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Кунигунда Швабская b. January 1202 d. 13 September 1248

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Lineage Гогенштауфены
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Кунигунда Швабская

Philip Von Hohenstauffen [Hohenstaufen] b. August 1177 d. 21 June 1208

Irene Angelina [Angelos] b. 1181 d. 27 August 1208

Wiki-page wikipedia:ru:Кунигунда Швабская (королева Чехии)
Reference numbers GEDCOM::AdriaenAlbout.ged::INDI @I9175@::Kjansen


January 1202 birth:

1224 marriage: Wenceslaus I of Bohemia ? (Premyslid) [Premyslid] b. about 1205 d. 23 September 1253

1224 title: Princesse de Bohême

1226 title: Reine de Bohême

1227 child birth: w Vladislav III de Moravie (Przhemyslovich) [Premyslid] b. 1227 d. 3 January 1247

1230 child birth: Městec Králové, Premysl Ottokar II of Bohemia [Premyslid] b. 1230 d. 26 August 1278

about 1231 child birth: Bożena Przemyślidka [Premyslid] b. about 1231 d. 25 May 1296

1244 child birth: Prague, Anezka de Bohême [Přemyslide] b. 1244 d. 1268

13 September 1248 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Judith Bertha van Hohenstaufen
birth: 1123
marriage: Mathieu Ier de Lorraine
marriage: Mathieu Ier de Lorraine
title: 1138, Princesse de Lorraine
title: 14 January 1139, Duchesse de Lorraine
death: 25 March 1195
Judith von Schwaben
birth: about 1135
marriage: Lodewijk II von Thüringen
death: 7 July 1191
death: after 1155
Konrad bei Rhein
birth: about 1135
title: from 1156 - 9 November 1195, Pfalzgraf bei Rhein
marriage: ?
marriage: Ирмингард
death: 9 November 1195
Адела фон Фобург/Вобургская/
birth: 1127
fact 1: 1-я жена Фридриха I Барбароссы(этот брак был без детей)
fact 2: эта пара развелась в марте 1153 года
fact 3: вышла 2-м браком за Дито фон Равенсбурга(от этого брака было семеро детей)
marriage: Friedrich III Barbarossa Hohenstaufen , Eger, Adela von Vohburg
death: 25 May 1187
Friedrich III Barbarossa Hohenstaufen
birth: about 1122, Waiblingen, Weingarten (Württemberg), Waiblingen or Weingarten
marriage: Адела фон Фобург/Вобургская/ , Eger, Adela von Vohburg
title: from 6 April 1147 - 4 March 1152, Duke of Swabia
title: 4 March 1152, Roi des Romains
title: 18 June 1155, German Emperor
title: between 1156 and 1190, Comte de Bourgogne
marriage: Беатриса I Бургундская , Würzburg
death: 10 June 1190, Turkey, Göksu Nehri. Drowned crossing the river, then known as the Saleph
Беатриса I Бургундская
birth: about 1145
title: from 1148 - 1184, пфальцграфиня Бургундии
marriage: Friedrich III Barbarossa Hohenstaufen , Würzburg
death: 15 November 1184
Alexios III Angelos
birth: about 1153
marriage: Euphrosyne Doukaina Kamatera
title: from 1195 - 1203, Byzantine Emperor
death: after 1210
Isaac II Angelos
birth: September 1156
marriage: Irene van Byzantium
marriage: Маргарита Венгерская
title: from 12 September 1185 - 8 April 1195, Emperor of Byzantium
title: from 1 August 1203 - 25 January 1204, Emperor of Byzantium
death: 28 January 1204, Constantinople, Byzantium
Manuel Komnenos
birth: about 1145
marriage: Русудан
death: 1185
Heinrich VI.
birth: November 1165, Nimwegen
title: 15 August 1169, Römisch-deutscher König
marriage: Constance de Hauteville (of Sicily) , Milan, Italy
title: 14 April 1191, Römisch-deutscher Kaiser
title: from 20 November 1194 - 28 September 1197, König von Sizilien
death: 28 September 1197, Messina
burial: Palermo
Othon I von Hohenstaufen (de Bourgogne)
birth: about June 1170
title: from 1189 - 13 January 1200, Comte de Bourgogne
marriage: Marguerite de Blois
title: from 1196 - 1197, граф Люксембурга, 10-й
death: 13 January 1200, Besançon
Friedrich VI
birth: February 1167, Modigliana
