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Beatrice of Savoy b. 1223 d. 10 May 1258

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Lineage Savoy
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Beatrice of Savoy

w Amadeus IV of Savoy [Savoy] b. 1197 d. 11 June 1253

Anna Margarethe d’Albon [Älteres Haus Burgund] b. 1192 d. 1243



1223 birth:

child birth: Alice del Vasto [Aleramiden]

marriage: Manfred III del Vasto [Aleramici] d. 1244

1239 child birth: Saluces, Thomas Ier del Vasto [Aleramici] b. 1239 d. 3 December 1296

21 April 1247 marriage: Manfred de Savoie [Hohenstaufen] b. about 1232 d. 26 February 1266

1248 child birth: Sicily, w Constantia II of Sicily [Hohenstaufen] b. 1248 d. 1302

10 May 1258 death:

[edit] Sources

  1. - wikidata Béatrice de Savoie

From grandparents to grandchildren

Éléonore de Savoie
birth: 1167
death: 1204
Alice de Savoie
birth: 1166
death: 1174
Thomas Ier de Savoie
birth: 27 May 1178
title: князь Пьемонта, 1-й
title: from 1189 - 8 March 1233, граф Савойский, 9-й
marriage: Marguerite de Genève
death: 8 March 1233
Guillaume II de Genève
birth: about 1185
title: Comte de Genève
marriage: Alix de La Tour du Pin
death: 25 November 1252, Domène (38)
Humbert de Genève
birth: before 1174
death: before 10 May 1225
Agate de Genève
birth: about 1190, Genève
marriage: w Henri II de Caretto (del Carretto)
death: 1247, Finale Ligure, Italie
Marguerite de Genève
birth: 1180
marriage: Thomas Ier de Savoie
death: 8 April 1257
Alix de Bourgogne
birth: 1146
title: 1164, dame de Bourbon par mariage
marriage: w Archambaud de Bourbon , 1
other: 1208, abbesse de Fontevraud
death: 10 October 1209
Adelheid van Lotharingen
birth: 1145
marriage: Hugues III de Bourgogne
title: 1165, Duchesse de Bourgogne
other: Hugues III de Bourgogne , Répudiation
death: 1200
Hugues III de Bourgogne
birth: 1148
title: 27 June 1162, Duc de Bourgogne
marriage: Adelheid van Lotharingen
other: Adelheid van Lotharingen , Répudiation
marriage: Beatrix van Albon (Vienne) , St. Gilles en Languedoc
death: 25 August 1192, Tyr
Hugues Ier de Coligny
birth: about 1170
title: Chevalier, seigneur de Coligny-le-Neuf, de Marboz, de Treffort, de Saint-André-sur-Suban, de Varey et de Saint-Sorlin
marriage: Beatrix van Albon (Vienne)
death: 2 September 1205, Serrès, Grèce
Beatrix van Albon (Vienne)
birth: 1161
marriage: Hugues III de Bourgogne , St. Gilles en Languedoc
marriage: Hugues Ier de Coligny
death: 16 December 1228, Chateau de Vizele
Beatrice de Savoie
birth: 1198
marriage: Raymond Beranger IV de Provence
death: between 1265 and 4 January 1267
Pierre II de Savoie
birth: 1203
marriage: Agnès de Faucigny , Châtillon-sur-Cluses (74)
birth: 15 May 1268
Humbert de Savoie
birth: 1198
death: 1223, Ungarn
Aimon de Savoie
birth: about 1200
title: seigneur de Chablais, Villeneuve et Chillon
death: 1242, mort de la lèpre
Guillaume de Savoie
birth: about 1201
occupation: between 1226 and 1238, évêque de Valence
occupation: between 1238 and 1239, évêque de Liège
death: 1239, empoisonné
Boniface de Savoie
occupation: prieur à Nantua
Philippe Ier de Savoie
birth: 1207, Aiguebelle (73)
title: before, évêque de Valence
title: епископом Лозанне
title: from 1233 - 16 August 1285, comte de Savoie
