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Еберхард з Бергу d. 1152

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Lineage З Бергу
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Еберхард з Бергу

Adelheid van Kleef (Lauffen) [Клевские] b. estimated 1075

Adolf I van Berg [Berg] b. about 1045 d. estimated 31 July 1106


1152 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Jutta/Guda/ von Zutphen vоn Bettuwe vоn Kleef
birth: from 1047 - 1062
marriage count: 2nd wife of Ludwig/a relative of his first wife/
marriage: Lodewijk I van Arnstein
death: 1118
Dietrich I ? (of Cleves)
birth: about 1055
title: before 1075, Comte héritier de Clèves
title: after 1076, Comte de Clèves
death: 1119
Arnold I, of Cleves
birth: about 1100
title: 1119, Comte de Clèves
marriage: Ida van Louvain
death: 20 February 1147
Frederik I van Sommerschenburg
birth: estimated 1060
marriage: Adelheid van Kleef (Lauffen)
death: between 1120 and 1121, datum is 18 oktober
Adolf I van Berg
birth: about 1045
marriage: Adelheid van Kleef (Lauffen)
title: 1090, Comte de Hövel
title: 1093, Comte de Berg
death: estimated 31 July 1106
== 3 ==
Aleidis van Sommerschenburg
birth: estimated 1110
marriage: w Gozewijn II van Heinsberg
death: 10 March 1184
Adolf II van Berg
birth: about 1090
marriage: Adelheid de Arnsberg
marriage: Irmgard von Schwarzenburg-Spondheim
title: 31 July 1106, Comte de Berg
death: 12 October 1170
Bruno de Berg
death: 1137
== 3 ==

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