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Агнесса Пфальцская (Виттельсбахи) b. 1201 d. 1267

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Lineage Вельфы Брауншвейгские
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Агнесса Пфальцская
Other last names Виттельсбахи

Генрих V Старший (Длинный) Рейнский [Вельфы Брауншвейгские] b. about 1173 d. 28 April 1227

w Agnes von Staufen [Staufer] b. about 1176 d. 9 May 1204

Wiki-page wikipedia:ru:Агнесса Пфальцская


1201 birth:

1225 title:

1225 marriage: Оттон II Светлейший Баварский [Виттельсбахи] b. 7 April 1206 d. 29 November 1253

1227 child birth: Landshut, Elisabeth de Bavière [Wittelsbach] b. 1227 d. 9 October 1273

1227 title: Графиня Палатина Рейнская

13 April 1229 child birth: Heidelberg, Ludwig de Bavière (Ludwig II) [Wittelsbach] b. 13 April 1229 d. 12 February 1294

1231 title: Герцогиня Баварии

19 November 1235 child birth: Landshut, w Heinrich de Bavière (Heinrich XIII) [Wittelsbach] b. 19 November 1235 d. 3 February 1290

1236 child birth: w Sophie de Bavière [Wittelsbach] b. 1236 d. 9 August 1289

1240 child birth: w Agnes von Bayern [Wittelsbach] b. 1240 d. 7 December 1306

1267 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Geoffrey Plantagenet
birth: 23 September 1158
marriage: Constance de Bretagne
death: 19 August 1186
Joan Plantagenet
birth: October 1165, Angers, Château d'Angers
marriage: w William (Guillaume) II "the Good" de Hauteville (of Sicily)
marriage: Raimund VI von Toulouse
death: 6 April 1199, Rouen
John Plantagenet ("Lackland")
birth: 24 December 1166, Oxford (England)
marriage: w Isabelle de Gloucester , Marlborough (Wiltshire)
marriage: Agatha de Ferrers
annulment: w Isabelle de Gloucester
title: from 6 April 1199 - 19 October 1216, King of England
other: 27 May 1199, Count of Maine
title: from September 1199 - 1216, Chinon, Count of Mortain
marriage: Isabelle Taillefer (van Angouleme)
death: 18 October 1216, Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, England, Newark Castle
William Plantagenet
birth: 17 August 1153
death: December 1156
Marie of France (de Champagne)
birth: 1145
marriage: w Henry I (Henri) ? (The Liberal)
title: 1164, Регент графства Шампань
death: 11 March 1198
burial: Meaux, cathédrale Saint-Étienne
Richard I Plantagenet "Lionheart"
birth: 8 September 1157, Oxford (England)
title: seigneur d'Irlande
title: duc de Normandie
title: from 1172 - 1196, Herzog von Aquitanien
marriage bann: Гизелла?
title: 1183, Comte du Maine
title: from 6 July 1189 - 6 April 1199, King of England
other: from 3 September 1189 - 6 April 1199, Duke of Normandy
marriage: Berengaria von Navarra , Limassol, Cyprus
title: from 1198 - 1199, Comte de Poitiers et Duc d'Aquitaine
death: 6 April 1199
burial: Fontevraud-l'Abbaye, Abbaye Notre-Dame de Fontevraud
Alienor d'Angleterre
birth: September 1161, Domfront (61)
marriage: Alfonso VIII of Castilla , Burgos
title: 1 September 1177, Burgos, Reine de Castille et de Tolède
death: October 1214, Burgos
William Longespée, 3rd Earl of Salisbury Longespée
birth: about 1176
marriage: Ela of Salisbury, 3rd Countess of Salisbury
title: 1198, Earl of Salisbury, 3rd
death: 7 March 1226
Henry Plantagenet
birth: 28 February 1155, Londres
marriage: Margarita de Francia , Le Neubourg
title: 14 June 1170, Londres, Roi d'Angleterre et Seigneur d'Irlande
other: 14 July 1170, Londres, Sacre
death: 11 June 1183, Martel (Lot)
Джеффрі Плантагенет
birth: about 1151, Англійське князівство
title: 1171, Англійське князівство, archidiacre de Lincoln
caste: 1175, Англійське князівство, évêque élu de Lincoln
