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Wilhelmina Amalia of Brunswick b. 21 April 1673 d. 10 April 1742

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Lineage Braunschweig-Calenberg
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Wilhelmina Amalia of Brunswick

Johann Friedrich of Brunswick-Lüneburg [Braunschweig-Calenberg] b. 25 April 1625 d. 18 December 1679

Benedicta-Henrietta von der Pfalz [Palatinate-Simmern] b. 14 March 1652 d. 12 August 1730

Wiki-page wikipedia:en:Wilhelmina Amalia of Brunswick


21 April 1673 birth:

24 February 1699 marriage: Vienna (Austria), Joseph I Habsburg [Habsburg-Inner Austria] b. 26 July 1678 d. 17 April 1711

24 February 1699 title: Vienna (Austria), Duchess of Austria

8 December 1699 child birth: Vienna (Austria), Maria Josepha of Austria [Habsburg-Inner Austria] b. 8 December 1699 d. 17 November 1757

29 October 1700 child birth: Wien, Leopold Joseph von Österreich [Habsburg-Innerösterreich] b. 29 October 1700 d. 4 August 1701

22 October 1701 child birth: Vienna (Austria), Maria Amalia of Austria [Habsburg-Inner Austria] b. 22 October 1701 d. 11 December 1756

5 May 1705 title: Vienna (Austria), Roman Empress, Queen of Hungary, Bohemia and Archduchess of Austria

10 April 1742 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Dorothea von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
birth: 1 January 1570
marriage: Karl de Palatinat-Birkenfeld (Karl Ier)
title: 1586, Comtesse palatine de Birkenfeld
death: 15 August 1649
Sophie von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
birth: 30 October 1563, Celle
marriage: Georg de Brandebourg-Ansbach , Lunebourg
title: 3 May 1579, Принцесса Брауншвейг-Люнебургская
death: 14 January 1639, Nürnberg
Sibylle zu Braunschweig-Lüneburg-Celle
birth: 3 June 1584
title: 18 December 1617, Prinzessin von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
marriage: Julius Ernst von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel , Celle
death: 5 August 1652
Ernst II von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
birth: 31 December 1564, Celle
title: from 20 August 1592 - 1611, Celle, Herzog zu Braunschweig-Lüneburg
death: 2 March 1611, Celle
burial: Fürstengruft (Celle)
Elisabeth de Brunswick-Lünebourg
birth: 1565
death: 1621
Christian von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
birth: 9 November 1566, Celle
title: from 1599 - 1625, Bischof von Minden
title: from 2 March 1611 - 1633, Celle, Herzog zu Braunschweig-Lüneburg
title: 1617, Prince de Grubenhagen
death: 8 November 1633, Celle
burial: Fürstengruft (Celle)
August I von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
birth: 1568
title: from 1610 - 1636, Bischof von Ratzeburg
title: from 8 November 1633 - 1636, Celle, Herzog zu Braunschweig-Lüneburg
death: 1636
burial: Fürstengruft (Celle)
Clara de Brunswick-Lünebourg
birth: 1571
marriage: Wilhelm de Schwarzbourg-Frankenhausen (Wilhelm Ier) , Sondershausen
title: 7 March 1593, Sondershausen, Comtesse de Schwarzbourg-Frankenhausen
death: 1658
Margarethe von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
birth: 6 April 1573, Celle
title: 1599, Herzogin von Sachsen-Coburg
marriage: Johann de Saxe-Cobourg , Coburg
death: 7 August 1643, Celle
burial: Fürstengruft (Celle)
Friedrich IV von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
birth: 28 August 1574, Celle
title: from 1636 - 1648, Herzog zu Braunschweig-Lüneburg
death: 10 December 1648, Celle
burial: Fürstengruft (Celle)
Maria de Brunswick-Lünebourg
birth: 1575
death: 1610
Magnus de Brunswick-Lünebourg
birth: 1577
death: 1632
Johann de Brunswick-Lünebourg
birth: 1583
death: 1628
Georg of of Brunswick-Lüneburg Duke
birth: 17 February 1582
marriage: Anne Eleanor Hesse-Darmstadt , Darmstadt
