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Advisa (Hadewig) Capet (de Auxerre) b. 1003 d. after 1063

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Lineage Capet
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Advisa (Hadewig) Capet
Other last names de Auxerre

Robert II Capet [Capet] b. about 972 d. 20 July 1031

Constance d’Arles [Provence] b. about 986 d. 25 July 1032



1003 birth:

25 January 1016 marriage: Renaud I de Nevers [Nevers] b. before 1000 d. 29 May 1040

about 1023 child birth: w Robert I de Craon [Monceaux] b. about 1023 d. 1098

1028 title: comtesse d'Auxerre

1030 child birth: William de Nevers [Nevers] b. 1030 d. after 1083

1031 title: Comtesse d'Auxerre

after 1063 death:

[edit] Sources

  1. - Biographie de Robert II le Pieux Wikipédia

From grandparents to grandchildren

Beatrix Capet
birth: about 938
marriage license: w Friedrich I von Oberlothringen
marriage: w Friedrich I von Oberlothringen
death: 23 September 1003, datum is 19 januari
Emma Capet
birth: about 943
children count: pas de descendance
marriage: Richard I of Normandy ("The Fearless")
death: 18 March 968
Otão de França
birth: about 945
marriage: Lietgarde de Chalon
death: 23 February 965
birth: estimated 935
title: January 971, Évêque d'Auxerre
death: 23 August 996, Toucy (89)
Hugh Capet
birth: between 939 and 941, Paris, France
title: from 16 June 956 - 24 October 996, Count of París, Poitou, Orléans u.a.
title: 960, Duke of France (lat.: dux Francorum)
marriage: Adélaïde de Poitiers
title: June 987, Senlis (Oise), King of France
title: July 987, Laienabt von Saint-Martin de Tours, Saint-Germain d'Auxerre, Saint-Aignan in Orléans, Saint-Quentin, Saint-Vaast usw.
other: 3 July 987, sacre
death: 24 October 996, Paris, France
burial: Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), Basilica of St Denis
William IV of Aquitaine
birth: Poitiers (86), comte de Poitiers
birth: 937
title: Poitiers (86), duc d'Aquitaine
marriage: Emma du Blois
death: 3 February 995
burial: Poitiers (86), l'Abbaye de Saint Maixent
Adélaïde de Poitiers
birth: about 945
marriage: Hugh Capet
title: 968, Duchesse des Francs
title: 987
death: after 1004, datum is 16 april
Ротбальд Провансский
birth: Прованс, Святое Римское царство
marriage: Emildis de Gévaudan
Guillaume II de Provence
birth: about 956
marriage: Adelaide of Anjou
death: 993
burial: Сарриан, монастырская церковь Святого Креста
Geoffrey I (Guerric) Gisgonelle
birth: 938, Anjou, França
marriage: Adelais
title: 960, Comte d'Anjou
marriage: Adelaide de Chalones
caste: 978, Sénéchal de France
title: 979, comte de Chalon
death: 21 July 987, Marçon, France, He died in battle
Louis V of France
birth: 967
marriage: Adelaide of Anjou
divorce: Adelaide of Anjou
title: 2 March 986, France, King of France
death: 21 May 987
Raymond IV of Gothia (Toulouse)
birth: about 950
death: about 975, Garazo
marriage: Adelaide of Anjou , Second marriage of Adelaide
Adelaide of Anjou
birth: 947
marriage: Étienne de Gévaudan
marriage: Raymond IV of Gothia (Toulouse) , Second marriage of Adelaide
title: 975, Comtesse de Toulouse
marriage: Louis V of France
title: 982, Princesse des Francs
marriage: Guillaume II de Provence
title: 984, Marquise de la Provence Arlésienne et Comtesse de Provence et d'Avignon
divorce: Louis V of France
title: 991, Princesse de Provence
death: 1026
burial: Arles, Montmajour Abbey
Edith Capet (Gennegau, Hainaut, Dagsburg)
birth: about 974
marriage: Hugo Iii. von Dachsburg
marriage: Regnier IV de Hainault
title: 996, Princess
title: 998, Comtesse de Mons
death: after 1013