title: 1181, Англійське князівство, Lord Chancelier d'Angleterre
caste: 1189, Англійське князівство, archevêque d'York
death: 12 December 1212, Англійське князівство, Monastère de l'Ordre de Grandmont, près de Rouen (???).
Матильда Английская
birth: about August 1156, Виндзор (Беркшир), Виндзорский замок
adoption: Braunschweiger Dom, Braunschweig
engagement: Heinrich "the Lion" von Bayern
marriage: Heinrich "the Lion" von Bayern , Minden (North Rhine-Westphalia), cathedral
death: 28 June 1189, Брауншвейг, Саксонское герцогство, Виндзорский замок
Heinrich "the Lion" von Bayern
birth: about 1129, Ravensburg
title: from 1142 - 1180, Herzog von Sachsen
marriage: Clémence de Zähringen
title: from 1156 - 1180, Herzog von Bayern
divorce: Clémence de Zähringen
engagement: Матильда Английская
marriage: Матильда Английская , Minden (North Rhine-Westphalia), cathedral
death: 6 August 1195, Braunschweig
burial: Braunschweig, cathedral
Friedrich III Barbarossa Hohenstaufen
birth: about 1122, Waiblingen, Weingarten (Württemberg), Waiblingen or Weingarten
marriage: w Адела фон Фобург/Вобургская/ , Eger, Adela von Vohburg
title: from 6 April 1147 - 4 March 1152, Duke of Swabia
title: 4 March 1152, Roi des Romains
title: 18 June 1155, German Emperor
title: between 1156 and 1190, Comte de Bourgogne
marriage: Беатриса I Бургундская , Würzburg
death: 10 June 1190, Turkey, Göksu Nehri. Drowned crossing the river, then known as the Saleph
Judith Bertha van Hohenstaufen
birth: 1123
marriage: Mathieu Ier de Lorraine
marriage: Mathieu Ier de Lorraine
title: 1138, Princesse de Lorraine
title: 14 January 1139, Duchesse de Lorraine
death: 25 March 1195
Judith von Schwaben
birth: about 1135
marriage: Lodewijk II von Thüringen
death: 7 July 1191
death: about 1160
marriage: w Konrad bei Rhein
Konrad bei Rhein
birth: about 1135
title: from 1156 - 9 November 1195, Pfalzgraf bei Rhein
marriage: ?
marriage: Ирмингард
death: 9 November 1195
Otto IV, Keizer van Duitsland
birth: between 1175 and 1176
title: 9 June 1198, Römisch-deutscher König
title: 1209, Römisch-deutscher Kaiser
marriage: Beatrix von Schwaben
marriage: Maria van Brabant , Maastricht
death: 19 May 1218, Harzburg
burial: Braunschweiger Dom
William of Lüneburg (of Winchester)
birth: 11 April 1184
marriage: w Helena von Dänemark , Hamburg
death: 12 December 1213
burial: Lüneburg, Monastery of Saint Michael
Mathilde van Saksen
birth: 1172
marriage: Enguerrand de Coucy (Enguerrand III)
title: 1204, Dame de Coucy, de Condé, de Marle, de La Fère, de Crécy, de Vervins, de Crépy
death: 1209
Mathilda de Saxe
title: 178, Princesse de Mecklembourg
marriage: Henrich Borwin I ? (Lord Rostock)
death: 1219
Генрих V Старший (Длинный) Рейнский
birth: about 1173
marriage: w Agnes von Staufen
title: from 1195 - 28 April 1227, граф Брауншвейга
title: from 1195 - 1212, пфальцграф Рейнский
death: 28 April 1227, Брауншвейг
burial: Брауншвейг, кафедральный собор
birth: about 1165
marriage: Rudolph II von Habsburg
death: before 1232
death: about 1188
== 3 ==
Irmengard bei Rhein
birth: about 1200
marriage: Hermann V von Baden und Verona
title: 1217, Margravine de Bade-Bade
death: 24 February 1260
Оттон II Светлейший Баварский
birth: 7 April 1206, Кельхайм
marriage: Агнесса Пфальцская (Виттельсбахи)
title: 1227, пфальцграф Рейнский
title: 1231, герцог Баварии
death: 29 November 1253, Ландсхут
Агнесса Пфальцская (Виттельсбахи)
birth: 1201
title: 1225
marriage: Оттон II Светлейший Баварский
title: 1227, Графиня Палатина Рейнская
title: 1231, Герцогиня Баварии
death: 1267
== 3 ==
Marie de Brabant
birth: 1226
marriage: Ludwig de Bavière (Ludwig II) , Heidelberg