title: from 1169 - 20 January 1191, герцог Швабии
death: 20 January 1191, Akkon
Béatrice de Hohenstaufen
birth: between 1160 and 1162
death: 1174
Frédéric V de Souabe (Staufer)
birth: 6 July 1164
title: from 1167 - 1169, duc de Souabe
death: between September 1168 and November 1169
Konrad II von Schwaben
birth: 1172
title: from 1188 - 15 August 1196, герцог Ротенбургский
marriage: Berenguela I de Castilla
title: from 1191 - 15 August 1196, герцог Швабии
annulment: Berenguela I de Castilla , Celestino III declarará inválido el matrimonio
death: 15 August 1196, Дурлах
Райнальд (Рено)
birth: about 1173
death: 1178
birth: about 1176
death: after 1178
marriage bann: w Emmerich
death: 8 October 1184
Philip Von Hohenstauffen
birth: August 1177
title: from 1190 - 1191, Bischof von Würzburg
title: 1195, Bari, Markgraf der Toskana
marriage: Irene Angelina , Bari
title: from 15 August 1196 - 21 June 1208, Duque da Suábia
title: 1198, Imperador do Sacro Império Romano-Germânico
death: 21 June 1208, Bamberg
burial: 22 June 1208, Bamberg
Teodora Angela Comnène
title: 1203, Duchesse d'Autriche et de Styrie
marriage: Leopold VI Sławny Austrijski
death: 23 June 1246, Klosterneuburg, Kahlenberg
Alexios IV Angelos
birth: about 1182
marriage: Євфимія Глібівна Руська і Київська
title: from 1203 - 1204, Emperor of Byzantium
death: 8 February 1204
Roger D'Apulia
birth: 1175
title: from January 1190 - 24 December 1193, duc d'Apulie
title: from June 1192 - 24 December 1193, roi de Sicile
marriage: Irene Angelina
death: 24 December 1193
Irene Angelina
birth: 1181, Constatinople, Byzantium
marriage: Roger D'Apulia
marriage: Philip Von Hohenstauffen , Bari
death: 27 August 1208, Göppingen, County of Württemberg, Holy Roman Empire, Hohenstaufen Castle
== 3 ==
Maria van Hohenstaufen
birth: 1201, Arezzo
marriage: Heinrich II. Löwen von Brabant
title: 1214, Princesse de Brabant
death: 1235, Leuven
Елизавета Швабская
birth: 1202
marriage: Ferdinand III of Castile
title: 30 November 1219, Королева Кастилии
title: 1230, Королева Леона
death: 5 November 1235, Toro (Zamora)
Райнальд Швабский
death: в младенчестве
Фридрих Швабский
birth: 1206
death: в младенчестве
Беатриса Младшая Швабская
birth: August 1208
death: August 1208
Wenceslaus I of Bohemia ? (Premyslid)
birth: about 1205, Prague
marriage: Кунигунда Швабская
title: 1226, King of Bohemia
death: 23 September 1253, Králův Dvůr
Кунигунда Швабская
birth: January 1202
marriage: Wenceslaus I of Bohemia ? (Premyslid)
title: 1224, Princesse de Bohême
title: 1226, Reine de Bohême
death: 13 September 1248
== 3 ==
Margrethe d'Autriche
birth: about 1204
marriage: Heinrich VII , Nuremberg
marriage: Premysl Ottokar II of Bohemia
title: 1252, Duchesse de Moravie
title: 22 September 1253, Reine de Bohême
divorce: Premysl Ottokar II of Bohemia
death: 29 October 1266, Krumau am Kamp
Kunigunda of Galich
birth: 1245, Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine
title: 1261, Reine de Bohême
marriage: Premysl Ottokar II of Bohemia
death: 9 September 1285, Krumlov
Premysl Ottokar II of Bohemia
birth: 1230, Městec Králové
marriage: Agnes von Kuenring
title: 1247, Duc de Moravie
marriage: Margrethe d'Autriche
title: 22 September 1253, King of Bohemia
divorce: Margrethe d'Autriche
marriage: Kunigunda of Galich
death: 26 August 1278, Dürnkrut (Austria)
Гертруда Австрійська Бабенберг
birth: 1226, Святе Римське царство
title: 1246, Моравське маркграфство, Святе Римське царство, Margravine de Moravie
marriage: w Vladislav III de Moravie (Przhemyslovich)
marriage: Hermann VI, von Baden
title: 1248, Баден-Баденське і Веронське маркграфство, Святе Римське царство, Margravine de Bade-Bade et de Vérone