title: from 11 August 1634 - 1641, Braunschweig, Duc de Brunswick-Lünebourg et Prince de Calenberg
death: 2 April 1641
burial: Celle, Fürstengruft
Sophia de Hesse-Darmstadt
birth: 12 January 1604, Darmstadt
marriage: Johann Friedrich von Pfalz-Sulzbach-Hilpoltstein
title: 1624, Comtesse palatine de Sulzbach-Hilpolstein
death: 8 September 1664, Neubourg-sur-le-Danube
Georg II Hesse-Darmstadt
birth: 17 March 1605
title: 27 July 1626, Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt
marriage: Sophia Eleonore of Saxony
death: 11 June 1661
Juliana von Hesse-Darmstadt
birth: 14 April 1606
marriage: Ulrich II von Ostfriesland
title: 5 March 1631
death: 15 January 1659, Kalefeld, Altes Amt Westerhof
Elisabeth de Hesse-Darmstadt
birth: 23 April 1600, Darmstadt
marriage: Ludwig Friedrich von Württemberg-Mömpelgard
title: July 1617, Montbéliard (25), Comtesse de Wurtemberg-Montbéliard
death: 9 June 1624, Montbéliard (25)
Amalie von Hessen-Darmstadt
birth: 1607
death: 1627
Johann von Hessen-Darmstadt
birth: 17 June 1609, Darmstadt
title: 27 July 1626, Rheinfelden (Baden), Landgraf von Hessen-Braubach
marriage: w Johanna von Sayn-Wittgenstein , Rheinfelden (Baden)
death: 1 April 1651, Bad Ems
Heinrich von Hessen-Darmstadt
birth: 1612
death: 1629
Hedwig von Hessen-Darmstadt
birth: 1613
death: 1614
Ludwig von Hessen-Darmstadt
birth: 1614
death: 1614
Friedrich von Hessen-Darmstadt
birth: 28 February 1616, Darmstadt
title: 19 February 1652, Rom, Kardinal
title: 1671, Breslau, Fürstbischof von Breslau
death: 19 February 1682, Breslau
Anne Eleanor Hesse-Darmstadt
birth: 30 July 1601, Darmstadt, Germany
title: 14 December 1617, Herzogin und Regentin von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
marriage: Georg of of Brunswick-Lüneburg Duke , Darmstadt
title: 11 August 1634, Prinzessin von Hessen-Darmstadt
death: 6 May 1659, Herzberg, Germany
Sophia von der Pfalz
birth: 14 October 1630, The Hague, Netherlands
marriage: Ernest Augustus Brunswick Hanover Duke , Heidelberg (Germany)
title: 30 September 1658, Electress of Hanover
other: 18 December 1679, Hanover (Germany), Schloss Herrenhausen (?)
title: 1692, Electrice de Hanovre
death: 8 June 1714, Hanover (Germany)
Henrietta Maria von der Pfalz
birth: 17 July 1626
marriage: Zsigmond Rackoczy , Sárospatak
death: 18 September 1651
burial: Alba Iulia, Трансильвания
Maurice von Simmern
birth: 17 December 1620
death: September 1652, at sea, while sailing for the West Indies, his ship was caught in a hurricane
Rupert von der Pfalz
birth: 17 December 1619, Prague, Czech Republic
title: from -, Earl of Holderness
title: from 1644 - 19 November 1682, Duke of Cumberland
title: from 1653 - 1655, Master of the Horse
title: from 1670 - 1682, Lord Lieutenant of Berkshire
title: from 1673 - 1679, Lord High Admiral
death: 19 November 1682, Westminster (England), London, Spring Gardens
Charles I Lewis Palatinate
birth: 22 September 1617
title: from 1648 - 1680, Elector Palatine
marriage: Charlotte of Hesse-Kassel
divorce: Charlotte of Hesse-Kassel
marriage: Elisabetha Holländer von Berau , 1679 heiratete Karl-Ludwig von der Pfalz zur linken Hand die Hofdame Elisabeth Holländer von Berau, Tochter von Tobias Holländer von Berau, mit der er einen Sohn hatte, der jedoch erst acht Monate nach seinem Tod geboren wurde.
death: 28 August 1680
Frederick Henry von der Pfalz
birth: 11 January 1614
title: Kurprinz Palatine
death: 17 January 1629, Haarlemmermeer, Netherlands, drowned
burial: after 17 January 1629, The Hague, Netherlands
Elisabeth von der Pfalz
birth: 26 December 1618
occupation: from 1667 - 1680, als Elisabeth III. Äbtissin des Stifts Herford
death: 11 February 1680
burial: after 11 February 1680, Herford, Münsterkirche, Westfalen
