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Albert III de La Tour du Pin b. about 1190 d. between April 1259 and June 1260

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Lineage La Tour du Pin
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Albert III de La Tour du Pin

Albert II de La Tour du Pin [La Tour du Pin] b. about 1150 d. before 1218

Marie d'Auvergne [Auvergne] b. about 1162 d. about 1229


about 1190 birth:

title: La Tour-du-Pin (38), Baron de La Tour du Pin

before 1220 marriage: Béatrice de Coligny [Coligny] b. about 1200 d. about 1241

about 1220 child birth: Marie de La Tour du Pin [La Tour du Pin] b. about 1220

about 1230 child birth: Béatrix de La Tour du Pin [La Tour du Pin] b. about 1230 d. 18 May 1306

about 1230 child birth: Alix de La Tour du Pin [La Tour du Pin] b. about 1230 d. about 1260

about 1240 child birth: w Humbert Ier de La Tour du Pin (de Viennois) [La Tour du Pin] b. about 1240 d. 12 April 1307

1257 occupation: Sénéchal des royaumes d'Arles et Vienne

between April 1259 and June 1260 death:


From grandparents to grandchildren

Albert Ier de La Tour du Pin
birth: about 1125
title: La Tour-du-Pin (38), Baron de La Tour du Pin
marriage: Alix de Savoie
death: between 1192 and 1202
Alix de Savoie
birth: about 1130
marriage: Albert Ier de La Tour du Pin
death: La Tour-du-Pin (38)
Hugues III de Bourgogne
birth: 1148
title: 27 June 1162, Duc de Bourgogne
marriage: Adelheid van Lotharingen
other: Adelheid van Lotharingen , Répudiation
marriage: Beatrix van Albon (Vienne) , St. Gilles en Languedoc
death: 25 August 1192, Tyr
Alix de Bourgogne
birth: 1146
title: 1164, dame de Bourbon par mariage
marriage: w Archambaud de Bourbon , 1
other: 1208, abbesse de Fontevraud
death: 10 October 1209
Guillaume d'Auvergne (Guillaume VII)
birth: 1147
title: 1147, Comte d'Auvergne
death: 1169
Robert d'Auvergne (Robert IV)
birth: 1140
title: 1147, Comte d'Auvergne
marriage: Mathilde van Bourgondie
death: 1194
Berlion V de La Tour du Pin
birth: about 1165
title: Seigneur de Vinay, co-seigneur de la Tour du Pin
marriage: Alix de Montluel
death: about 1250
Guy d'Auvergne (Guy II)
marriage: Péronelle de Chambon
title: 1194, Comte d'Auvergne
death: 1222
Guillaume d'Auvergne (Guillaume IX)
title: 1194, Comte d'Auvergne
death: 1195
== 3 ==
Béatrice de Coligny
birth: about 1200
title: Dame de Rochechaume et de Malleval
marriage: Albert III de La Tour du Pin
death: about 1241
Albert III de La Tour du Pin
birth: about 1190
title: La Tour-du-Pin (38), Baron de La Tour du Pin
marriage: Béatrice de Coligny
occupation: 1257, Sénéchal des royaumes d'Arles et Vienne
death: between April 1259 and June 1260
== 3 ==
Humbert Ier de La Tour du Pin (de Viennois)
birth: about 1240
title: барон де ля Тур-дю-Пин
title: from 1273 - 12 April 1307, дофин Вьеннский
marriage: Anne de Bourgogne
death: 12 April 1307
Rodolphe de Genève
birth: about 1220
title: Comte de Genève
marriage: Marie de La Tour du Pin
death: 29 May 1265
Marie de La Tour du Pin
birth: about 1220
title: Dame de Varey en Bugey, et de Coligny
marriage: Rodolphe de Genève
Guillaume de Roussillon
birth: about 1237
title: Chevalier, seigneur de Roussillon, d'Annonay et de Surieu
marriage: Béatrix de La Tour du Pin
death: 30 November 1277, Saint-Jean-d'Acre
Béatrix de La Tour du Pin
birth: about 1230
title: Dame de Versieu
marriage: Guillaume de Roussillon
death: 18 May 1306, Sainte-Croix-en-Jarez (42)
Alix de La Tour du Pin
birth: about 1230
death: about 1260
Agnès de Chalon
birth: about 1265
marriage: w Amédée II de Genève
birth: after 18 October 1350
title: Comtesse de Genève
Amédée II de Genève
birth: about 1260
marriage: Agnès de Chalon
death: 22 May 1308, Vulbens (74)
Frederic I del Vasto (de Saluces)
birth: 1287
marriage: Marguerite de la Tour du Pin
title: from 1334 - 1336, marquis de Saluces
death: 29 June 1336
Guigues de La Tour du Pin
birth: 1280
marriage: Beatrix von Ungarn
title: from 1306 - 1318, дофин Вьеннский
death: 5 March 1319
Philip I.(Filippo) of Savoy (of Piedmont)
birth: 1278
title: from 16 May 1282 - 13 September 1334, lord of Piedmont
marriage: Isabelle de Villehardouin
title: from 23 February 1301 - 11 May 1307, prince of Achaea
divorce: Isabelle de Villehardouin , Rom
marriage: Catherine de La Tour du Pin
death: 25 September 1334
Catherine de La Tour du Pin
title: Принцесса де Ла Тур дю Пэн
marriage: Philip I.(Filippo) of Savoy (of Piedmont)
title: from 7 May 1312 - 13 September 1334, Княгиня Пьемонта
death: 9 December 1337
Aymar IV de Poitiers-Valentinois
birth: about 1240
title: Comte de Valentinois
marriage: Hippolyte de Bourgogne-Comté
engagement: Marguerite de Genève , Vienne (38)
other: Marguerite de Genève , Dispense papale
marriage: Marguerite de Genève
death: about October 1329

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