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Juana de Aragón b. 1492 d. 1520

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Lineage Trastámara-Aragón
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Juana de Aragón

Alfonso de Aragón [Trastámara-Aragon] b. 10 March 1470 d. 23 February 1520

Ana de Gurrea [Gurrea] b. 1470 d. 1527


1492 birth: España

31 January 1509 marriage: Valladolid, Spanien, Juan de Borja y Enriquez de Luna [Borgia] b. 1495

28 October 1510 child birth: Gandia, Spanien, Francisco de Borja [Borgia] b. 28 October 1510 d. 1 October 1572

1520 death: España

From grandparents to grandchildren

Eleonore of Aragon
birth: 2 February 1425
marriage: Gaston IV de Foix , Barcelone
title: 30 July 1436, Reine de Navarre
title: 1447, Tudela (Navarre)
title: 23 November 1464, Olite, Reine de Navarre
death: 12 February 1479, Tudela (Navarre)
Blanka de Aragón
birth: 9 June 1424, Navarra, Олитский замок
marriage: Henry IV of Castile , Valladolid
title: 16 September 1440, Valladolid, Princesse des Asturies
divorce: Henry IV of Castile
title: 23 September 1461, королева Наварры, титулярная
death: 2 December 1464, Ортес, Frankreich
Johanna von Aragon
birth: 16 June 1454, Барселона
marriage: Ferdinand I de Napoli , Naples
title: 14 September 1476, Neapel, Reine de Naples
death: 9 January 1517, Неаполь
Карл Арагонский
birth: 29 May 1421, Пеньяфьель, Кастилия и Леон
title: 8 September 1425, принц Вианский
marriage: Агнесса Клевская , Olite
death: 23 September 1461, Барселона
Juana d'Aragon
birth: 1423
death: 22 August 1425
Leonor d'Aragon
birth: 1446
death: 1448
Maria d'Aragon
birth: 1455
death: 1455
Isabella of Castile
birth: 21 April 1451
marriage: Ferdinand II of Aragon , Valladolid (Spain)
title: 14 October 1469, Valladolid (Spain), Infante d'Aragon
title: 13 December 1474, Spain, Queen of Castile
title: 19 January 1479
death: 26 November 1504, Medina del Campo
Germaine of Foix
birth: 1488, Foix, France
title: 19 October 1505, Queen Consort of Aragon, Majorca, Valencia, Naples and Sicily Countess Consort of Barcelona
marriage: Ferdinand II of Aragon , Blois
title: 1512, Königingemahlin von Mallorca
marriage: Johann Hohenzollern , Foix, France
title: 1 January 1519, Gemahlin des Königs von Valencia
marriage: w Ferdinand of Calabria
title: 1526, Herzogin von Kalabrien
death: 15 October 1536
Ferdinand II of Aragon
birth: 10 May 1452
title: 1468, King of Sicily
marriage: Isabella of Castile , Valladolid (Spain)
title: from 13 December 1474 - 26 November 1504, King of Castile
other: 13 December 1474, King of Leon
title: 19 January 1479, King of Aragon
title: 19 January 1479, King of Majorca
title: 19 January 1479, King of Valencia
title: 19 January 1479, Count of Barcelona
title: 19 January 1479, King of Sardinia
title: 1504, King of Naples
marriage: Germaine of Foix , Blois
title: 1512, King of Navarre
death: 23 January 1516, Madrigalejo, Spain
burial: after 23 January 1516, Granada, Spain, Royal Chapel of Granada
Aldonza Ruiz de Ivorra i Alemany (Roig de Iborra)
birth: 1454, Cervera, Lérida, Cataluña, España
death: 4 April 1513, Zaragoza, Aragón, España
Catherine Trastamara (of Aragon)
birth: 16 December 1485
marriage: Arthur Tudor , London, England, St. Paul's Cathedral.
title: 14 November 1501, London, Princesse de Galles et Comtesse de Chester
marriage: Henry VIII Tudor
title: 11 June 1509, London, Reine d'Angleterre et Dame d'Irlande
other: 24 June 1509, London, Sacre
annulment: Henry VIII Tudor
death: 7 January 1536, Kimbolton (Cambridgeshire), Roman Catholic
Juana of Castile
birth: 6 November 1479, Toledo (Spain)
title: 1496, Princess of Asturias
marriage: Philip I Habsburg , Lier (Belgium), County of Flanders, Kingdom of France
title: 12 July 1506, Queen of Castile
death: 12 April 1555, Tordesillas, Spain
Isabella Aragon
birth: 2 October 1470
marriage: w Альфонсо Португальский
title: 1490, Lisbonne, Infante du Portugal
marriage: Manuel I of Portugal (Aviz-Beja)
title: 1497, Queen of Portugal
death: 28 August 1498
Mary of Aragon
birth: 29 June 1482
title: 30 October 1500, Queen of Portugal
marriage: Manuel I of Portugal (Aviz-Beja)
death: 7 March 1517
John Aragon
birth: 28 June 1478
marriage: Margaret of Habsburg , Burgos
death: 4 October 1497
Miguel Fernández Caballero de Granada
birth: calculated 1495, Granada, Spanien
death: calculated 1575, Rute ? Priego ?
Johann von Aragon
birth: 3 May 1509, Valladolid
death: 30 May 1509, Valladolid
Alfonso de Aragón
birth: 10 March 1470, Cáceres (Spanien)
title: епископ Сарагосы
death: 23 February 1520, Веракрус
Ana de Gurrea
birth: 1470, España
death: 1527, España
== 3 ==
Juan de Borja y Enriquez de Luna
birth: 1495, Spanien
title: Duque de Gandia
marriage: Juana de Aragón , Valladolid, Spanien
Juana de Aragón
birth: 1492, España
marriage: Juan de Borja y Enriquez de Luna , Valladolid, Spanien
death: 1520, España
== 3 ==
Eleanor de Castro Melo
birth: 1512, Lisboa, Portugal
marriage: Francisco de Borja , Madrid, Spanien
death: 27 March 1546, Lisboa, Portugal
Francisco de Borja
birth: 28 October 1510, Gandia, Spanien
title: General der Gesellschaft Jesu
title: IV. Herzog von Gandía und Marquis von Llombay
title: Vizekönig von Katalonien
marriage: Eleanor de Castro Melo , Madrid, Spanien
death: 1 October 1572, Rom, Italien
other: 1671, Rom, Italien, Francisco Borja wurde 1671 von Papst Clemens X. heiliggesprochen. Sein Namenstag wird am 3. Oktober gefeiert
Violante Armendia
birth: 1538, Aldaya, España
marriage: Fernando Borja
Fernando Borja
birth: 1537, Madrid, Spanien
marriage: Violante Armendia

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