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Teodora Angela Comnène d. 23 June 1246

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Lineage Comnène
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Teodora Angela Comnène

Isaac II Angelos [Angelos] b. September 1156 d. 28 January 1204

Irene van Byzantium [Byzantium] b. 1168 d. 1185

Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Theodora Angela (Byzanz)
Reference numbers GEDCOM::AdriaenAlbout.ged::INDI @I7124@::Kjansen


1203 title: Duchesse d'Autriche et de Styrie

1203 marriage: Leopold VI Sławny Austrijski [Babenberg] b. 1176 d. 26 July 1230

about 1204 child birth: Margrethe d'Autriche [Babenberg] b. about 1204 d. 29 October 1266

1205 child birth: Agnieszka Austrijski [Babenberg] b. 1205 d. 1226

1207 child birth: Leopold d'Autriche [Babenberg] b. 1207 d. 1216

1208 child birth: w Heinrich d'Autriche [Babenberg] b. 1208 d. 3 January 1228

1210 child birth: w Gertruda d'Autriche [Babenberg] b. 1210 d. 1241

25 April 1211 child birth: Vienne (Autriche), Friedrich d'Autriche (Friedrich II) [Babenberg] b. 25 April 1211 d. 15 June 1246

about 6 May 1212 child birth: Konstanze d'Autriche [Babenberg] b. about 6 May 1212 d. before 5 June 1243

23 June 1246 death: Klosterneuburg, Kahlenberg


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From grandparents to grandchildren

