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Renaud I de Craon d. December 1101

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Lineage Craon
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Renaud I de Craon

w Robert I de Craon [Monceaux] b. about 1023 d. 1098

Avoise von Sablé [Sablé]

Wiki-page wikipedia:fr:Renaud Ier de Craon


child birth: w Robert de Craon [Craon] d. 13 January 1147

child birth: Maurice I de Craon [Craon]

December 1101 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Renaud I de Nevers
birth: before 1000
marriage: Advisa (Hadewig) Capet (de Auxerre)
title: from 11 May 1028 - 29 May 1040, Graf von Nevers
title: from 11 May 1031 - 29 May 1040, Graf von Auxerre
death: 29 May 1040
Roberto I "El Viejo" de Borgoña
birth: about 1011
title: from 1032 - 1076, Duque de Borgoña
marriage: Helena (Ella) de Semur
title: from 1040 - 1060, Comte d'Auxerre
marriage: Ermengarde d'Anjou
title: 1070, Comte de Charolais et de Langres
death: 21 March 1076, Fleurey-sur-Ouche (21)
Henry I Capet
birth: 4 May 1008
other: 14 May 1027, Reims, Sacre
title: from 10 July 1031 - 4 August 1060, Melun, Roi de France
marriage: Матильда з Фризії
marriage: Anna Yaroslavna Rurikid , Reims
death: 4 August 1060, Vitry-aux-Loges
Adele Capet (of France)
birth: 1009
title: 1027, Messina
marriage: Richard III Norman
marriage: Baldwin V The Pious (of Flanders) , Paris
title: 1028, Comtesse héritière de Flandre
title: 30 May 1035, Ghent (Belgium), Comtesse de Flandre et de Hainaut
death: 8 January 1079, Messina
Doodgeboren Capet
birth: 999
death: 999
Hugues de France
birth: 1007
death: 17 September 1025
Eudes de France
birth: about 1013
physical description: considéré comme « imbécile »
death: between 1057 and 1059
Advisa (Hadewig) Capet (de Auxerre)
birth: 1003
marriage: Renaud I de Nevers
title: 1028, comtesse d'Auxerre
title: 1031, Comtesse d'Auxerre
death: after 1063
William de Nevers
birth: 1030
title: 1040, Graf von Auxerre
title: 1040, Graf von Nevers
title: 1045, Graf von Tonnerre
marriage: Ermengarde Tonnerre
death: after 1083
Robert I de Craon
birth: about 1023
marriage: Avoise von Sablé
death: 1098
== 3 ==
Renaud I de Craon
death: December 1101
== 3 ==
Robert de Craon
title: from 1136 - 1147, Grandmaster of the Knights Templar
death: 13 January 1147
Hugh Ier de Craon
birth: 1100
birth: 1140

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