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Маrie de Bourbon b. 1428 d. 7 July 1448

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Lineage Bourbon
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Маrie de Bourbon

Charles I Bourbon [Bourbon] b. 1401 d. 4 December 1456

w Agnes of Burgundy [Valois-Burgundy] b. 1407 d. 1 December 1476



1428 birth:

child birth: Jean de Lorraine [Valois-Anjou] d. August 1471

1444 marriage: Jean II Rene of Anjou [Valois-Anjou] b. 1425 d. December 1470

1444 title: Duchesse de Calabre et Marquise de Pont-à-Mousson

1445 child birth: Isabelle de Lorraine [Valois-Anjou] b. 1445 d. 1445

1446 child birth: René de Lorraine [Valois-Anjou] b. 1446 d. 1446

1447 child birth: Marie de Lorraine [Valois-Anjou] b. 1447 d. 1447

July 1448 child birth: Nancy (54), Nicholas Jean d'Anjou [Valois-Anjou] b. July 1448 d. 27 July 1473

7 July 1448 death: Nancy (54)


  1. Henry Bogdan, La Lorraine des ducs, sept siècles d'histoire, Perrin, 2005 -

From grandparents to grandchildren

Catherine de Bourbon
birth: 1378
death: 1378
Isabelle de Bourbon
birth: 1384
death: 1452
Людовик де Бурбон
birth: 1388
title: сеньор де Божё
death: 1404
Louis de Beaujeu
birth: 1388
death: 1404
Jean I Bourbon
birth: March 1380, Bourbon-Lancy, France
title: comte de Clermont
title: comte de Forez
marriage: Marie Berry (Valois) , Paris
title: 10 August 1410, Montluçon, Duc de Bourbon et Comte de Clermont et de Forez
death: 5 February 1434, London, England
Bonne of Berry
birth: 1365
marriage: w Amadeus VII of Savoy
title: 18 June 1377
title: 1 March 1383, Naples, Comtesse de Savoie
marriage: Bernard VII d'Armagnac
title: 1393, Mehun-sur-Yèvre, Comtesse d'Armagnac, de Rodez, de Fézensac et de Charolais
title: 1402, Comtesse de Pardiac et Vicomtesse de Carlat
death: 30 December 1435, Carlat
Jean de Montpensier
birth: 1363
title: 1386, Montpensier (63), comte de Montpensier
marriage: Catherine de France , Saint-Ouen (93)
marriage: w Anne de Bourbon
death: 1401
Charles de Montpensier
birth: 1362
death: 1382
Louis de Berry
birth: 1364
death: 1383
Philippe d'Eu
birth: 1358
title: 1387, Eu (76), comte d'Eu
marriage: Marie Berry (Valois) , Paris
death: 16 June 1397, Mihalıççık
Людовик IV де Шатильон
title: 1386, граф де Дюнуа
title: 1386, comte de Dionia
marriage: Marie Berry (Valois) , Bourges, France
death: 15 July 1391
Marie Berry (Valois)
birth: 1370, France
marriage: Людовик IV де Шатильон , Bourges, France
title: 29 March 1386, Bourges, Gräfin von Chatodonia und Dionia
title: 29 March 1386, comtesse de Dionia
title: 27 January 1393, Lyon (France)
marriage: Philippe d'Eu , Paris
marriage: Jean I Bourbon , Paris
title: 24 June 1400, Paris, Gräfin von Clermont
title: 10 August 1410, Montluçon, Herzogin von Bourbon und Gräfin von Forez
title: 10 August 1410, comtesse de Forez
death: June 1434, Lyon (France)
Philip II of Nevers
birth: October 1389, Villaines-en-Duesmois
title: from 1405 - 1415, Count of Nevers
title: from 1407 - 1415, Count of Rethel
marriage: Isabelle de Coucy , Soissons
marriage: Bona d'Artois , Hénin-Beaumont
death: 25 October 1415, Agincourt
Marie de Bourgogne
birth: 1380
marriage: Amadeus VIII of Savoy
death: 8 October 1422
Antoine de Bourgogne
birth: August 1384
title: 1393, Comte de Rethel
marriage: Jeanne de Luxembourg-Ligny , Arras (62)
title: 1 November 1406, Stadt Brüssel, Duc de Brabant et de Limbourg
marriage: w Élisabeth de Goerlitz , Stadt Brüssel
death: 25 October 1415, Azincourt
Marguerite de Bourgogne
birth: 16 October 1374, Montbard
title: 12 April 1385, Cambrai, Princesse de Bavière
