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Marguerite de Salins d. 1259

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Lineage Salins
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Marguerite de Salins

Mathilde I de Bourbon [Bourbon] b. 1165 d. 18 June 1228

w Gautier IV de Bourgogne [Bourgogne] b. 1160 d. 4 August 1219


1259 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Archambaud de Bourbon
birth: 29 June 1140
marriage: Alix de Bourgogne , 1
death: 26 July 1169
Hugues III de Bourgogne
birth: 1148
title: 27 June 1162, Duc de Bourgogne
marriage: Adelheid van Lotharingen
other: Adelheid van Lotharingen , Répudiation
marriage: Beatrix van Albon (Vienne) , St. Gilles en Languedoc
death: 25 August 1192, Tyr
Alix de Bourgogne
birth: 1146
title: 1164, dame de Bourbon par mariage
marriage: Archambaud de Bourbon , 1
other: 1208, abbesse de Fontevraud
death: 10 October 1209
Stephan Etienne II d'Auxonne
birth: 1130
marriage: Judith de Lorraine
death: 21 January 1173, Clairfontaine
Géraud Ier de Mâcon
birth: about 1120
title: Comte de Bourgogne
marriage: Maurette de Salins
death: 15 September 1180
Maurette de Salins
birth: about 1130
marriage: Géraud Ier de Mâcon
birth: after 1200
title: Dame de Salins
Guy II de Dampierre
birth: 1155
title: 1161, Seigneur de Dampierre
marriage: Mathilde I de Bourbon
death: 18 January 1216
Mathilde I de Bourbon
birth: 1165
title: 1171, Dame de Bourbon
marriage: w Gautier IV de Bourgogne
divorce: w Gautier IV de Bourgogne
marriage: Guy II de Dampierre
title: 9 September 1196, Dame de Dampierre
death: 18 June 1228
Ulrique de Mâcon
birth: about 1150
marriage: Étienne II de Villars
death: after 1175
== 3 ==
Wilhelm II. von Dampierre
birth: 1196
title: 18 September 1216, Connétable der Champagne
title: 1223, Herr (Seigneur) von Bourbon und von Montlucon
marriage: Margarete II von Flandern , City of Westminster
death: 3 September 1231
Archembaud Viii Bourbon
birth: 1189
marriage: Alix de Forez
other: Alix de Forez , Répudiation
title: 1216, Sire de Bourbon
marriage: Béatrice de Montluçon
death: 1242
== 3 ==

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