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Eve de Roussillion b. after 843

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Lineage Girardi
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Eve de Roussillion

Gerald II Roussillion (de Tours) [Girardi] b. estimated 800 d. 874

Bertha of Tours [Etichonid] b. 819 d. 873


after 843 birth:

marriage: Wilderich I de Morvois [Morvois] b. 819 d. 865

862 child birth: Bertha Morvois [Morvois] b. 862 d. 907

From grandparents to grandchildren

Beggo, Count of Toulouse -
birth: estimated 765
title: marquis de Septimanie
title: comte de Toulouse
title: comte de Paris
marriage: Альпаїс Франківська
death: 28 October 816
Étienne de Paris
birth: about 754
death: 815
Leuthard Roussillion (de Frezensac)
birth: estimated 760
title: comte de Paris
title: comte de Fézensac
death: after 3 January 816
Grimhildis ? (de Aquitaine)
birth: estimated 775
Luitgarde d'Alémanie
birth: 776
nationality: Allemande {{Anselme Caille|Edition=3|Tome=1|Permalien=|Page=30}}
title: 794, Reine des Francs et des Lombards
marriage: Charlemagne -
death: 4 June 800, Tours (37),
burial: Tours (37), Basilique Saint-Martin de Tours
Гуго III Турский
birth: between 765 and 780, Франковское королевство
title: from - 828, Турское графство, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство, Граф Тура
marriage: Ava van Morvois
title: from 802 - 837, Зундское графство, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство, Граф Зундгау
death: 20 October 837, Тессин, Святое Римское царство
burial: Монц, Италийское королевство, Святое Римское царство
Ava van Morvois
birth: about 779
marriage: Гуго III Турский
death: 4 September 839
Энгельтруда Парижская Гирардович
birth: estimated 790, Франковское королевство
marriage: Одо Орлеанский Агилульфин
death: 850, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство
Adalhard von Metz
birth: before 817
death: after 865
Gerald II Roussillion (de Tours)
birth: estimated 800
marriage: Bertha of Tours , Aken (Elbe)
death: 874
burial: Avignon
Irmingard von Tours
birth: 804
marriage: Lothar I of France
title: October 821, Königin von Italien und Lotharingen
title: 840, Kaiserin des Westens
title: 843, Königin von Lotharii Regnum
death: 20 March 851
Hugue de Tours
birth: 800
title: Comte de Bourges, Auxerre
marriage: Nn van Tours
death: 853
Adélaïde d'Alsace
birth: between 810 and 820
marriage: Conrad II Guelph
title: 835, Comtesse d'Argengau, de Paris et d'Auxerre
marriage: Robert IV The Strong (Capet)
death: between 866 and 882
Liutfried van Monza
birth: estimated 805
death: 864
== 3 ==
== 3 ==
Herbert de Senlis
birth: estimated 850
marriage: Bertha Morvois
title: 896, seigneur de Péronne et de Saint-Quentin
title: 896, comte de Soissons
title: 896, comte de Vermandois
title: 896, comte de Meaux
death: between 900 and 907
Heribert II van Vermandois
birth: about 880
title: Count of Kinziggan
title: Count of Meaux
title: Graaf of Vermandois
marriage: Adelheid Aelis van Capet
death: 23 February 943
burial: Saint-Quentin (Aisne)
Robert I of France (de Neustria)
birth: 866
marriage: Aélis du Maine
marriage: w Beatrix von Vermandois
title: 922, Roi des Francs, Francie occidentale
death: 15 June 923, Soissons
burial: Saint-Denis-lès-Sens (89), Abbaye Sainte-Colombe de Saint-Denis-lès-Sens
Beatrix von Vermandois
birth: 880
marriage: Robert I of France (de Neustria)
title: 898, Comtesse de Paris
title: 29 June 922, Reina de Francia
death: 931
Udo I van Wetterau
birth: about 900
children count: au moins 5
marriage: Cunigonde van Vermandois
death: 2 December 949

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