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Johanna von Toulouse b. 1220 d. 20 August 1271

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Lineage Toulouse
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Johanna von Toulouse

Анна-Санча Арагонская [Барселонские] b. 1186 d. 1242

w Raymond VII von Toulouse [Toulouse] b. July 1197

Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Johanna (Toulouse)


1220 birth:

1241 marriage: Alphonse de Poitiers [Capétien] b. 11 November 1220 d. 21 August 1271

1241 title: Comtesse de Poitiers

1249 title: Comtesse de Toulouse

20 August 1271 death: Корнето, близ Сиены

burial: Нотр-Дам де Жерси, Бри

From grandparents to grandchildren

Dulce de Barcelona
birth: 1159
marriage: Sancho I of Portugal ("the Popular")
death: 1 September 1198, Coimbra
Pedro d'Aragon
birth: 1152
death: 1158
Pedro de Barcelone
birth: 1158
death: 5 April 1181
Sanche d'Aragon
birth: 1161
title: 1168, Comte de Cerdagne
title: 1181, Comte de Provence
marriage: Ermesenda de Rocaberti
marriage: Sancha Nunez de Lara
title: 1209, Comte de Roussillon
death: 1223
Raymond Alfonso II de Aragón
birth: between 1 March 1157 and 25 March 1157, Barcelona
title: Comte de Barcelone
title: Comte de Roussillon
marriage: 30 January 1160
title: 18 July 1164, Rey de Aragón.
title: 1166, Conde de Barcelona.
marriage: Sancha de Castilla , Zaragoza
death: 25 April 1196, Perpignan
Ferdinand II von León
birth: 1137, Toledo
title: from 1157 - 21 January 1188, король Леона
marriage: w Urraca of Portugal
annulment: w Urraca of Portugal , Mariage annulé par le pape Alexandre III
marriage: Teresa Fernandez de Trava
marriage: Urraca Lopez de Haro
death: 22 January 1188, Benavente
Sancha van Leon
birth: 1140
marriage: Sancho VI von Navarra , Carrión de los Condes, Spanien
title: 2 June 1153, Reina Consorte de Navarra.
death: 5 August 1179
Constance van Castilie
birth: 1140
other: January 1154
marriage: Людовик VII Молодой Капетинг
title: January 1154, Reine de France
death: 4 October 1160, St Denis
Sancho III van Castilie
birth: 1133
marriage: Sancha van Navarra , Calahorra de Boedo
title: 1157, Rey de Castilla.
death: 31 August 1158, Toledo
Sancha de Castilla
birth: 21 September 1154, Toledo (Spain)
title: 18 January 1174, Infanta de Castilla.
marriage: Raymond Alfonso II de Aragón , Zaragoza
death: November 1208, Villanueva de Sigena, Spain, Monastery of Sijenna
Geoffrey Plantagenet
birth: 23 September 1158
marriage: Constance de Bretagne
death: 19 August 1186
John Plantagenet ("Lackland")
birth: 24 December 1166, Oxford (England)
marriage: w Isabelle de Gloucester , Marlborough (Wiltshire)
marriage: Agatha de Ferrers
annulment: w Isabelle de Gloucester
title: from 6 April 1199 - 19 October 1216, King of England
other: 27 May 1199, Count of Maine
title: from September 1199 - 1216, Chinon, Count of Mortain
marriage: Isabelle Taillefer (van Angouleme)
death: 18 October 1216, Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, England, Newark Castle
Матильда Английская
birth: about August 1156, Виндзор (Беркшир), Виндзорский замок
adoption: Braunschweiger Dom, Braunschweig
engagement: Heinrich "the Lion" von Bayern
marriage: Heinrich "the Lion" von Bayern , Minden (North Rhine-Westphalia), cathedral
death: 28 June 1189, Брауншвейг, Саксонское герцогство, Виндзорский замок
William Plantagenet
birth: 17 August 1153
death: December 1156
Marie of France (de Champagne)
birth: 1145
marriage: w Henry I (Henri) ? (The Liberal)
title: 1164, Регент графства Шампань
death: 11 March 1198
burial: Meaux, cathédrale Saint-Étienne
Richard I Plantagenet "Lionheart"
birth: 8 September 1157, Oxford (England)
title: seigneur d'Irlande
title: duc de Normandie
title: from 1172 - 1196, Herzog von Aquitanien
marriage bann: Gisela
title: 1183, Comte du Maine
title: from 6 July 1189 - 6 April 1199, King of England
