: 29 June 1059, Люнебург
burial: St Michaeliskerk te Lünenburg
Elika von Schweinfurt
birth: estimated 1005
marriage: Бернхард II Саксонии
death: after 1055, datum is 10 december
Giselbert von Luxemburg
birth: 1007
title: from 1036 - 14 August 1059, Граф Зальм, 1-й
title: from 1036 - 14 August 1059, Граф де Лонгви
title: from 14 October 1047 - 14 August 1059, Граф Люксембург, 4-й
death: 14 August 1059
Матильда П'ястович
birth: 1017, Польське королівство
death: after 1035, Польське королівство
engagement: w Оттон III Швабський Луїтпольдович
Оттон III Швабський Луїтпольдович
birth: about 995, Швабське герцогство, Франківське королівство
marriage: Irmingard van Susa
title: from 1024 - 1031, Північне маркграфство, Франківське королівство, маркграф Нордгау, под именем Оттон
engagement: Матильда П'ястович
title: from 1048 - 28 September 1057, Швабське герцогство, Франківське королівство, герцог Швабии
death: 28 September 1057, Швайнфурт, Франківське королівство
Ruprecht van Regensburg
birth: estimated 975
marriage: Maria (?) van Schweinfurt
death: about 1035, datum is 13 december
Вельф II
birth: estimated 965
marriage: Ermengarde ou Ermentrude de Luxembourg
death: 10 March 1030, Вайнгартен, Тюбинген
Ermengarde ou Ermentrude de Luxembourg
birth: estimated 990
marriage: Вельф II
death: after 1057, ou 1055
burial: Altomünster, abbaye d'Altomünster
Liudolf von Brauweiler
birth: estimated 1000
marriage: Mathildis van Zutphen
death: 11 April 1031
burial: Abtei Brauweiler
Baldwin IV Barbatus (of Flanders)
birth: 980
title: 30 March 987, Count of Flanders
marriage: Cunigunde Ogiva of Luxembourge
marriage: Eleanora van Normandië
death: 30 May 1035, Ghent (Belgium)
Cunigunde Ogiva of Luxembourge
birth: 986
marriage: Baldwin IV Barbatus (of Flanders)
title: 1012, Comtesse de Flandre
death: 21 February 1030, Ghent (Belgium), Flanders
Bretislav I Achilles
birth: about 1005
marriage: Jutta Schweinfurt
title: 1034
death: 10 January 1055, Praag, Sint-Vitus
Peter Orseolo (of Hungary)
birth: about 1008
marriage: Jutta Schweinfurt
title: from 1038 - 1041, King of Hungary
death: 30 August 1046
Jutta Schweinfurt
birth: 1003, Schweinfurt
marriage: Peter Orseolo (of Hungary)
title: 1030, Princesse de Bohême
marriage: Bretislav I Achilles
title: 1034, Duchesse de Bohême
death: 2 August 1058
Heinrich II von Luxemburg
birth: about 1005
death: 14 October 1047
Adalbero III von Luxemburg
birth: about 1010
title: 1047, Bischof von Metz
death: 13 November 1072

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