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Phillip von Österreich b. 1562 d. 1563

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Lineage Habsburg
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Phillip von Österreich

Ferdinand II of Austria [Habsburg-Austria] b. 14 June 1529 d. 24 January 1595

Philipine Welser [Welser] b. 1527 d. 24 April 1580


1562 birth:

1563 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Eleanor of Habsburg
birth: 15 November 1498, Leuven, County of Flanders, Kingdom of France
marriage: Manuel I of Portugal (Aviz-Beja) , Lisbon, Kingdom of Portugal
title: from 7 March 1519 - 13 December 1521, Queen Consort of Portugal
marriage: Francis II Valois-Angoulême , Le Frêche
title: from 7 August 1530 - 31 March 1547, Queen Consort of France
death: 18 February 1558, Talavera la Real, Spain
Charles V Habsburg
birth: 24 February 1500, Ghent (Belgium)
marriage: Барбара Бломберг
title: 25 September 1506, Burgos, Duc de Bourgogne, de Brabant, de Limbourg, de Luxembourg et de Gueldre et Comte d'Artois, de Flandre, de Hainaut, de Hollande et de Zélande, de Zutphen, Comte palatin de Bourgogne
title: 12 June 1509, Wels, Roi des Romains
title: from 1516 - 1556, König von Spanien
title: 14 March 1516, Madrigalejo, Roi des Espagnes, de Naples, de Sicile et de Jérusalem
other: Иоанна Мария ван дер Гейнст
marriage: Isabella of Portugal
other: 25 October 1555, Ruler of the Seventeen Provinces of the Habsburg Netherlands
death: 21 September 1558, Cuacos de Yuste, Spain, Monastery of Yuste
Catherine of Habsburg
birth: 14 January 1507
marriage: John III of Portugal (Aviz-Beja)
title: 5 February 1525, Queen Consort of Portugal
death: 12 February 1578
Isabel d'Autriche
birth: 18 July 1501, Bruxelles
marriage: Christian II of Denmark , Copenhague
title: from 12 August 1515 - 1523, Copenhague, reine consort de Danemark et de Norvège
title: from 1 November 1520 - 1521, reine consort de Suède
death: 19 January 1526, Zwijnaarde
Maria d'Autriche
birth: 17 September 1505, Bruxelles
marriage: Louis II of Hungary
death: 18 October 1558, Cigales (Castille)
Ferdinand I Habsburg
birth: 10 March 1503, Alcalá de Henares, Spain
title: 1520, Archduke of Austria
marriage: Anna Jagellonica , Linz, Austria
title: 16 December 1526, King of Bohemia
title: 16 January 1556, King of Hungary
title: from 1558 - 1564, Römisch-deutscher Kaiser
death: 25 July 1564, Vienna (Austria)
Louis II of Hungary
birth: 1 July 1506, Buda
marriage: Maria d'Autriche
title: between 1516 and 1526, King of Hungary
title: between 1516 and 1526, King of Bohemia
death: 29 August 1526, Mohács, He was killed in the Battle of Mohács while leading his forces against Suleiman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire.
Anna Jagellonica
birth: 23 July 1503, Prague
title: 25 May 1521, Prague
marriage: Ferdinand I Habsburg , Linz, Austria
title: 16 December 1526, Mohács, Reine de Bohême et de Hongrie
death: 27 January 1547, Prague
Anna von Österreich
birth: 7 July 1528, Prag, Tschechien
marriage: Albrecht de Bavière (Albrecht V) , München
title: 4 July 1546, Herzogin von Bayern
title: 7 March 1550, München, Duchesse de Bavière
death: 19 October 1590, München, Bayern
Charles of Austria
birth: 3 June 1540, Vienna (Austria)
title: 25 July 1564, Duke of Styria
marriage: Maria von Bayern , Вена, Священное Римское царство
death: 10 July 1590, Graz
Joanna of Austria
birth: 24 January 1547, Prague
title: 18 December 1565
marriage: Francesco de' Medici , Florence
title: 21 April 1574, Florence (Italy), Grande-Duchesse de Toscane
death: 10 April 1578, Florence (Italy)
Maximilian II Habsburg
birth: 1 August 1527
marriage: Maria of Spain
title: 20 September 1562, King of Bohemia
title: 8 September 1563, King of Hungary
title: from 1564 - 1576, Römisch-deutscher Kaiser
title: 25 July 1564, Archduke of Austria
death: 12 October 1576
Maria of Habsburg
birth: 15 May 1531
title: 18 July 1546
marriage: Wilhelm of Jülich-Cleves-Burg
death: 11 December 1581, Düsseldorf
Eleonore von Österreich
birth: 2 November 1534, Wien, Österreich
title: 26 April 1561, Mantua, Lombardei, Italien
marriage: Guillaume de Mantoue de Gonzague , Mantua
title: 1574, Duchesse de Montferrat
death: 5 August 1594, Mantua
Elisabeth von Österreich
birth: 9 July 1526, Linz
title: 5 May 1543, Vilnius
marriage: Сигизмунд II Август Ягеллон
title: 1544, Grande-Duchesse de Lituanie
death: 15 June 1545, Vilnius
Catherine d'Autriche
birth: 15 September 1533, Vienne (Autriche)
title: 22 October 1549, Mantoue, Duchesse de Mantoue et Marquise de Montferrat
marriage: Francesco de Gonzague (Franesco III de Gonzague, Francesco Ier de Montferrat) , Mantoue
marriage: Сигизмунд II Август Ягеллон , Cracovie
title: 31 July 1553, Cracovie, Reine de Pologne et Grande-Duchesse de Lituanie
death: 28 February 1572, Linz
Barbara von Österreich
birth: 30 April 1539, Innsbruck
marriage: Альфонсо II д’Эсте
title: 5 December 1565, Ferrara, Duchesse de Ferrare, de Modène et de Reggio
death: 19 September 1572, Ferrara
Magdalena d'Autriche
birth: 1532
death: 1590
Margarethe d'Autriche
birth: 1536
death: 1594
Johann d'Autriche
birth: 1538
death: 1539
Ursula d'Autriche
birth: 1541
death: 1543
Elena d'Autriche
birth: 1543
death: 1574
Anne Catherine Gonzaga
birth: 16 June 1566
title: 14 May 1582
marriage: Ferdinand II of Austria
death: 3 August 1621, Innsbruck
Ferdinand II of Austria
birth: 14 June 1529, Linz
title: 25 July 1564, Archduke of Further Austria
marriage: Anne Catherine Gonzaga
death: 24 January 1595
Philipine Welser
birth: 1527, Augsburg
death: 24 April 1580, Innsbruck, Tirol (Bundesland)
== 3 ==
Anna of Tyrol
birth: 4 October 1585, Innsbruck
marriage: Matthias Habsburg
title: 4 December 1611, Vienna (Austria), Queen of Hungary, Croatia and Bohemia and Archduchess of Austria
title: 26 June 1612, Frankfurt, Queen and Empress of the Holy Roman Empire
death: 15 December 1618, Vienna (Austria)
Andreas von Österreich
birth: 1558
death: 1600
Karl von Österreich
birth: 22 November 1560, Křivoklát, Böhmen, Burg Křivoklát (Pürglitz)
death: 30 October 1618, Überlingen
Maria von Österreich
birth: 1562
birth: 1563
Phillip von Österreich
birth: 1562
death: 1563
== 3 ==

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