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Jutta/Guda/ von Zutphen vоn Bettuwe vоn Kleef b. from 1047 - 1062 d. 1118
From Rodovid EN
Lineage | Kleef |
Sex | Female |
Full name (at birth) | Jutta/Guda/ von Zutphen vоn Bettuwe vоn Kleef |
♂ w Rutger II van Kleef [Клевские] b. about 1016 d. before 1075 |
from 1047 - 1062 birth:
child birth: ♂ Anastasia von Arnstein [Arnstein]
child birth: ♀ Katharina von Arnstein [Arnstein]
marriage count: 2nd wife of Ludwig/a relative of his first wife/
marriage: ♂ Lodewijk I van Arnstein [Arnstein] b. about 1041 d. between 1074 and 1084
1118 death:
From grandparents to grandchildren

birth: about 995
marriage: ♂ Mieszko II Lambert
title: from 1025 - 1031, Польское королевство, польская королева
death: 21 March 1063
burial: Маргаритский монастырь в Кёльне, Святое Римское царство
marriage: ♂ Mieszko II Lambert
title: from 1025 - 1031, Польское королевство, польская королева
death: 21 March 1063
burial: Маргаритский монастырь в Кёльне, Святое Римское царство
♀ Ermentrud van Verdun
birth: estimated 950
marriage: ♂ Arnulf I van Rumigny
marriage: ♂ Arnulf I van Rumigny
death: after 1010, datum is 7 maart
marriage: ♂ Arnulf I van Rumigny
marriage: ♂ Arnulf I van Rumigny
death: after 1010, datum is 7 maart
♂ Arnulf II Flanders
birth: 961
marriage: ♀ Rosalie Lombard (d'Ivrea)
title: 962, Graf von Flandern, Mitregent
death: 30 March 987
marriage: ♀ Rosalie Lombard (d'Ivrea)
title: 962, Graf von Flandern, Mitregent
death: 30 March 987
== 3 ==
♂ Dietrich I ? (of Cleves)
birth: about 1055
title: before 1075, Comte héritier de Clèves
title: after 1076, Comte de Clèves
death: 1119
title: before 1075, Comte héritier de Clèves
title: after 1076, Comte de Clèves
death: 1119
♂ Lodewijk I van Arnstein
birth: about 1041
title: граф Einrichgau
marriage: ♀ Judith/Guda/ von Zutphen
marriage: ♀ Jutta/Guda/ von Zutphen vоn Bettuwe vоn Kleef
death: between 1074 and 1084
title: граф Einrichgau
marriage: ♀ Judith/Guda/ von Zutphen
marriage: ♀ Jutta/Guda/ von Zutphen vоn Bettuwe vоn Kleef
death: between 1074 and 1084
== 3 ==
♂ Dudo - Henry van Laurenburg (Lipporn)
birth: about 1060
marriage: ♂ Anastasia von Arnstein
title: from 1089 - 1117, граф фон Laurenburg
death: about 1123
marriage: ♂ Anastasia von Arnstein
title: from 1089 - 1117, граф фон Laurenburg
death: about 1123
♂ Rembold I von Isenburg
birth: about 1092
title: Graf Isenburg
title: Vogt Trier
marriage: ♀ Katharina von Arnstein
death: 1121
title: Graf Isenburg
title: Vogt Trier
marriage: ♀ Katharina von Arnstein
death: 1121