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Otton III Pobożny Askańczyk b. 1215 d. 9 October 1267

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Lineage Brandenburg
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Otton III Pobożny Askańczyk

Albrecht II van Brandenburg [Askanier] b. 1176 d. 25 February 1220

Mathilde van Landsberg [Wettin] b. 1185 d. 1225

Wiki-page wikipedia:pl:Otton III (margrabia brandenburski)


1215 birth:

child birth: Margarethe de Brandebourg [Brandebourg] d. 1316

25 February 1220 title: маркграф Бранденбурга

1243 marriage: Bożena Przemyślidka [Premyslid] b. about 1231 d. 25 May 1296

1244 child birth: Prag, Johann III von Brandenburg [Brandenburg] b. 1244 d. 8 April 1268

1246 child birth: Прага, Королевство Богемия, Otton V Długi Askańczyk [Brandenburg] b. 1246 d. July 1298

1247 child birth: Kunigunde von Brandenburg [Brandenburg] b. 1247 d. 1292

1248 child birth: Mathilde von Brandenburg [Brandenburg] b. 1248 d. 20 December 1316

1250 child birth: w Albrecht III von Brandenburg [Brandenburg] b. 1250 d. 4 December 1300

1264 child birth: Otto IV von Brandenburg [Brandenburg] b. 1264 d. 6 July 1303

9 October 1267 death: Brandenburg (Havel)


Otton III Pobożny (ur. 1215, zm. 9 października 1267 w Brandenburgu) - margrabia brandenburski w latach 1220-1267. Był młodszym synem Albrechta II z rodu Askańczyków i bratem Jana I.

W 1239 usiłował wraz z bratem zająć ziemię lubuską, lecz doznał klęski z rąk księcia polskiego Henryka Pobożnego w bitwie pod Lubuszem. W 1243 poślubił Bożenę (Beatrycze), córkę Wacława I Przemyślidy, króla Czech, w rezultacie czego Łużyce Górne jako posag przeszły we władanie Brandenburgii. Jego córka Matylda została trzecią żoną księcia pomorskiego Barnima I.