title: from 1248 - 1267, archevêque de Lyon
title: from 1248 - 16 August 1285, граф Бургундии
marriage: Adélaïde Ire d'Andechs et de Méranie (de Bourgogne)
death: 16 August 1285
Boniface de Savoie
birth: about 1207
occupation: between 1232 and 1241, Belley (01), évêque de Belley
occupation: between 1 February 1241 and 14 July 1270, archevêque de Cantorbéry
death: 18 July 1270
Alice de Savoie
occupation: abbesse de Saint-Pierre à Lyon
death: 1277
Agathe de Savoie
occupation: abbesse de Saint-Pierre à Lyon
death: after 1279
Marguerite de Savoie
birth: 1212
death: 1270
Céline des Baux
birth: 1230
title: Comtesse de Savoie
marriage: w Amadeus IV of Savoy
death: 21 May 1275
burial: Saint-Pierre-de-Curtille (73), abbaye d'Hautecombe
Amadeus IV of Savoy
birth: 1197
marriage: Céline des Baux
marriage: Anna Margarethe d’Albon
title: from 1233 - 1253, Count of Savoy
death: 11 June 1253
Odo III von Burgund
birth: 1166
title: 25 August 1192, Lyon
marriage: Matilda de Portugal
divorce: Matilda de Portugal
marriage: Adelheid van Semur (Vergy)
death: 6 July 1218, Kloster Cîteaux, Saint-Nicolas-lès-Cîteaux
Ademar Valentinois
birth: about 1184
title: dauphin de Vienne, comte d'Albon, puis comte de Vienne
marriage: Beatrix von Sabran , Sainte-Euphémie-sur-Ouvèze (26)
annulment: Beatrix von Sabran
marriage: Semnoresse de Poitiers-Valentinois
marriage: w Béatrice de Montferrat
will: 4 March 1237, Saint-Uze (26)
death: 14 March 1237
Alexandre de Montagu
birth: 1170
death: 1205
Douce de Bourgogne
birth: 1175
death: 1220
Béatrice de Coligny
birth: about 1200
title: Dame de Rochechaume et de Malleval
marriage: Albert III de La Tour du Pin
death: about 1241
Anna Margarethe d’Albon
birth: 1192
marriage: Amadeus IV of Savoy
title: 1222, Comtesse héritière de Savoie
title: 1 March 1233, Comtesse de Savoie, d'Aoste, de Maurienne et Dame du Piémont
death: 1243
== 3 ==
Margaret of Savoy
birth: about 1225
marriage: w Boniface II of Montferrat , Chivasso
death: 1268
Beatrice de Savoie
birth: 1250
marriage: Pierre "le Bouvier" de Salins
marriage: w Мануэль Кастильский
title: 1274, Dame de Escalona, de Santa Eulalia, de Penafiel, de Agreda, de Roa, de Cusliar, de Elche et de Vilena
death: 23 February 1292
Boniface de Savoie
birth: 1 December 1244, Chambéry (73)
title: Comte de Savoie, d'Aoste et de Maurienne
death: June 1263, Turin, Italie
Manfred de Savoie
birth: about 1232, Venosa
marriage: w Helena Angelina Dukaina
marriage: Beatrice of Savoy
title: from 10 August 1258 - 26 February 1266, Roi de Sicile
death: 26 February 1266, Bénévent
Manfred III del Vasto
marriage: Beatrice of Savoy
title: from 1215 - 1244, marquis de Saluces
death: 1244
== 3 ==
Peter III von Aragón
birth: 1240, Valencia
marriage: w Constantia II of Sicily , Montpellier
title: 27 July 1276, король Арагона
title: 30 August 1282, Foggia, Roi de Sicile
death: 11 November 1285, Vilafranca del Penedès
Constantia II of Sicily
birth: 1248, Sicily
title: 13 June 1262, Queen Consort of Aragon
marriage: Peter III von Aragón , Montpellier
title: 27 July 1276, Alzira (Valencia), Reine d'Aragon et Comtesse de Barcelone
title: 30 August 1282, Foggia, Reine de Sicile
death: 1302, Barcelona
Thomas Ier del Vasto
birth: 1239, Saluces
marriage: Louise de Ceva
