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Konstanze d. before 1101

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Lineage Hauteville
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Konstanze

Roger I (Bosso) Forqualquier (of Sicily) [Hauteville] b. 1031 d. 22 June 1101

Éremburge de Mortain [Richardide] b. about 1060 d. about 1089


1095 marriage: Конрад Салический [Салические] b. 12 February 1074 d. 27 July 1101

before 1101 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

birth: estimated 990
marriage: Tancred of Hauteville
death: about 1025
Tancred of Hauteville
birth: 980, Cotentin Peninsula, France
marriage: Muriella
marriage: Fressenda
death: 1041
birth: about 995
marriage: Tancred of Hauteville
death: 1057
Adelaide (Adelis) of Normandy
birth: about 1027, Normandy, France
marriage: w Enguerrand de Ponthieu (Picard)
marriage: w Lambert van Boulogne
title: from 1053 - 1080, comtesse d'Aumale
death: about 1083, Aumale, France
William I FitzRobert (The Conqueror)
birth: 14 October 1025, Falaise (Calvados), France
title: from 3 July 1035 - 9 September 1087, Duke of Normandy
marriage: Matilda of Flanders (de Flandres) , Eu (Seine-Maritime), Normandy, France
title: from 14 October 1066 - 9 September 1087, King of England
death: 9 September 1087, Rouen, France
Guillaume Guerlenc
birth: 1031
death: 8 December 1090
Robert Guiscard de Hauteville
birth: 1015
marriage: w Alberada von Buonalbergo
other: from 1057 - 1059, Count of Apulia
annulment: w Alberada von Buonalbergo
marriage: w Sichelgaita (Sikelgaita) de Amalfi (et Salerno)
title: from 1059 - 17 July 1085, comtes de Sicile
death: 17 July 1085
burial: Venosa, Abbey of the Santissima Trinità
Drogo of Hauteville
birth: about 1010
title: from 1046 - 10 August 1051, Count of Apulia
death: 10 August 1051
Humphrey de Hauteville
birth: about 1010
title: from August 1051 - August 1057, Count of Apulia and Calabria
death: August 1057
burial: Venosa, Abbey of the Santissima Trinità
Serlo I of Hauteville
title: from 1041 -, сеньор де Готвиль
Geoffrey de Hauteville
birth: comte de Loritello.
birth: 1020, Cotentin
marriage count: 2
children count: au moins 4
marriage: N.
marriage: Theodora di Salerno
title: from 1041 - 1056, сеньор де Готвиль, возможно до 1053
title: from 1059 - 1063, граф Капитаната
death: 1071
William Iron Arm de Hauteville
birth: about 1005
title: from September 1042 - 1046, Count of Apulia
death: 1046
burial: Venosa, Abbey of the Santissima Trinità
Mauger de Hauteville
birth: 1030, Cotentin
title: from 1056 - 1057, comte du Capitanate
death: 1057
Guillaume de Hauteville
birth: about 1027, Cotentin
death: 1080
burial: Venosa, Abbaye de la Trinité de Venosa
Roger I (Bosso) Forqualquier (of Sicily)
birth: 1031
marriage: Judith d'Évreux - (Épouse de Roger Ier de Sicile)
title: from 1072 - 22 June 1101, великий граф Сицилии
marriage: Éremburge de Mortain
marriage: Adelaide del Vasto Saluzo
death: 22 June 1101
Éremburge de Mortain
birth: about 1060, duché de Normandie
marriage: Roger I (Bosso) Forqualquier (of Sicily)
death: about 1089, Mileto
== 3 ==
Roger II of Sicily
birth: 22 December 1095, Toledo (Spain)
title: from 1105 - 27 September 1130, Grand Comte de Sicile, (3è)
marriage: w Elvira de Castille
title: from 27 September 1130 - 26 February 1154, King of Sicily
marriage: Sibylle von Burgund
marriage: Beatrix von Rethel
death: 26 February 1154, Palermo, Sicily, Italy
birth: 1093
title: from 1101 - 28 September 1105, великий граф Сицилии
death: 28 September 1105
death: after 1120
Конрад Салический
birth: 12 February 1074, Герсфельдское аббатство, Святое Римское царство
title: 1076, Нижне-Лотарингское герцогство, Святое Римское царство, нижнелотарингский герцог
title: 1087, Римско-Немецкое королевство, Святое Римское царство, римско-немецкий король
title: 1093, Италийское королевство, Святое Римское царство, италийский король
marriage: Konstanze
burial: 1101, Санта Репарата, Флоренция, Итальянское королевство, Святое Римское царство
death: 27 July 1101, Флоренция, Итальянское королевство, Святое Римское царство
== 3 ==

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