From grandparents to grandchildren

Bernhard III von Sachsen
birth: 1140
marriage: Judith von Polen
title: from 1173 - 2 February 1212, Fürst von Anhalt
title: from 1180 - 2 February 1212, Herzog von Sachsen
death: 9 February 1212, Ballenstedt
Hedwig Askanier von Brandenburg
birth: about 1140
marriage: Otto II von Meißen
death: March 1203
burial: after March 1203, Kloster Altzella, bei Nossen
Герман I
birth: 1125
title: from 1167 - 1176, граф Веймар-Орламюнде
death: 1176
Siegfried de Brandebourg
birth: 1132
death: 24 October 1184
Jutta de Pologne
birth: 1132
marriage: Otto I ? (Askanskie) , Kruszwica
title: 6 January 1148, Kruszwica, Margravine héritière de Brandebourg
title: 18 November 1170, Margravine de Brandebourg
death: 1174
Otto I ? (Askanskie)
birth: about 1128
marriage: Jutta de Pologne , Kruszwica
title: from 1170 - 1184, маркграф Бранденбурга
marriage: Adelheid van Holland
death: 7 March 1184
Wilhelm I. von Holland
birth: estimated 1175
marriage: Adelheid von Geldern , Stavoren
marriage: Maria van Brabant
death: 4 February 1222
burial: Rijnsburg
Adelheid van Holland
birth: about 1163
marriage: Otto I ? (Askanskie)
title: 1176, Margravine de Brandebourg
death: after 1205
Odon of Poznań
birth: about 1145
title: from 1177 - 1182, książę wielkopolski
marriage: Вышеслава Ярославна
death: 20 April 1194
Judith von Polen
birth: about 1153
marriage: Bernhard III von Sachsen
death: after 12 December 1201
Болеслав Куявский
birth: 1159
title: from 1186 - 13 September 1195, князь Куявии
death: 13 September 1195
birth: about 1164
title: from 1191 - 1193, князь Калишский
death: 2 August 1193
birth: between 1162 and 1164
marriage: Racibor I
death: after 11 May 1183
Anastasia Meshkovna
birth: about 1162
title: Принцесса Польши
marriage: Boguslav I
death: after 30 May 1240
Vladislav III Тонконогий Tonkonogy
birth: 1161
marriage: Lucille
title: from 1202 - 1206, Князь Польши
title: from 1227 - 1229, Князь Кракова
death: 3 November 1231
birth: 1150
death: between 1166 and 1179
Soblieslav II
birth: 1128
title: 1173, duc de Bohême
marriage: w Elizabeth
death: 29 January 1180
birth: 1154
title: 1174
marriage: Soblieslav II
marriage: w Koenraad II van Landsberg
death: 2 April 1209, klooster van Dobrilugk
Dietrich III von Lausitz-Landsberg
title: Graf von Sommerschenburg und Groitzsch, Propst zu Magdeburg
death: 1207
death: 1174
Koenraad II van Landsberg
birth: after 13 September 1159
marriage: Elizabeth
death: 6 May 1210
burial: Zschillen
Otto de Brandebourg (Otto II)
birth: 1149
title: 7 March 1184, Margrave de Brandebourg
death: 4 July 1205
Генрих Бранденбургский
birth: 1150, граф Гарделегена
death: 1192
Albrecht II van Brandenburg
birth: 1176
title: 4 July 1205, klooster van Lehnin
marriage: Mathilde van Landsberg
death: 25 February 1220
Mathilde van Landsberg
birth: 1185
title: 1205, klooster van Lehnin
marriage: Albrecht II van Brandenburg
death: 1225, Salzwedel
== 3 ==
Matilda (Mehtild) von Brandenburg
birth: estimated 1210
marriage: Otto I (the Child) of Brunswick-Lüneburg
title: 1228, Princesse de Lunebourg
title: 1235, Duchesse de Brunswick et de Lunebourg
title: 1235, duchesse de Lunebourg
death: 10 June 1261
Johann de Brandebourg (Johann Ier)
birth: 1213
title: 1220, Margrave de Brandebourg
marriage: Zofia
marriage: Jutta de Saxe
death: 4 April 1266
Bożena Przemyślidka
birth: about 1231
marriage: Otton III Pobożny Askańczyk
title: 1243, Margravine de Brandebourg
death: 25 May 1296, Breslau
Otton III Pobożny Askańczyk
birth: 1215
title: 25 February 1220, маркграф Бранденбурга
marriage: Bożena Przemyślidka
death: 9 October 1267, Brandenburg (Havel)
== 3 ==
birth: about 1252
marriage: Otton V Długi Askańczyk
title: 22 October 1268, Margravine de Brandebourg
death: 1327
Otton V Długi Askańczyk
birth: 1246, Прага, Королевство Богемия
title: 4 April 1267, маркграф Бранденбурга, регент
marriage: Юдита
death: July 1298
Johann III von Brandenburg
birth: 1244, Prag
title: 1267, маркграф Бранденбурга
death: 8 April 1268
Mathilda de Danemark
birth: 1250
marriage: w Albrecht III von Brandenburg
title: 1268, Margravine de Brandebourg
death: 1311
Albrecht III von Brandenburg
