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Irmingard von Tours b. 804 d. 20 March 851

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Lineage Etichonen
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Irmingard von Tours
Other given names Irmingard von Tours

w Гуго III Турский [Этихоновичи] b. between 765 and 780 d. 20 October 837

Ava van Morvois [Tours] b. about 778 d. 4 September 839

Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Irmingard von Tours
Reference numbers GEDCOM::IdavanBoulogne.ged::INDI @I261747@::Kjansen


804 birth:

October 821 marriage: Lothar I of France [Carolingian] b. 795 d. 29 September 855

October 821 title: Königin von Italien und Lotharingen

1 November 825 child birth: Louis II d'Italie - (dit : Louis le Jeune) [Carolingien] b. 1 November 825 d. 12 August 875

826 child birth: Hiltrude de France [Carolingien] b. 826 d. 865

827 child birth: Irmengarde de Germanie [Carolingien] b. 827 d. 864

830 child birth: Berthe de France [Carolingien] b. 830 d. 7 May 852

830 child birth: Gisèle de France [Carolingien] b. 830 d. 860

about 835 child birth: Lothar II. [Karolinger] b. about 835 d. 8 August 869

835 child birth: Rotrude de France [Carolingien] b. 835

840 title: Kaiserin des Westens

841 child birth: Karl de Provence [Karolinger] b. 841 d. 25 January 863

843 title: Königin von Lotharii Regnum

20 March 851 death:


  1. - Wikipédia

From grandparents to grandchildren

Luitfride II
birth: estimated 740, Alsace, França
title: about 788, Comte de Sundgau
death: 802
Luitgarde d'Alémanie
birth: 776
nationality: Allemande {{Anselme Caille|Edition=3|Tome=1|Permalien=|Page=30}}
title: 794, Reine des Francs et des Lombards
marriage: Charlemagne -
death: 4 June 800, Tours (37),
burial: Tours (37), Basilique Saint-Martin de Tours
Гуго III Турский
birth: between 765 and 780, Франковское королевство
title: from - 828, Турское графство, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство, Граф Тура
marriage: Ava van Morvois
title: from 802 - 837, Зундское графство, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство, Граф Зундгау
death: 20 October 837, Тессин, Святое Римское царство
burial: Монц, Италийское королевство, Святое Римское царство
Ava van Morvois
birth: about 778
marriage: Гуго III Турский
death: 4 September 839
== 3 ==
Hugue de Tours
birth: 800
title: Comte de Bourges, Auxerre
marriage: Nn van Tours
death: 853
Adélaïde de Tours
birth: between 810 and 820, Tours (37)
marriage: Conrad II Guelph
title: 835, comtesse d'Argengau
marriage: Robert IV The Strong (Capet)
death: between 866 and 882, Tours (37)
Liutfried van Monza
birth: estimated 805
death: 864
Lothar I of France
birth: 795, Prüm
title: 818, Roi d'Italie et de Lotharingie
marriage: w Irmingard von Tours
title: 840, Empereur d'Occident
title: 843, Prüm
death: 29 September 855, Prüm, Prüm abbey
burial: Prüm, Prüm abbey
Irmingard von Tours
birth: 804
marriage: Lothar I of France
title: October 821, Königin von Italien und Lotharingen
title: 840, Kaiserin des Westens
title: 843, Königin von Lotharii Regnum
death: 20 March 851
== 3 ==
Giselbert von Maasgau
birth: about 825
marriage: Irmengarde de Germanie
marriage: Irmengarde de Germanie
death: after 14 June 877, alternatief na 875
birth: estimated 835
marriage: Louis II d'Italie - (dit : Louis le Jeune)
title: 851, Königin von Italien und Kaiserin des Westens
death: 896
Louis II d'Italie - (dit : Louis le Jeune)
birth: 1 November 825
title: 15 June 844, Roi d'Italie,[[Catégorie:Rois d'Italie|0844]] [[Catégorie:Rois de Bourgogne|0863]]
title: 850, Empereur d'Occident,[[Catégorie:Empereurs d'Occident|0850]]
marriage: Engelberga
death: 12 August 875, Ghedi, Italie
burial: Milan, Basilique Saint-Ambroise
Waldrada (Valtrude)
birth: estimated 830
marriage: Lothar II.
death: after 869, datum is 9 april
Lothar II.
birth: about 835
marriage: Theutberga
divorce: Theutberga
marriage: Waldrada (Valtrude)
death: 8 August 869, Piacenza
Hiltrude de France
birth: 826
death: 865
Berthe de France
birth: 830
death: 7 May 852
Gisèle de France
birth: 830
death: 860
Lambert II de Nantes
title: Comte de Nantes
marriage: Rotrude de France
death: 1 May 852
Karl de Provence
birth: 841
death: 25 January 863
Régnier Ier de Hainaut (dit : Régnier au Long Col)
birth: about 850, Francie
marriage: Alberada van Lotharingen
death: between 25 August 915 and 19 January 916, Meerssen
Boson V ? (de Provence, Bivinide)
birth: 844
title: Roi de Bourgogne Cisjurane
marriage: Irmgard der Karolingen
death: 10 January 887, Vienne (Isère)
burial: Vienne (Isère), Cathédrale Saint-Maurice de Vienne
Irmgard der Karolingen
birth: 852
marriage: Boson V ? (de Provence, Bivinide)
death: 896, voor 2 juni
burial: Vienne (Isère), Cathédrale Saint-Maurice
Théobald d'Arles
birth: estimated 850
marriage: Берта Лотарингская
title: from 879 - 880, Comte d'Arles
death: 895
Берта Лотарингская
birth: 863, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство
marriage: Adelbert II of Tuscany
marriage: Théobald d'Arles
death: 8 March 925, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство
burial: Мария-Лукка, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство
Gudrod Haraldsson van Haithabu
birth: estimated 820
marriage: Gisela van Lotharingen , Bjornstad
death: June 885, Spijk
Gisèle - (Fille de Louis II d'Italie, Abesse)
birth: between 852 and 855
caste: abbesse de Sainte-Sauveur de Brescia en Lombardie
death: 28 April 868

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