title: 2 August 1254, Heidelberg, Duchesse de Bavière et Comtesse palatine du Rhin
title: 1255, Duchesse de Haute-Bavière
death: 18 January 1256, Donauworth
Anna de Schlesien-Glogau
birth: 1240
marriage: Ludwig de Bavière (Ludwig II)
title: 1260, Duchesse de Haute-Bavière et Comtesse palatine du Rhin
death: 28 May 1271
Mathilde Habsburg von Österreich
birth: 1251, Rheinfelden AG
marriage: Ludwig de Bavière (Ludwig II) , Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg
title: 1273, Duchesse de Haute-Bavière
death: 23 December 1304
Ludwig de Bavière (Ludwig II)
birth: 13 April 1229, Heidelberg
title: 29 November 1253, Kelheim, Duc de Bavière et Comte palatin du Rhin
marriage: Marie de Brabant , Heidelberg
title: 1255, Duc de Haute-Bavière
marriage: Anna de Schlesien-Glogau
marriage: Mathilde Habsburg von Österreich , Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg
death: 12 February 1294, Heidelberg
Meinhard II von Görz und Tirol, Herzog von Kärnten
birth: 1238, Schloss Greifenburg, Kärnten
marriage: Elisabeth de Bavière
death: 1 November 1295, Schloss Greifenburg, Kärnten
Konrad IV der Staufer
birth: 25 April 1228, Andria, Apulien
title: from 25 April 1228 - 21 May 1254, König von Jerusalem
title: from 1235 - 21 May 1254, Herzog von Schwaben
title: from February 1237 - 21 May 1254, Römisch-deutscher König
marriage: Elisabeth de Bavière
title: from 13 December 1250 - 21 May 1254, König von Sizilien
death: 21 May 1254, Lavello
Erszebet de Hongrie
birth: 1236
marriage: w Heinrich de Bavière (Heinrich XIII)
title: 1250, Princesse de Bavière
title: 29 November 1253, Landshut, Duchesse de Haute-Bavière
title: 1255, Duchesse de Basse-Bavière
death: 1271
Heinrich de Bavière (Heinrich XIII)
birth: 19 November 1235, Landshut
marriage: Erszebet de Hongrie
title: 29 November 1253, Landshut, Duc de Haute-Bavière
title: 1255, Duc de Basse-Bavière
death: 3 February 1290, Burghausen
Agnes von Bayern
birth: 1240
death: 7 December 1306
Mechthild von Nassau
birth: about 1280
marriage: Rudolf I von der Pfalz
title: 1294, Duchesse de Haute-Bavière et Comtesse palatine du Rhin
death: 1323
Rudolf I von der Pfalz
birth: 4 October 1274, Basel/Rhein
marriage: Mechthild von Nassau
title: 12 February 1294, Герцог Верхней Баварии
other: 1317, Пфальцграф Рейнский
death: 12 August 1319
Beatrycza von Schlesien-Glogau
birth: about 1290
marriage: Ludwig IV Wittelsbach of Bavaria
title: 1308, księżniczka głogowska
title: 1314, Reine des Romains
title: 1317, Duchesse de Bavière
death: 24 August 1322, Munich
Margaret II of Avesnes
birth: between 1307 and 1310
marriage: Ludwig IV Wittelsbach of Bavaria , Cologne
title: 25 February 1324, Gräfin von Holland und Seeland
title: 1327, Gräfin von Hennegau
title: 1328, Kaiserin der Römer
death: 23 June 1356
Ludwig IV Wittelsbach of Bavaria
birth: 1 April 1282, Munich, Bavaria
marriage: Beatrycza von Schlesien-Glogau
title: 1314, Duke of Upper Bavaria
title: 1317, Duc de Bavière
marriage: Margaret II of Avesnes , Cologne
title: 1327, Count Palatine of the Rhine
title: 1328, Emperor Holy Roman Empire
title: 17 January 1328, Margrave of Brandenburg
death: 11 October 1347, Fürstenfeldbruck
Agnes Wittelsbach von Bayern
birth: 1262
death: 21 October 1269
Ludwig de Bavière
birth: 13 September 1267
marriage: Elisabeth von Lothringen
death: 23 November 1290, Nuremberg
Otto II "der Strenge" von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
birth: 1266
title: 13 December 1277, Duc de Brunswick-Lünebourg et Prince de Lünebourg
marriage: Mathilda de Bavière
death: 10 April 1330
Mathilda de Bavière
birth: 1275, Munich
title: 1288, Duchesse de Brunswick-Lunebourg et Princesse de Lunebourg