Louise Hollandine von der Pfalz
birth: 18 April 1622
death: 11 February 1709
Charlotte von der Pfalz
birth: 1628
death: 1631
Edward von der Pfalz
birth: 5 October 1625, The Hague, Netherlands
marriage: Anna-Maria de Gonzague , Paris, France
death: 10 March 1663, Paris, France
Luisa-Maria de Gonzague
birth: 18 August 1611, Paris (75)
title: 10 March 1646, Varsovie, Reine de Pologne et Grande-Duchesse de Lituanie
marriage: Władysław IV Wasa , Varsovie
marriage: Ян II Казимир Ваза , Cracovie
death: 10 May 1667, Varsovie
Carlo de Gonzague (Charles III de Mayenne, Charles II de Rethel)
birth: 22 October 1609, Paris (75)
title: 20 September 1621, Montauban (82), Duc de Mayenne, d'Aiguillon et Comte du Maine, de Tende, de Sommerive et Marquis de Villars
title: 13 October 1622, Charleville-Mézières (08), Duc par courtoisie de Rethel
marriage: Maria de Gonzague , Mantoue
death: 30 August 1631, Cavriana
Francesco von Gonzaga (François III de Rethel)
birth: 17 June 1606, Paris
title: 17 June 1606, Paris, Duc par courtoisie de Rethel
death: 13 October 1622, Charleville-Mézières
Ferdinando de Gonzague
birth: 1610, Charleville-Mézières (08)
title: 30 April 1631, Cavriana, Duc de Mayenne, d'Aiguillon, Comte du Maine, de Tende, de Sommeruve et Marquis de Villars
death: 25 May 1632, Charleville-Mézières (08)
Benedetta de Gonzague
birth: 1614
death: 20 December 1637, Avenay-Val-d'Or (51)
Henri de Guise (Henri II)
birth: 4 April 1614, Paris
title: 1629, Archevêque de Reims
marriage: Anna-Maria de Gonzague
title: 7 December 1639, Paris, Prince de Joinville
title: 30 September 1640, Paris, Duc de Guise et Comte d'Eu
other: Anna-Maria de Gonzague , Séparation
marriage: Honorine de Glymes de Berghe , Stadt Brüssel
other: Honorine de Glymes de Berghe , Séparation
death: 2 June 1664, Paris
Anna-Maria de Gonzague
birth: 1616, Paris (75)
marriage: Henri de Guise (Henri II)
other: Henri de Guise (Henri II) , Séparation
title: 24 April 1645, Paris (75), Comtesse palatine du Rhin
marriage: Edward von der Pfalz , Paris, France
death: 6 July 1684, Paris (75)
Ernest Augustus Brunswick Hanover Duke
birth: 20 November 1629, Herzberg am Harz, Herzberg Castle
marriage: Sophia von der Pfalz , Heidelberg (Germany)
title: 18 December 1679, Augsburg, Duc de Brunswick-Lünebourg et Prince de Calenberg
title: 1692, Electeur de Hanovre
death: 23 January 1698, Hanover (Germany), Herrenhausen Palace
Christian von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
birth: 25 February 1622, Herzberg am Harz
title: 2 April 1641, Hildesheim, Herzog von Braunschweig-Lüneburg und Fürst von Calenberg
title: 10 December 1648, Celle, Prinz von Lüneburg
marriage: Dorothea Sophie Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg , Celle (Allemagne)
death: 15 March 1665, Celle
Софи Амалии Брауншвейг-Люнебург
birth: 24 March 1628
marriage: Frederick III of Denmark , Glückstadt (Germany)
title: 28 February 1648, Принцесса Дании и Норвегии
death: 20 February 1685
Georg von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
birth: 26 January 1624, Celler Schloss
title: 10 December 1648, Celler Schloss, Herzog von Braunschweig-Lüneburg und Fürst von Calenberg
marriage: Eléonore Desmier d'Olbreuse
title: 15 March 1665, Celler Schloss, Prinz von Lüneburg
death: 28 August 1705, Celler Schloss
Johann Friedrich of Brunswick-Lüneburg
birth: 25 April 1625, Herzberg am Harz, Germany
title: 15 March 1665, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg
marriage: Benedicta-Henrietta von der Pfalz
death: 18 December 1679, Augsburg, Bavaria, Germany
Luise Marie von der Pfalz
birth: 23 July 1647, Paris
marriage: Karl Theodor Otto zu Salm
death: 11 March 1679, Aachen
Anna Henrietta de Palatinat
birth: 13 March 1648, Paris (75)