Gisela Capet (of France)
birth: about 969
title: Abbeville/Somme, Hauts-de-France, Dame von Abbeville
death: about 1000
Adelaide Capet
birth: about 973
death: 1068
Rosalie Lombard (d'Ivrea)
birth: estimated 950, Italy
marriage: Arnulf II Flanders
marriage: Robert II Capet
other: Robert II Capet , Répudiation
death: 7 February 1003, Compiègne, France
burial: Ghent (Belgium)
Bertha Bourgogne
birth: 964
title: 978
title: 997, Reine de France
marriage: Odo I de Blois
marriage: Robert II Capet
other: Robert II Capet , Séparation
death: 16 January 1010
Robert II Capet
birth: about 972, Orléans, France
title: from 25 December 987 - 24 October 996, Co-roi des Francs
marriage: Rosalie Lombard (d'Ivrea)
title: from 24 October 996 - 20 July 1031, Roi des Francs
other: Rosalie Lombard (d'Ivrea) , Répudiation
marriage: Bertha Bourgogne
other: Bertha Bourgogne , Séparation
marriage: Constance d’Arles
death: 20 July 1031, Melun, France
burial: Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), Basilica of St Denis
Guillaume III Provence
birth: 982
title: Comte de Provence
marriage: Geberga Mâcon
death: 1018
William III of Toulouse
birth: before 969
marriage: Arsende
title: between 978 and September 1037, Count of Toulouse
marriage: Эмма de Provence
death: after 14 September 1037
burial: Toulouse, Saint-Sernin
Constance d’Arles
birth: about 986, Arles, France
marriage: Robert II Capet
title: 1003, Reine de France
death: 25 July 1032, Melun, France
burial: Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), Basilica of St Denis
== 3 ==
Roberto I "El Viejo" de Borgoña
birth: about 1011
title: from 1032 - 1076, Duque de Borgoña
marriage: Helena (Ella) de Semur
title: from 1040 - 1060, Comte d'Auxerre
marriage: Ermengarde d'Anjou
title: 1070, Comte de Charolais et de Langres
death: 21 March 1076, Fleurey-sur-Ouche (21)
Henry I Capet
birth: 4 May 1008
other: 14 May 1027, Reims, Sacre
title: from 10 July 1031 - 4 August 1060, Melun, Roi de France
marriage: Матильда з Фризії
marriage: Anna Yaroslavna Rurikid , Reims
death: 4 August 1060, Vitry-aux-Loges
Adele Capet (of France)
birth: 1009
title: 1027, Messina
marriage: Richard III Norman
marriage: Baldwin V The Pious (of Flanders) , Paris
title: 1028, Comtesse héritière de Flandre
title: 30 May 1035, Ghent (Belgium), Comtesse de Flandre et de Hainaut
death: 8 January 1079, Messina
Doodgeboren Capet
birth: 999
death: 999
Hugues de France
birth: 1007
death: 17 September 1025
Eudes de France
birth: about 1013
physical description: considéré comme « imbécile »
death: between 1057 and 1059
Renaud I de Nevers
birth: before 1000
marriage: Advisa (Hadewig) Capet (de Auxerre)
title: from 11 May 1028 - 29 May 1040, Graf von Nevers
title: from 11 May 1031 - 29 May 1040, Graf von Auxerre
death: 29 May 1040
Advisa (Hadewig) Capet (de Auxerre)
birth: 1003
marriage: Renaud I de Nevers
title: 1028, comtesse d'Auxerre
title: 1031, Comtesse d'Auxerre
death: after 1063
== 3 ==
William de Nevers
birth: 1030
title: 1040, Graf von Auxerre
title: 1040, Graf von Nevers
title: 1045, Graf von Tonnerre
marriage: Ermengarde Tonnerre
death: after 1083
Robert I de Craon
birth: about 1023
marriage: Avoise von Sablé
death: 1098
William Tonnerre
birth: 1052
death: 1090
Renaud FitzWilliam (Nevers)
birth: 1055, Правительство Франків
title: between 1079 and 1083, Правительство Франків, Граф Неверський
title: 1079, Правительство Франків, Graf von Auxerre
title: 1079, Правительство Франків, Graf von Tonnerre
death: 5 August 1089, Правительство Франків
Renaud I de Craon
death: December 1101

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