marriage: Otto II "der Strenge" von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
death: 28 March 1319, Lunebourg
Heinrich von Hessen
birth: 1265
title: 1275, Landgrave héritier de Hesse
marriage: Agnese de Bavière , Donauwörth
death: 23 August 1298
Heinrich de Brandebourg (Heinrich Ier)
birth: 21 March 1256
title: 4 April 1266, Margrave de Brandebourg
marriage: Agnese de Bavière
death: 14 February 1318
Agnese de Bavière
birth: 1276
marriage: Heinrich von Hessen , Donauwörth
title: 15 January 1290, Landgravine héritière de Hesse
marriage: Heinrich de Brandebourg (Heinrich Ier)
title: 1298, Margravine de Brandebourg
death: 22 July 1345
Anna de Bavière
birth: 1280
Albert I of Austria
birth: July 1255
marriage: Єлизавета Тирольська Мейнхард , Vienne (Autriche)
title: 1282, Duke of Styria
title: 1298, Margrave of Meißen
title: from 1298 - 1308, Römisch-deutscher König
death: 1 May 1308
Єлизавета Тирольська Мейнхард
birth: about 1262, Мюнхен, Свята Римська імперія
title: 1274, Свята Римська імперія, графиня Габсбургська
marriage: Albert I of Austria , Vienne (Autriche)
title: 1282, Свята Римська імперія, герцогиня Австрії і Стирії
title: 1298, Свята Римська імперія, королева римлян
death: 1312, Свята Римська імперія
Anne of Bohemia
birth: 15 October 1290, Prague
marriage: Henry of Bohemia
title: 1306, Duchesse de Carinthie
title: 4 August 1306, Olomouc, Reine consort de Bohême
death: 3 September 1313, Carinthia
Adelheid von Braunschweig-Grubenhagen
birth: 1285
marriage: Henry of Bohemia , Innsbruck
death: 18 August 1320
Henry of Bohemia
birth: about 1265
birth: between 1295 and 1335, Count of Tyrol
marriage: Anne of Bohemia
title: between 1295 and 1335, Duke of Carinthia
title: 1306, King of Bohemia
title: between 1307 and 1310, King of Bohemia
marriage: Adelheid von Braunschweig-Grubenhagen , Innsbruck
death: 2 April 1335, Tirol (South Tyrol), Tyrol Castle
Konradin der Staufer
birth: 25 March 1252, Landshut, Burgruine Wolfstein (Isar)
title: from 21 May 1254 - 29 October 1268, король Иерусалима, под именем Конрад III
title: from 21 May 1254 - 29 October 1268, король Сицилии, 10-й под именем Конрад II
title: from 21 May 1254 - 29 October 1268, герцог Швабии, под именем Конрад IV
marriage: София Ландсбергская
death: 29 October 1268, Neapel
Judith de Lwowec
birth: 1285
marriage: w Stephan de Bavière (Stephan Ier)
title: 1297, Duchesse de Basse-Bavière
death: 1320
Stephan de Bavière (Stephan Ier)
birth: 14 March 1271, Landshut
title: 3 February 1290, Burghausen, Duc de Basse-Bavière
marriage: Judith de Lwowec
death: 10 December 1310, Landshut
Agnes de Silésie
birth: 1293
title: 1308, Duchesse de Basse-Bavière
marriage: w Otto III von Bayern
death: 25 December 1361
Katharina von Habsburg
birth: about 1256, Rheinfelden
marriage: w Otto III von Bayern
death: 4 April 1282, Landshut
Otto III von Bayern
birth: 11 February 1261
marriage: Katharina von Habsburg
title: from 3 February 1290 - 1312, Burghausen, Herzog von Niederbayern
title: from 4 August 1305 - 1307, Budapest, König von Ungarn
other: 1308, Renonce au trône de Hongrie
marriage: Agnes de Silésie
death: 9 September 1312, Landshut
Isabelle von Lothringen
birth: 1272
marriage: Heinrich III von Vaudemont
title: 1287, Princesse de Bavière
marriage: Ludwig de Bavière (Ludwig III)
title: 3 February 1290, Burghausen, Duchesse de Basse-Bavière
death: 11 May 1335
Ludwig de Bavière (Ludwig III)
birth: 9 October 1269, Landshut
marriage: Isabelle von Lothringen
title: 3 February 1290, Burghausen, Duc de Basse-Bavière
death: 9 October 1296, Landshut

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