marriage: Wilhelm VI van Holland en Zeeland (Willem IV Graaf van Henegouwen) , Cambrai (59)
title: 13 December 1404, München, Duchesse de Bavière-Straubing
death: 8 March 1441, Le Quesnoy
Katharina von Burgund
birth: April 1378, Montbard
title: 15 August 1392, Wien, Herzogin von Österreich, Steiermark und Kärnten
marriage: Leopold d'Autriche (Leopold IV) , Vienne (Autriche)
death: 26 January 1425, Wien
Бонна Бургундская
birth: 1379
death: 1399
John of Burgundy
birth: 28 May 1371
title: 1384, Count of Nevers
marriage: Margaret of Bavaria , Cambrai
title: 27 April 1404, Duke of Burgundy
title: 26 August 1405, Count of Artois
death: 10 September 1419
Wilhelm VI van Holland en Zeeland (Willem IV Graaf van Henegouwen)
birth: 5 April 1365, Den Haag, Niederlande
marriage: Marguerite de Bourgogne , Cambrai (59)
title: 13 December 1404, Herzog von Straubing-Holland
death: 30 May 1417, Bouchain, Hauts-de-France, Frankreich, Hundebiss
Иоганна София Баварская
birth: 1373, Мюнхен, Бавария
marriage: Albert IV of Austria , Vienna (Austria)
title: 24 April 1390, Вена, Эрцгерцогиня Австрии
title: 29 August 1395, Вена, герцогиня д'Отриш
death: 28 July 1410, Вена
Johanna von Bayern
birth: 1362, Den Haag
marriage: Wenceslaus King of the Romans
title: 2 October 1373, Electrice und Gräfin von Brandenburg
title: 10 June 1376, Aachen, Königin der Römer
title: 29 November 1378, Prag, Königin der Römer
title: 1383, Herzogin von Luxemburg
death: 31 December 1386, Prag
Margaret of Bavaria
birth: 1363
title: 11 April 1385, Dijon
marriage: John of Burgundy , Cambrai
title: 27 April 1404, Duchesse de Bourgogne, Halle
title: 26 August 1405, Paris, Comtesse de Flandre, d'Artois et de Bourgogne
death: 23 January 1423, Dijon
Bona d'Artois
birth: 1396
title: 20 June 1413
marriage: Philip II of Nevers , Hénin-Beaumont
marriage: Philip III of Burgundy , Moulins (03)
title: 30 November 1424, Moulins (03), Duchesse de Bourgogne et Comtesse de Flandre, d'Artois et de Bourgogne
death: 17 September 1425
Louis de Bourbon-Montpensier (Louis Ier)
birth: 1406
title: 8 December 1428, dauphin d'Auvergne
marriage: Jeanne Dauphin d'Auvergne
title: 1434, Montpensier (63), comte de Montpensier
marriage: Gabrielle de La Tour
death: February 1486, Rome
Charles d'Eu
birth: 1394
title: 16 June 1397, Eu (76), comte d'Eu
engagement: Marie de Vienne
marriage: Jeanne de Saveuse
marriage: Hélène de Melun
death: 25 July 1472
burial: Eu (76), église abbatiale d'Eu
Louis de Bourbon
birth: 1403
title: from - 1412, граф де Форе
death: 1412
Jean de Forez
birth: 23 December 1406,
death: 1412
Philippe d'Eu
birth: 1395
death: 1397
Isabelle de Bourbon
birth: 1402
death: 1419, Villefranche-sur-Saône (69)
Charles I Bourbon
birth: 1401, Bourbon-l'Archambault, France
title: duc d'Auvergne
marriage: w Agnes of Burgundy , Autun
title: 5 February 1434, Londres, Duc de Bourbon et d'Auvergne
death: 4 December 1456, Moulins (Allier), France, Château De Moulins
Philip III of Burgundy
birth: 30 June 1396
marriage: w Michelle de Valois , Paris
title: 10 September 1419, Count of Charolais
marriage: Bona d'Artois , Moulins (03)
title: 1430, Ritter des Ordens vom Goldenen Vlies
marriage: Isabel of Portugal , Bruges (Belgium)
title: 4 August 1430, Count of Artois
title: 8 October 1436, Count Palatine of Burgundy
title: 1444, Count of Flanders
death: 15 June 1467
Mary of Burgundy
birth: 1394
marriage: Adolph I of Cleves
title: 1406, Comtesse de La Marck et de Clèves
title: 1417, Duchesse de Clèves
death: 30 October 1463, Kalkar, Burg Monterberg
Catherine de Bourgogne
birth: 1400
death: 1414
Маrguerite de Bourgogne