birth: 1250
title: 9 October 1267, маркграф Бранденбурга, со-правитель
marriage: Mathilda de Danemark
death: 4 December 1300
Otto IV von Brandenburg
birth: 1264
title: 9 October 1267, Brandebourg-sur-la-Havel, Margrave de Brandebourg
death: 6 July 1303
Walram de Limbourg (Walram IV)
birth: 1220
title: 25 February 1247, Duc de Limbourg, Abbaye de Rolduc
marriage: Jutta van Kleef
marriage: Kunigunde von Brandenburg
death: 14 October 1279
Kunigunde von Brandenburg
birth: 1247
marriage: Bela von Slawonien
title: 1264, Duchesse de Slavonie
marriage: Walram de Limbourg (Walram IV)
title: 10 January 1273, Duchesse de Limbourg
death: 1292
Barnum II ? (of Pommern)
birth: about 1210
marriage: Marianna von Schweden
marriage: Margarethe von Braunschweig
title: from 23 January 1220 - 13 November 1278, герцог Померания-Штеттин
title: from 17 May 1264 - 13 November 1278, герцог Померания-Дымин
marriage: Mathilde von Brandenburg
death: 13 November 1278
Mathilde von Brandenburg
birth: 1248
title: 1267, Duchesse de Poméranie
marriage: Barnum II ? (of Pommern)
death: 20 December 1316
Borislav IV ? (of Pommern)
birth: about 1250
marriage: Мathilda de Brandebourg
marriage: Margarethe von Rügen
title: from 1278 - 1295, Герцог Померанский (1278-1309)
title: from 1295 - 19 February 1309, герцог Померания-Вольгаст
death: 24 February 1309
Anastasia de Poméranie
birth: 1245
marriage: Henrich I the Pilgrim
title: 1259, Princesse héritière de Mecklembourg
title: 1264, Princesse de Mecklembourg
death: 15 March 1317
Otto I of Pomerania-Stettin
birth: 1278
title: Duke of Pomerania-Stettin
death: 1344
Rudolf I von Sachsen-Wittenberg
birth: about 1284
title: from 1298 - 12 March 1356, Herzog von Sachsen-Wittenberg
marriage: Judyta Askańczyk
marriage: Kunegunda Łokietkówna Piast
marriage: Anna de Lindau
title: from 1355 - 12 March 1356, Kurfürst von Sachsen
death: 11 March 1356
Judyta Askańczyk
birth: 1275
marriage: Rudolf I von Sachsen-Wittenberg
title: 1298, Duchesse de Saxe
death: 9 May 1328
Генрих IV Пробус
birth: after 1258
marriage: Mathilda von Brandenburg
title: from 1288 - 22 January 1290, князь Польши, 30-й
death: 22 January 1290
Mathilda von Brandenburg
birth: about 1270
marriage: Генрих IV Пробус
death: before 1 June 1298
Bolko I von Schweidnitz
birth: about 1253
marriage: Beatrycze , Berlin
death: 9 November 1301
Wladislaus von Beuthen und Cosel
birth: between 1277 and 1283
marriage: Beatrycze
death: 1352
Anna d'Autriche
birth: 1280
marriage: Herman III Długi , Graz
title: September 1295, Margravine héritière de Brandebourg
title: July 1299, Margravine de Brandebourg
marriage: Heinrich VI von Schlesien-Breslau
title: 1311, Duchesse de Wroclaw
death: 1327
Herman III Długi
birth: 1275
marriage: Anna d'Autriche , Graz
title: July 1299, маркграф Бранденбурга
death: January 1308
birth: before 1283
death: about 1296
birth: before 1276
death: 1299
Henry II The Lion (Lord Mecklenburg)
birth: after 14 April 1266
marriage: Beatrix von Brandenburg-Stargard
title: 2 January 1302, Herzog von Mecklenburg
marriage: Anna de Saxe , Dömitz
marriage: Anna de Lindau
death: 21 January 1329
Beatrix von Brandenburg-Stargard
birth: about 1270
marriage: Henry II The Lion (Lord Mecklenburg)
title: 1292, Princesse héritière de Mecklembourg
title: 2 January 1302, Princesse de Mecklembourg
death: 22 September 1314, Weimar
Przemysł II von Großpolen
birth: 14 October 1257, Posen
marriage: Ryksa Szwedzka Birgersson
title: from 1273 -, герцог Великопольский
title: from 1290 - 1291, король Польши
marriage: Маргарет
title: from 1295 - 8 February 1296, король Польши
death: 8 February 1296, Rogoźno, Polen
Albrecht III von Sachsen
birth: 1281
title: from 1282 - 1296, герцог Саксонии
title: from 1296 - 1303, герцог Саксен-Лауэнбурга
marriage: Маргарет
death: 1308
birth: 1270
marriage: Przemysł II von Großpolen
title: 1291, Duchesse de Grande-Pologne
title: 26 June 1295, Gniezno, Reine de Pologne
marriage: Albrecht III von Sachsen
title: 1302, Duchesse de Saxe-Lauenbourg
death: 1315
birth: between 1277 and 1282
marriage: Оттон
death: between 1343 and 1347

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