title: 11 December 1663, Paris (75), Duchesse de Montmorency, de Châteauroux et d'Enghien
marriage: Henri III Jules de Bourbon , Paris, France
title: 11 December 1686, Fontainebleau (77), Princesse de Condé, Duchesse de Guise, Marquise de Graville et Comtesse de Sancerre
death: 23 February 1723, Paris (75)
Benedicta-Henrietta von der Pfalz
birth: 14 March 1652
marriage: Johann Friedrich of Brunswick-Lüneburg
title: 25 November 1668, Celle (Allemagne), Duchesse de Brunswick-Lünebourg et Princesse de Calenberg
death: 12 August 1730
== 3 ==
Charlotte Felicity of Brunswick-Lüneburg
birth: 8 March 1671
marriage: Rinaldo d'Este , Modena
title: 11 February 1696, Modène, Duchesse de Modène et de Reggio
death: 29 September 1710
Henriette de Brunswick-Calenberg
birth: 1672
death: 1757
Joseph I Habsburg
birth: 26 July 1678, Vienna (Austria)
marriage: Wilhelmina Amalia of Brunswick , Vienna (Austria)
title: from 1705 - 1711, Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reiches Deutscher Nation
title: 5 May 1705, King of Hungary
death: 17 April 1711, Vienna (Austria)
Wilhelmina Amalia of Brunswick
birth: 21 April 1673
marriage: Joseph I Habsburg , Vienna (Austria)
title: 24 February 1699, Vienna (Austria), Duchess of Austria
title: 5 May 1705, Vienna (Austria), Roman Empress, Queen of Hungary, Bohemia and Archduchess of Austria
death: 10 April 1742
== 3 ==
Augustus III of Poland
birth: 17 October 1696
marriage: Maria Josepha of Austria , Dresden
title: from 1733 - 5 October 1763, Elector of Saxony
title: from 1733 - 5 October 1763, King of Poland
title: from 1734 - 5 October 1763, Großherzog von Litauen
death: 5 October 1763
Maria Josepha of Austria
birth: 8 December 1699, Vienna (Austria)
marriage: Augustus III of Poland , Dresden
title: 20 August 1719, Erzherzogin von Österreich
title: 1 February 1733, Königin von Polen
death: 17 November 1757, Dresden
Charles VII Albert Wittelsbach
birth: 6 August 1697, Brussels
marriage: Maria Amalia of Austria
title: 26 February 1726, Elector of Bavaria
title: 24 January 1742, Holy Roman Emperor
death: 20 January 1745, Munich
Maria Amalia of Austria
birth: 22 October 1701, Vienna (Austria)
marriage: Charles VII Albert Wittelsbach
title: 5 October 1722, Wien, Princesse de Bavière
title: 26 February 1726, München, Princesse-Electrice de Bavière
title: 24 January 1742, Frankfurt am Main, Impératrice des Romains
death: 11 December 1756, Munich
Leopold Joseph von Österreich
birth: 29 October 1700, Wien
death: 4 August 1701, Wien
Louis-Ferdinand de France
birth: 4 September 1729, Versailles (78)
title: 4 September 1729, Versailles (78), Dauphin de France
marriage: Maria Theresia von Spanien , Schloss Versailles, Frankreich
marriage: Maria Josepha Carolina Eleonore Franziska Xaveria of Saxony , Versailles (France)
death: 20 December 1765, Fontainebleau (77)
Maria Josepha Carolina Eleonore Franziska Xaveria of Saxony
birth: 4 November 1731, Dresden (Germany), Saxony, Dresden Castle
marriage: Louis-Ferdinand de France , Versailles (France)
title: 9 February 1747, Duchess of Saxony
death: 13 March 1767, Versailles (France), tuberculosis
Charles III Bourbon
birth: 20 January 1716, Madrid, Spain
title: 26 February 1731, Duke of Parma
title: 15 May 1734, Italy, King of Naples and Sicily
title: 3 July 1735, Vienne (Autriche), Roi de Sicile
marriage: Maria Amalia Christina of Saxony
title: from 10 August 1759 - 14 December 1788, King of Spain
death: 14 December 1788, Madrid, Spain
Maria Amalia Christina of Saxony
birth: 24 November 1724, Dresden
marriage: Charles III Bourbon
title: 3 July 1738, Reine de Sicile, de Naples et Duchesse de Parme et de Plaisance
title: 10 August 1759, Queen Consort of Naples and Sicily
death: 27 September 1760, tuberculosis
Joseph II Benedikt August Johannes Anton Michel Adam of Habsburg-Lorraine