title: from 1244 - 1296, Markgraf von Saluzzo
death: 3 December 1296, Saluces
Eleanor d'Angleterre
birth: 18 June 1269, Windsor
marriage: Alfons III von Aragón , Londres
title: 15 August 1290, Londres, Reine d'Aragon, de Valence et Comtesse de Barcelone
marriage: Henri van Bar , Bristol (Angleterre)
death: 12 October 1297, Gent
Alfons III von Aragón
birth: 4 November 1265
title: 11 November 1285, König von Aragón
marriage: Eleanor d'Angleterre , Londres
death: 18 June 1291, Barcelona
Denis of Portugal
birth: 9 October 1261
title: from 16 February 1279 - 7 January 1325, King of Portugal and the Algarves, 6th
marriage: w Elizabeth of Aragon
death: 7 January 1325
Elizabeth of Aragon
birth: 1271
title: 24 June 1282, Queen Consort of Porgugal
marriage: Denis of Portugal
death: 4 July 1336, Estremoz, Portugal
Richard FitzAlan
birth: 3 February 1267
marriage: Alice de Saluzzo
title: 1289, Earl of Arundel
death: 9 March 1302
Eleanor of Anjou
birth: August 1289
marriage: Frederick III of Sicily
title: 17 May 1302, Reine de Sicile
death: 9 August 1341
Frederick III of Sicily
birth: 13 December 1272
title: 1296, King of Sicily
marriage: Eleanor of Anjou
death: 25 June 1337
Blanche of Anjou
birth: 1280
marriage: James II of Aragon , Vilabertran
title: 1 November 1295, королева Сицилии
death: 14 October 1310, Barcelona
Isabella von Kastilien
birth: 1283
title: 1 December 1291, виконтесса де Лимож
marriage: James II of Aragon
annulment: James II of Aragon
marriage: w John III of Brittany , Burgos
title: 1310, Burgos, Vicomtesse de Limoges
title: 27 April 1312, Marzan (56), Duchesse de Bretagne
death: 24 July 1328
James II of Aragon
birth: 10 August 1267, Valencia (Spain)
marriage: Marie de Chypre
marriage: Elisende de Moncada
title: 11 November 1285, King of Sicily
title: 18 June 1291, King of Aragon
marriage: Isabella von Kastilien
annulment: Isabella von Kastilien
marriage: Blanche of Anjou , Vilabertran
death: 5 November 1327, Barcelona
Manfred IV del Vasto (de Saluces)
birth: 1262
marriage: Isabella Doria
marriage: Béatrice Hohenstaufen ou de Sicile
title: from 1296 - 1334, marquis de Saluces
death: 16 September 1340, Cortemilia
Corrado de Caretto
birth: about 1250, Finale Ligure, Italien
title: Savone, Italien, Marquis Titulaire de Savone
marriage: Aloisia
title: 21 October 1268, Marquis de Saliceto, Seigneur de Millesimo, Cengio, Rocchetta, Vignale Rocca, Mallare, Altare, Osiglia et Gottasecca, co-seigneur de Cosseria, Le Caire, Paschiera, Bagnasco, Ferrania, Fornelli et Carcare
marriage: Eléonore de Saluces
death: 1316
Eléonore de Saluces
birth: about 1265
marriage: Corrado de Caretto
death: after 1315
Robert von Anjou
birth: 1278
marriage: Иоланда Арагонская , Rom
marriage: Sancha von Mallorca , Perpignan
title: from 1309 - 1343, Graf von Provence
title: from 6 May 1309 - 20 January 1343, König von Neapel
title: from 1318 - 1322, Fürst von Achaia
death: 20 January 1343
Иоланда Арагонская
birth: 1273
marriage: Robert von Anjou , Rom
title: 23 March 1297, Rom, Princesse de Naples
death: 1302
Henri de Lacy (3. Earl of Lincoln)
birth: about 19 December 1249
marriage: Margaret de Longespée (4. Countess of Salisbury) , Salisbury
death: 5 February 1311, London, Holborn

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