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Robert IV The Strong (Capet) b. calculated 830 d. 15 September 866

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Lineage Robertian
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Robert IV The Strong
Other last names Capet
Other given names Rutpert IV

Waldrada (Waldraith) de Orleans [Agilolfing] b. 801 d. after 834

w Robert III of Worms [Robertian] b. before 790 d. before 834

Wiki-page wikipedia:Robert_the_Strong
Reference numbers GEDCOM::IdavanBoulogne.ged::INDI @I257709@::Kjansen


calculated 830 birth:

between 852 and 866 child birth: Odo I van Frankrijk [Roberting] b. between 852 and 866 d. 3 January 898

from 853 - 858 title: comte de Tours

from 853 - 858 title: comte de Blois

from 853 - 858 title: comte d'Anjou

between 860 and 15 September 866 title: comte de Paris

from 861 - 865 title: comte de Tours

from 861 - 865 title: comte d'Anjou

861 title: marquis de Neustrie

864 marriage: Adélaïde de Tours [Étichonide] b. between 810 and 820 d. between 866 and 882

865 title: comte d'Autun

865 title: comte de Nevers

865 title: comte d'Auxerre

866 child birth: Robert I of France (de Neustria) [Robertian] b. 866 d. 15 June 923

866 title: comte de Blois

866 title: comte d'Anjou

15 September 866 death: Brissarthe, France


Ancestry hypothesis :
Hypothesis source : some user, no source. says he is the son of Wiltrude. Probably some confusion Wiltrude/Waldrade

en:Waldrada (Waldraith) de Orleans (Agilolfing, b. 801 d. after 834)
Image:Lien Hypothèse.jpg
Robert IV The Strong (Capet)
fr:Robert III of Worms (Robertian, b. before 790 d. before 834)

See also in Wikipedia :
• Robert le Fort (fr)
• Robert der Tapfere (de)
• Robert the Strong (en)
• Roberto el Fuerte (es)

• Roberto il Forte (it)

• Robert de Sterke (nl)

• Roberto, o Forte (pt)

• Роберт Сильный (ru)

From grandparents to grandchildren

Hildegarde de Vintzgau (de Suabia)
birth: calculated 758
marriage: Charlemagne - , Aachen, Germany
title: 30 April 771, Aix-la-Chapelle, Reine des Francs
title: 5 June 774, Ломбардское королевство, Reine des Lombards
death: 30 April 783
burial: Metz (57), l'Abbaye de Saint-Arnould
Guiboar de Hornbach
birth: 785, Hornbach, Prussia
death: 804, France
Видо II Хорнбахский
birth: 761, Франковское княжество
Вальдрада фон Хорнбах
birth: estimated 770, Франковское княжество
marriage: Hadrianus van Orleans
death: after 823, Франковское княжество
Roberto II ?
birth: estimated 765
title: from 795 - 807, Comte en Wormsgau
death: 12 July 807
== 3 ==
Eudes Ier de Troyes
title: Comte de Troyes
Adélaïde de Tours
birth: between 810 and 820, Tours (37)
marriage: Conrad II Guelph
title: 835, comtesse d'Argengau
marriage: Robert IV The Strong (Capet)
death: between 866 and 882, Tours (37)
Robert IV The Strong (Capet)
birth: calculated 830
title: from 853 - 858, comte de Tours
title: from 853 - 858, comte de Blois
title: from 853 - 858, comte d'Anjou
title: between 860 and 15 September 866, comte de Paris
title: from 861 - 865, comte de Tours
title: from 861 - 865, comte d'Anjou
title: 861, marquis de Neustrie
marriage: Adélaïde de Tours
title: 865, comte d'Autun
title: 865, comte de Nevers
title: 865, comte d'Auxerre
title: 866, comte de Blois
title: 866, comte d'Anjou
death: 15 September 866, Brissarthe, France
== 3 ==
Odo I van Frankrijk
birth: between 852 and 866
marriage: Théodérade de Troyes
title: from 12 May 886 - 29 February 888, marquis de Neustrie
title: from 12 May 886 - 29 February 888, Paris (75), comte de Paris
title: from 29 February 888 - 3 January 898, roi des Francs,[[Catégorie:Rois de France| 0888]]
death: 3 January 898, La Fère-sur-Oise
Beatrix von Vermandois
birth: 880
marriage: Robert I of France (de Neustria)
title: 898, Comtesse de Paris
title: 29 June 922, Reina de Francia
death: 931
Robert I of France (de Neustria)
birth: 866
marriage: Aélis du Maine
marriage: Beatrix von Vermandois
title: 922, Roi des Francs, Francie occidentale
death: 15 June 923, Soissons
burial: Saint-Denis-lès-Sens (89), Abbaye Sainte-Colombe de Saint-Denis-lès-Sens
Raoul de Bourgogne
birth: about 890
marriage: Emma Capet
title: from 1 September 921 - 13 July 923, Duc de Bourgogne
other: 15 June 923, Élu régent et administrateur de la couronne de france, pendant la prison de [[Personne:8642|Charles]] le Simple
title: from 13 July 923 - 15 January 936, Roi des Francs, Occidentaux sous le nom de Rodulfus ou Rodolphe ou Raoul [[Catégorie:Rois de France| 0923]]
other: 13 July 923, Soissons (02), Sacré et couronné roi en l'abbaye de Saint-Medard-les-Soissons, par Seulfe, archevêque de Reims (ou par Abbon, Archevêque de Soissons)
death: 15 January 936, Auxerre (89), {{Anselme Caille|Edition=3|Tome=1|Permalien=|Page=36}}
Heribert II van Vermandois
birth: about 880
title: Count of Kinziggan
title: Count of Meaux
title: Graaf of Vermandois
marriage: Adelheid Aelis van Capet
death: 23 February 943
burial: Saint-Quentin (Aisne)
Adelheid Aelis van Capet
birth: 887
title: 906, Comtesse de Vermandois, de Soissons et de Meaux
marriage: Heribert II van Vermandois
death: after 943
Hadwig FitzHenry (Fowler)
birth: about 910
marriage: w Hugh Capet
title: 938, Comtesse de Paris, Marquise de Neustrie et Duchesse des Francs
title: 954, Comtesse d'Auxerre
death: 10 May 959
title: 926, Comtesse de Paris, Marquise de Neustrie
marriage: w Hugh Capet
death: 937
Hugh Capet
birth: about 898
marriage: - du Maine (Fille de Roger)
title: 923, marquis de Neustrie
title: 923, comte de Paris
marriage: Eadhild
title: 25 July 936, Laon, duc de France
marriage: Hadwig FitzHenry (Fowler)
title: 954, comte d'Auxerre
death: 16 June 956
burial: Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), Abbaye de Saint-Denis
title: roi d'Aquitaine
birth: estimated 885

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