other: from 3 September 1189 - 6 April 1199, Duke of Normandy
marriage: Berengaria von Navarra , Limassol, Cyprus
title: from 1198 - 1199, Comte de Poitiers et Duc d'Aquitaine
death: 6 April 1199
burial: Fontevraud-l'Abbaye, Abbaye Notre-Dame de Fontevraud
Alienor d'Angleterre
birth: September 1161, Domfront (61)
marriage: Alfonso VIII of Castilla , Burgos
title: 1 September 1177, Burgos, Reine de Castille et de Tolède
death: October 1214, Burgos
William Longespée, 3rd Earl of Salisbury Longespée
birth: about 1176
marriage: Ela of Salisbury, 3rd Countess of Salisbury
title: 1198, Earl of Salisbury, 3rd
death: 7 March 1226
Henry Plantagenet
birth: 28 February 1155, Londres
marriage: Margarita de Francia , Le Neubourg
title: 14 June 1170, Londres, Roi d'Angleterre et Seigneur d'Irlande
other: 14 July 1170, Londres, Sacre
death: 11 June 1183, Martel (Lot)
Джеффрі Плантагенет
birth: about 1151, Англійське князівство
title: 1171, Англійське князівство, archidiacre de Lincoln
caste: 1175, Англійське князівство, évêque élu de Lincoln
title: 1181, Англійське князівство, Lord Chancelier d'Angleterre
caste: 1189, Англійське князівство, archevêque d'York
death: 12 December 1212, Англійське князівство, Monastère de l'Ordre de Grandmont, près de Rouen (???).
William (Guillaume) II "the Good" de Hauteville (of Sicily)
birth: 1153
title: from 7 May 1166 - 18 November 1189, King of Sicily
marriage: Joan Plantagenet
death: 18 November 1189, Palermo
Бодуэн Тулузский
birth: 1165
title: vicomte de Bruniquel
marriage: Алиса де Лотрек
death: 12 March 1214, казнён по приказу Раймунда VI за попытку захвата престола Тулузы
Taillefer de Toulouse
birth: 1157
death: 1183
Adélaïde de Toulouse
death: after August 1199
Эрмессинда Пеле
title: from 1170 -, графиня де Мельгёй
marriage: Раймунд VI Старшина Тулузький
death: 1176
Раймунд VI Старшина Тулузький
birth: 27 October 1156, Старшинство Тулузьке, Священне Царство Римське
marriage: Эрмессинда Пеле
marriage: Beatrix von Béziers
divorce: Beatrix von Béziers
marriage: Бургонь де Лузиньян
title: 1194, Старшинство Тулузьке, Священне Царство Римське, Старшина
divorce filed: Бургонь де Лузиньян
divorce: Бургонь де Лузиньян
marriage: Joan Plantagenet
marriage: "Діва Кіпру" Комнина
divorce: "Діва Кіпру" Комнина
marriage: Элеонора Арагонская
death: 2 August 1222, Старшинство Тулузьке, Священне Царство Римське
Pedro II de Aragón
birth: between 1174 and 1176
title: 25 April 1195, Rey de Aragón.
other: 1204, Conde de Barcelona.
marriage: Marie de Montpellier
title: 15 June 1204, Señor de Montpellier.
death: 12 September 1213, Muret
Konstanze von Aragón
birth: 1184
title: from 1196 - 1204, Königin von Ungarn
marriage: w Emmerich
title: from 1209 - 1222, королева-консорт Сицилии
marriage: Frederick II Roger Hohenstaufen
title: from 9 December 1212 - 23 April 1222, römisch-deutsche Königin
title: from 22 November 1220 - 23 June 1222, römisch-deutsche Kaiserin
death: 23 June 1222, Catania
Alphonso III de Aragon
birth: 1180, Huesca, Aragon, Spain
birth: from 1195 - 1209, comte de Provence
death: February, Palermo, Sicily
Richard de Toulouse
birth: after 1198
death: 1199
Bertrand Ier
birth: about 1198
title: первый виконт Брюникеля
death: between October 1249 and November 1249
Guillemette de Toulouse
title: дама де Монлор и де Сен-Жори
Raymonde de Toulouse
occupation: монахиня в Леспинассе
== 3 ==
Alphonse de Poitiers
birth: 11 November 1220, Poissy (78)
title: 11 November 1220, Poissy (78), comte de Poitiers
marriage: Johanna von Toulouse
title: 1249, comte de Toulouse
death: 21 August 1271, Italie
Johanna von Toulouse
birth: 1220
marriage: Alphonse de Poitiers
title: 1241, Comtesse de Poitiers
title: 1249, Comtesse de Toulouse
death: 20 August 1271, Корнето, близ Сиены
burial: Нотр-Дам де Жерси, Бри
== 3 ==

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