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Hendrik I van Cuyck b. 1070 d. 1108

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Lineage Cuyk
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Hendrik I van Cuyck

Ida van Boulogne [Boulogne] b. 1055

w Herman I van Cuyck [Cuyck] b. estimated 1030 d. after 1080

Reference numbers GEDCOM::AeltjevanderBurch.ged::INDI @I66577@::Kjansen


1070 birth:

1100 marriage: Alveradis van Hochstaden [Hochstaden] b. 1080 d. 1131

estimated 1100 child birth: w Godfried I van Cuyck [Cuyk-Arnsberg] b. estimated 1100 d. about 1167

1100 child birth: Irmgard van Cuijk [Cuyck] b. 1100 d. 1134

1100 child birth: Aleidis van Cuijk [Cuyck] b. 1100

1100 child birth: w Herman II van Cuyck van Malsen [Cuyck] b. 1100 d. 1170

1108 death:


Heer van Cuyk 1096, burggraaf van Utrecht

From grandparents to grandchildren

Ida von Lothringen
birth: estimated 1040
marriage: Eustace II de Boulogne
death: 13 April 1113, Atrecht
burial: Abdij St Vaast
burial: 1669, Parijs
burial: 1808, Bayeux
Gerberga van Boulogne
birth: estimated 1010
marriage: w Friedrich II von Luxemburg
death: before November 1049
burial: Stavelot
Lambert van Boulogne
birth: estimated 1030
marriage: Adelaide (Adelis) of Normandy
death: 1054, Phalempin
Eustace II de Boulogne
birth: about 1020
title: comte de Boulogne
title: comte de Lens
marriage: Ida von Lothringen
death: about 1085
Everhard van Teisterbant
birth: estimated 1015
Unroch in de Betuwe
birth: estimated 1010
marriage: Nn van Isala en Lake
death: after 1073
Godefroy de Bouillon (King of Jerusalem)
birth: about 1060
title: avoué du Saint-Sépulcre
death: 18 July 1100, Jerusalem
Balduin I von Boulogne
birth: after 1060
title: Граф де Булонь
marriage: Арда
marriage: Godehilde de Tosny
title: from 1098 - 1100, Graf von Edessa
title: from 1100 - 1118, Король Иерусалимский
death: 2 April 1118, al-Arisch, Ägypten
Eustache III van Boulogne
birth: about 1058
marriage: Maria van Schotland
death: after 1125, Rumilly (Pas-de-Calais)
ordination: 1125, Rumilly (Pas-de-Calais)
== 3 ==
Heilwich van Cuijck
birth: estimated 1065
marriage: Арнольд I ван Роде
death: after 1129
== 3 ==
Арнольд II ван Роде
birth: 1090, Священное Римское царство
marriage: Aleidis van Cuijk
death: 1125, Священное Римское царство
Albert van Cuijk
birth: 1140
death: 1200
Otto IV van Bentheim
birth: estimated 1140
marriage: Alveradis van Arnsberg
death: 1208
Alveradis van Arnsberg
birth: estimated 1160
marriage: Otto IV van Bentheim
death: 1230
Hendrik van Cuyk
birth: 1140
death: 1195
Everhard I van Altena
birth: about 1130, Altena, Markischer Kreis, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
marriage: Adelheid van Cuyk-Arnsberg
death: 23 January 1180, Altena, Markischer Kreis, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Frederik van Cuijck
birth: 1132
death: about 1165

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