birth: 1393
death: 2 February 1442
Isabelle de Bourgogne
birth: 1403
death: 1412
Jeanne de Bourgogne
birth: 1401
death: 1412
Anne de Bourgogne
birth: September 1404
marriage: John Lancaster (Duke of Bedford) , Troyes (Aube)
title: 14 June 1423, Troyes (10), Duchesse de Bedford
death: 14 November 1432, Rouen (76)
David von Burgund
birth: 1427, Utrecht, oder, Arras
title: from 1456 - 1496, Utrecht, Bischof von Utrecht
death: 16 April 1496, Wijk bij Duurstede
Agnes of Burgundy
birth: 1407
marriage: Charles I Bourbon , Autun
title: 17 September 1425, Autun (71), Comtesse de Clermont
title: 5 February 1434, London, Duchesse de Bourbon et d'Auvergne
death: 1 December 1476
== 3 ==
Pierre de Beaujeu
birth: 1 December 1438, Moulins (Allier)
title: estimated 1455, duc de Bourbon
title: estimated 1455, duc d'Auvergne
title: estimated 1455, Clermont (Oise), comte de Clermont
title: estimated 1455, Feurs, comte de Forez
title: estimated 1455, Trévoux, prince de Dombes
title: estimated 1455, Carlat, vicomte de Carlat
title: estimated 1455, Murat (Cantal), vicomte de Murat
title: estimated 1455, Roanne, baron de Roannais
title: 4 December 1456, Moulins (Allier), Sire de Beaujeu
title: 1472, Comte de La Marche et Vicomte de Carlat et de Murat
marriage: Anne de Valois , Montrichard
title: 13 September 1488, Lyon (France), Duc de Bourbon, d'Auvergne, Comte de Forez, de Clermont et Prince de Dombes
death: 10 October 1503, Moulins (Allier)
Louis de Bourbon-Roussillon
birth: 1447
title: from 1466 - 1487, amiral de France
death: between 1487 and 1489
Isabella of Bourbon
birth: 1437
marriage: Charles Martin of Burgundy
title: 30 October 1454, Lille (59), Comtesse de Charolais
death: 25 September 1465
Jean de Bourbon (Jean II)
birth: 1426
title: duc d'Auvergne
title: 5 February 1434, Clermont (60), comte de Clermont
marriage: Jeanne de France , Moulins (03)
title: 1 December 1476, duc de Bourbon
marriage: Catherine de Pardiac , Saint-Cloud (92)
marriage: w Jeanne de Bourbon-Vendôme
death: 1 April 1488, Moulins (03)
Marguerite de Bourbon
birth: 1447, Moulins (Allier)
marriage: Philip II of Savoy
death: 24 April 1483, Pont-d'Ain (01)
Philippe de Beaujeu
birth: 11 February 1429, Moulins (Allier)
death: January 1453, Lille
Charles de Bourbon (Charles II)
birth: 1433, Moulins (03)
title: duc d'Auvergne
title: 6 June 1444, Lyon (69), Archevêque de Lyon
title: 18 December 1476, Rome, Cardinal
title: 1 April 1488, Moulins (03), duc de Bourbon
death: 13 September 1488, Lyon (69)
Людовик де Бурбон
birth: 1438
title: 7 April 1455, князь-епископ Льежа
death: 30 August 1482
Catherine de Bourbon
birth: 1441
marriage: Adolf von Egmond , Bruxelles
death: 21 September 1469, Tournai
Jeanne de Bourbon
birth: 1443
marriage: Жан IV де Шалон
death: 10 July 1493, Lons-le-Saunier (39)
Jacques de Bourbon
birth: 1445
death: 22 May 1468, Bruges (Belgique)
Jean II Rene of Anjou
birth: 1425
title: 1435, Duc de Calabre
marriage: Маrie de Bourbon
title: 1444, Marquis de Pont-à-Mousson
title: 28 February 1453, Angers, Duc de Lorraine
death: December 1470
Маrie de Bourbon
birth: 1428
marriage: Jean II Rene of Anjou
title: 1444, Duchesse de Calabre et Marquise de Pont-à-Mousson
death: 7 July 1448, Nancy (54)
== 3 ==
Nicholas Jean d'Anjou
birth: July 1448, Nancy (54)
title: December 1470, Barcelone, Duc de Lorraine et Marquis de Pont-à-Mousson
death: 27 July 1473
René de Lorraine
birth: 1446
death: 1446
Jean de Lorraine
death: August 1471
Isabelle de Lorraine
birth: 1445
death: 1445
Marie de Lorraine
birth: 1447
death: 1447

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