birth: 13 March 1741
marriage: Isabella Maria of Parma
title: 27 March 1764, Archduke of Austria
marriage: Marie Josephe Antonie Walburga Felicitas Regula of Bavaria
title: from 18 August 1765 - 20 February 1790, Holy Roman Emperor
title: 20 November 1780, King of Croatia and Slavonia
death: 20 February 1790
Marie Josephe Antonie Walburga Felicitas Regula of Bavaria
birth: 20 March 1739
title: 23 January 1765
marriage: Joseph II Benedikt August Johannes Anton Michel Adam of Habsburg-Lorraine
title: 18 August 1765, Vienne (Autriche), Impératrice du Saint-Empire
death: 28 May 1767, Vienne (Autriche)
Franziska von Corvin-Krasinski
birth: 9 March 1742
marriage: Karl Christian Joseph of Saxony , Warsaw, Poland, morganatic
death: 30 April 1796
Karl Christian Joseph of Saxony
title: 1733, durch Geburt Prinz von Sachsen und Polen
birth: 13 July 1733
title: from 1758 - 1763, Duke of Courland
marriage: Franziska von Corvin-Krasinski , Warsaw, Poland, morganatic
death: 16 June 1796
Frederick Christian Wettin of Saxony
birth: 5 September 1722, Dresden (Germany), Electorate of Saxony
marriage: Maria Antonia Wittelsbach of Bavaria , Munich, Electorate of Bavaria, by proxy
marriage: Maria Antonia Wittelsbach of Bavaria , Dresden (Germany), Electorate of Saxony, in person
title: from 5 October 1763 - 17 December 1763, Dresden (Germany), Electorate of Saxony, Elector of Saxony
death: 17 December 1763, Dresden (Germany), Electorate of Saxony, died of smallpox
burial: after 17 December 1763, Dresden (Germany), Electorate of Saxony, Hofkirche, The Catholic Church of the Royal Court of Saxony
Maria Chrstina d'Autriche
birth: 13 May 1742, Vienne (Autriche)
marriage: Albert Kasimir von Sachsen-Teschen
title: 8 April 1766, Vienne (Autriche), Duchesse de Saxe-Teschen
death: 24 June 1798, Vienne (Autriche)
Albert Kasimir von Sachsen-Teschen
birth: 11 July 1738, Moritzburg (Sachsen)
marriage: Maria Chrstina d'Autriche
death: 10 February 1822, Wien
burial: Kapuzinergruft
Maria Anna de Saxe
birth: 29 August 1728, Dresde
title: 9 July 1747, Munich, Princesse-Electrice de Bavière
marriage: Maximilian de Bavière (Maximilian III) , Munich
death: 17 February 1797, Munich
Maria Antonia Wittelsbach of Bavaria
birth: 18 July 1724, Munich, Electorate of Bavaria, Nymphenburg Palace
marriage: Frederick Christian Wettin of Saxony , Munich, Electorate of Bavaria, by proxy
other: 20 June 1747, Rome, Italy, she became a member of the Accademia dell’Arcadia of Rome
marriage: Frederick Christian Wettin of Saxony , Dresden (Germany), Electorate of Saxony, in person
title: 5 October 1763, Electress of Saxony by marriage
death: 23 April 1780, Dresden (Germany), Electorate of Saxony
Ludwig Georg Simpert von Baden-Baden
birth: 7 June 1702
title: 4 January 1707, Markgraf von Baden-Baden
marriage: Maria Anna de Schwarzenberg , Český Krumlov
marriage: Maria Anna de Bavière , Ettlingen
death: 22 October 1761
Maria Anna de Bavière
birth: 7 August 1734, Munich
title: 20 July 1755, Ettlingen, Margravine de Bade-Bade
marriage: Ludwig Georg Simpert von Baden-Baden , Ettlingen
death: 7 May 1776, Sponheim
Maximilian de Bavière (Maximilian III)
birth: 28 March 1727, Munich
title: 20 January 1745, Munich, Prince-Electeur de Bavière
marriage: Maria Anna de Saxe , Munich
death: 30 December 1777, Munich
Chiara Spinucci
birth: 30 August 1741, Fermo
marriage: Franz Xaver von Sachsen , Dresden
death: 23 November 1792, Fermo
Franz Xaver von Sachsen
birth: 25 August 1730, Dresden
marriage: Chiara Spinucci , Dresden
death: 17 June 1806, Zabeltitz
Maximiliane de Bavière
birth: 1723
death: 1724
Theresa de Bavière
birth: 1725
death: 1743
Joseph de Bavière
birth: 1728
death: 1733

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