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Jeanne de Luxembourg-Ligny d. 12 August 1407

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Lineage Luxembourg-Ligny
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Jeanne de Luxembourg-Ligny

Валеран III де Люксембург-Линьи [Люксембург-Линьи] b. 1355 d. 22 April 1415


21 February 1402 marriage: Arras (62), Antoine de Bourgogne [Valois-Brabant] b. August 1384 d. 25 October 1415

21 February 1402 title: Arras (62), Comtesse de Rethel

11 June 1403 child birth: Arras (62), Jean de Brabant (Jean IV) [Valois-Brabant] b. 11 June 1403 d. 17 April 1427

25 July 1404 child birth: Stadt Brüssel, Philippe de Brabant [Valois-Brabant] b. 25 July 1404 d. 4 August 1430

12 August 1407 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Валеран III де Люксембург-Линьи
birth: 1355
title: from 1371 - 22 April 1415, граф де Сен-Поль
title: from 1371 - 22 April 1415, граф Линьи, 2-й
title: from 1371 - 22 April 1415, шателен де Лилль
title: from 1371 - 22 April 1415, сеньор де Русси
title: from 1371 - 22 April 1415, сеньор де Фиенн
title: from 1371 - 22 April 1415, сеньор де Боэн
title: from 1371 - 22 April 1415, сеньор де Боревуар
title: from 1411 - 1413, коннетабль Франции
death: 22 April 1415
== 2 ==
Antoine de Bourgogne
birth: August 1384
title: 1393, Comte de Rethel
marriage: Jeanne de Luxembourg-Ligny , Arras (62)
title: 1 November 1406, Stadt Brüssel, Duc de Brabant et de Limbourg
marriage: w Élisabeth de Goerlitz , Stadt Brüssel
death: 25 October 1415, Azincourt
Jeanne de Luxembourg-Ligny
marriage: Antoine de Bourgogne , Arras (62)
title: 21 February 1402, Arras (62), Comtesse de Rethel
death: 12 August 1407
== 2 ==
Guillaume de Brabant
birth: 2 June 1410
death: 10 July 1410
Ψ Ne de Brabant
birth: 1412
death: 1412
Philippe de Brabant
birth: 25 July 1404, Stadt Brüssel
title: 25 October 1415, Azincourt, Comte de Saint-Pol et de Ligny
title: 17 April 1427, Stadt Brüssel, Duc de Brabant et de Limbourg
death: 4 August 1430, Louvain-la-Neuve
Jacqueline de Hainaut (de Bavière)
birth: 15 July 1401, Le Quesnoy (59)
marriage: Jean de Touraine , Compiègne (60)
title: 10 March 1418, La Haye, Duchesse de Brabant et de Limbourg
marriage: Jean de Brabant (Jean IV) , Den Haag
marriage: Humphrey de Lancastre (de Gloucester)
divorce: Jean de Brabant (Jean IV)
title: 7 March 1422, Londres, Comtesse de Gloucester
divorce: Humphrey de Lancastre (de Gloucester)
death: 9 October 1436, Teylingen
Jean de Brabant (Jean IV)
birth: 11 June 1403, Arras (62)
title: 24 October 1415, Azincourt (62), Duc de Brabant et de Limbourg
marriage: Jacqueline de Hainaut (de Bavière) , Den Haag
divorce: Jacqueline de Hainaut (de Bavière)
death: 17 April 1427, Bruxelles

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