marriage: Roman Danilovich
death: 24 April 1288, Святе Римське царство
Otton III Pobożny Askańczyk
birth: 1215
title: 25 February 1220, маркграф Бранденбурга
marriage: Bożena Przemyślidka
death: 9 October 1267, Brandenburg (Havel)
Bożena Przemyślidka
birth: about 1231
marriage: Otton III Pobożny Askańczyk
title: 1243, Margravine de Brandebourg
death: 25 May 1296, Breslau
Anezka de Bohême
birth: 1244, Prague
death: 1268
Elzbieta de Grande-Pologne
birth: 1 September 1288, Poznań
title: 26 May 1303, Prague, Reine de Bohême, Duchesse de Sandomierz, de Cracovie, de Pologne et de Haute-Pologne
marriage: Wenceslaus II of Bohemia , Poznań
title: 16 October 1306, Poznań, Duchesse d'Autriche et de Styrie
marriage: Rudolf I of Bohemia , Poznań
death: 19 October 1335, Brno
Юдита Габсбург
birth: 13 March 1271, Райнфельден, Швабия
title: 24 January 1285, Egra, Королева Чехии
marriage: Wenceslaus II of Bohemia , Cheb (Czech Republic), (Egra)
title: 1292, Duchesse de Sandomierz
title: 1295, Великая княгиня Польши (Кракова)
death: 21 May 1297, Прага, Королевство Богемия
Wenceslaus II of Bohemia
birth: 27 September 1271, Prague
title: 26 August 1278, King of Bohemia
marriage: Юдита Габсбург , Cheb (Czech Republic), (Egra)
title: 1292, King of Poland
title: 1295, Prague
title: 1300, Roi de Pologne et Duc de Grande-Pologne
marriage: Elzbieta de Grande-Pologne , Poznań
death: 21 June 1305, Prague
birth: about 1252
marriage: Otton V Długi Askańczyk
title: 22 October 1268, Margravine de Brandebourg
death: 1327
Otton V Długi Askańczyk
birth: 1246, Прага, Королевство Богемия
title: 4 April 1267, маркграф Бранденбурга, регент
marriage: Юдита
death: July 1298
Nikolaus I of Troppau
birth: about 1255
marriage: Adelheid von Habsburg
title: after 1269, Князь Троппау
death: 26 July 1318
Johann III von Brandenburg
birth: 1244, Prag
title: 1267, маркграф Бранденбурга
death: 8 April 1268
Mathilda de Danemark
birth: 1250
marriage: w Albrecht III von Brandenburg
title: 1268, Margravine de Brandebourg
death: 1311
Albrecht III von Brandenburg
birth: 1250
title: 9 October 1267, маркграф Бранденбурга, со-правитель
marriage: Mathilda de Danemark
death: 4 December 1300
Otto IV von Brandenburg
birth: 1264
title: 9 October 1267, Brandebourg-sur-la-Havel, Margrave de Brandebourg
death: 6 July 1303
Walram de Limbourg (Walram IV)
birth: 1220
title: 25 February 1247, Duc de Limbourg, Abbaye de Rolduc
marriage: Jutta van Kleef
marriage: Kunigunde von Brandenburg
death: 14 October 1279
Kunigunde von Brandenburg
birth: 1247
marriage: Bela von Slawonien
title: 1264, Duchesse de Slavonie
marriage: Walram de Limbourg (Walram IV)
title: 10 January 1273, Duchesse de Limbourg
death: 1292
Barnum II ? (of Pommern)
birth: about 1210
marriage: Marianna von Schweden
marriage: Margarethe von Braunschweig
title: from 23 January 1220 - 13 November 1278, герцог Померания-Штеттин
title: from 17 May 1264 - 13 November 1278, герцог Померания-Дымин
marriage: Mathilde von Brandenburg
death: 13 November 1278
Mathilde von Brandenburg
birth: 1248
title: 1267, Duchesse de Poméranie
marriage: Barnum II ? (of Pommern)
death: 20 December 1316
Rudolf de Habsbourg (Rudolf II d'Autriche)
birth: 1270
title: 1282, Duc d'Autriche et de Styrie
other: 1 June 1283, Vienne (Autriche), Renonciation aux Duchés
title: 1289, Duc de Souabe
marriage: Agneska de Bohême , Prague
death: 10 May 1290
Agneska de Bohême
birth: 1268
title: 1289, Prague, Duchesse de Souabe
marriage: Rudolf de Habsbourg (Rudolf II d'Autriche) , Prague
death: 1296
Hendrik de Bohême
birth: 1262
death: 1263
Kunigunde de Bohême
birth: 1265
death: 1321

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