Johannes Dukas (Sebastokratōr)
birth: about 1126
death: about 1200
Andronikos Doukas Angelos
birth: about 1133
marriage: Euphrosyne Kastamonitissa
death: after 12 December 1185
Теодор Кастамонитес
other: византийский аристократ и всемогущий главный министр на протяжении большей части первого правления его племянника, императора Исаака II Ангелоса
Андронік I Комнін
birth: about 1118, Константинополь, Візантійська імперія
marriage: Ирина Айнейадисса ?
caste: 1151, знак Кілікії
caste: 1153, знак Найсоса
other: Феодора Комнина , maitresse
marriage: Агнесса Анна из Франции
title: from 1183 - 12 September 1185, Византийский император
death: 12 September 1185, Константинополь
Marie Komnenos
birth: before 1144
marriage: Stefan IV
death: 1190
Alexios III Angelos
birth: about 1153
marriage: Euphrosyne Doukaina Kamatera
title: from 1195 - 1203, Byzantine Emperor
death: after 1210
Isaac II Angelos
birth: September 1156
marriage: Irene van Byzantium
marriage: Маргарита Венгерская
title: from 12 September 1185 - 8 April 1195, Emperor of Byzantium
title: from 1 August 1203 - 25 January 1204, Emperor of Byzantium
death: 28 January 1204, Constantinople, Byzantium
Manuel Komnenos
birth: about 1145
marriage: Русудан
death: 1185
== 3 ==
Irene Angelina
birth: 1181, Constatinople, Byzantium
marriage: Roger D'Apulia
marriage: Philip Von Hohenstauffen , Bari
death: 27 August 1208, Göppingen, County of Württemberg, Holy Roman Empire, Hohenstaufen Castle
Alexios IV Angelos
birth: about 1182
marriage: Євфимія Глібівна Руська і Київська
title: from 1203 - 1204, Emperor of Byzantium
death: 8 February 1204
Leopold VI Sławny Austrijski
birth: 1176
title: 31 December 1194, Graz, Duc de Styrie
title: 16 April 1198, Duc d'Autriche
marriage: Teodora Angela Comnène
death: 26 July 1230
Teodora Angela Comnène
title: 1203, Duchesse d'Autriche et de Styrie
marriage: Leopold VI Sławny Austrijski
death: 23 June 1246, Klosterneuburg, Kahlenberg
== 3 ==
Albrecht I von Sachsen
birth: about 1175
title: from 1212 - 1260, Herzog von Sachsen
marriage: Agnieszka Austrijski
marriage: Agneta of Thuringia
marriage: Helena von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
death: between 7 October 1260 and 8 November 1261
birth: about 1215, Священная Римская империя
title: 1229, Священная Римская империя
marriage: Friedrich d'Autriche (Friedrich II)
title: 26 July 1230, Священная Римская империя, Duchesse d'Autriche et de Styrie, San Germano
divorce: Friedrich d'Autriche (Friedrich II)
marriage: w Ulrich III von Spanheim
death: 7 January 1263, Священная Римская империя
Sophie Laskaris
birth: about 1210
marriage: Friedrich d'Autriche (Friedrich II)
title: 1227, Princesse d'Autriche
divorce: Friedrich d'Autriche (Friedrich II)
title: 1228, Duchesse de Mödling
death: 1246
Friedrich d'Autriche (Friedrich II)
birth: 25 April 1211, Vienne (Autriche)
marriage: Sophie Laskaris
title: 1228, Duc de Mödling
divorce: Sophie Laskaris
marriage: Агнесса
title: 26 July 1230, Duc d'Autriche et de Styrie, San Germano
divorce: Агнесса
death: 15 June 1246, Vienne (Autriche)
Leopold d'Autriche
birth: 1207
death: 1216, Klosterneuburg
Heinrich d'Autriche
birth: 1208
marriage: Agneta of Thuringia
death: 3 January 1228
Heinrich VII
birth: 1211, Sizilien
title: from 1212 - 1217, король Сицилии, 8-й под именем Генрих II
title: from 1216 - 4 July 1235, герцог Швабии
title: from 23 April 1220 - 4 July 1235, король Германии
marriage: Margrethe d'Autriche , Nuremberg
death: 12 February 1242, Martirano, Kalabrien
Premysl Ottokar II of Bohemia
birth: 1230, Městec Králové
marriage: w Agnes von Kuenring
title: 1247, Duc de Moravie
marriage: Margrethe d'Autriche
title: 22 September 1253, King of Bohemia
divorce: Margrethe d'Autriche
marriage: Kunigunda of Galich
death: 26 August 1278, Dürnkrut (Austria)
Margrethe d'Autriche
birth: about 1204
marriage: Heinrich VII , Nuremberg
marriage: Premysl Ottokar II of Bohemia
title: 1252, Duchesse de Moravie
title: 22 September 1253, Reine de Bohême
divorce: Premysl Ottokar II of Bohemia
death: 29 October 1266, Krumau am Kamp
Heinrich III Wettin of Thuringia
birth: about 1218
title: from 1221 - 15 February 1288, Margrave of Meissen
title: from 1221 - 15 February 1288, Margrave of Lusatia, last
marriage: Konstanze d'Autriche
title: from 1242 - 1265, Landgrave of Thuringia
title: from 1247 - 1288, Count Palatine of Saxony
death: 15 February 1288, Dresden
Konstanze d'Autriche
birth: about 6 May 1212
marriage: Heinrich III Wettin of Thuringia
death: before 5 June 1243
Heinrich IV Raspe van Thuringen
birth: 1204
marriage: w Elisabeth de Brandebourg
marriage: w Gertruda d'Autriche
title: from 1241 - 16 February 1247, ландграф Тюрингии
title: from 1241 - 16 February 1247, пфальцграф Саксонии
title: from 22 May 1246 - 16 February 1247, анти-король Германии
death: 16 February 1247
Margaret Hohenstaufen of Swabia
birth: 21 December 1241, Foggia
marriage: w Adalbert II Wettin of Thuringia
death: 8 August 1270, Frankfurt
Elisabeth von Orlamünde
birth: about 1265
title: from - 1289, Графиня фон Лобдебунг-Арнсгаук
marriage: w Adalbert II Wettin of Thuringia
title: from 1 October 1290 - 13 November 1314, Ландграфиня Тюрингии
death: before 24 March 1327
Adalbert II Wettin of Thuringia
birth: 1240
marriage: Margaret Hohenstaufen of Swabia
title: from 1265 - 1294, Landgrave of Thuringia
title: from 1265 - 1292, Count Palatine of Saxony
title: from 1288 - 1292, Margrave of Meissen
title: from 1288 - 1291, Markgraf der Niederlausitz
marriage: Elisabeth von Orlamünde
death: 20 November 1314, Erfurt
Albrecht II von Sachsen-Wittenberg
birth: about 1250
title: from 1260 - 1298, Herzog von Sachsen
marriage: w Agnes de Habsbourg
death: 25 August 1298, Wittenberg
Johann I von Sachsen
birth: 1249
marriage: Ingeburg av Sverige
death: 30 July 1285, Wittenberg
Jutta de Saxe
marriage: Johann de Brandebourg (Johann Ier)
title: 1255, Margravine de Brandebourg
death: 4 April 1266
Erik IV "Plovpenning" of Denmark
birth: 1216
marriage: w Jutte de Saxe
title: from 1241 - 10 August 1250, King of Denmark
death: 10 August 1250
Jutte de Saxe
marriage: Erik IV "Plovpenning" of Denmark
title: from 1241 - 1250, reine consort de Danemark
Дитрих II
birth: 1242
marriage: Helena de Brandebourg
title: from 1265 - 8 February 1285, маркграф Ландсберга, 2-й
death: 8 February 1285
Hermann VI, von Baden
birth: 1226
title: Österreich, Herzog von Österreich
title: Graz, Herzog der Steiermark
title: 16 January 1243, Markgraf von Baden
title: 1248, Duke of Austria and Styria (1248-50)
marriage: Гертруда Австрійська Бабенберг
death: 4 October 1250
Roman Danilovich
birth: about 1230
marriage: Гертруда Австрійська Бабенберг
marriage: Elena Glebovna (Volkovyyskaya)
title: from 1255 - 1260, Prince of Novogrudok and Slonim
death: 1261, or 1260
Гертруда Австрійська Бабенберг
birth: 1226, Святе Римське царство
title: 1246, Моравське маркграфство, Святе Римське царство, Margravine de Moravie
marriage: Vladislav III de Moravie (Przhemyslovich)
marriage: Hermann VI, von Baden
title: 1248, Баден-Баденське і Веронське маркграфство, Святе Римське царство, Margravine de Bade-Bade et de Vérone
marriage: Roman Danilovich
death: 24 April 1288, Святе Римське царство

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