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Konradin der Staufer b. 25 March 1252 d. 29 October 1268

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Lineage Staufer
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Konradin der Staufer

Elisabeth de Bavière [Wittelsbach] b. 1227 d. 9 October 1273

Konrad IV der Staufer [Staufer] b. 25 April 1228 d. 21 May 1254

Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Konradin


25 March 1252 birth: Landshut, Burgruine Wolfstein (Isar)

from 21 May 1254 - 29 October 1268 title: король Иерусалима, под именем Конрад III

from 21 May 1254 - 29 October 1268 title: король Сицилии, 10-й под именем Конрад II

from 21 May 1254 - 29 October 1268 title: герцог Швабии, под именем Конрад IV

1266 marriage: София Ландсбергская [Веттины] b. about 1258 d. 24 August 1318

29 October 1268 death: Neapel

From grandparents to grandchildren

Оттон II Светлейший Баварский
birth: 7 April 1206, Кельхайм
marriage: Агнесса Пфальцская (Виттельсбахи)
title: 1227, пфальцграф Рейнский
title: 1231, герцог Баварии
death: 29 November 1253, Ландсхут
Irmengard bei Rhein
birth: about 1200
marriage: Hermann V von Baden und Verona
title: 1217, Margravine de Bade-Bade
death: 24 February 1260
Агнесса Пфальцская (Виттельсбахи)
birth: 1201
title: 1225
marriage: Оттон II Светлейший Баварский
title: 1227, Графиня Палатина Рейнская
title: 1231, Герцогиня Баварии
death: 1267
Isabella of England
birth: 1214
marriage: Frederick II Roger Hohenstaufen , Worms (Germany)
death: 1 December 1241, Foggia
Konstanze von Aragón
birth: 1184
title: from 1196 - 1204, Königin von Ungarn
marriage: w Emmerich
title: from 1209 - 1222, королева-консорт Сицилии
marriage: Frederick II Roger Hohenstaufen
title: from 9 December 1212 - 23 April 1222, römisch-deutsche Königin
title: from 22 November 1220 - 23 June 1222, römisch-deutsche Kaiserin
death: 23 June 1222, Catania
Бианка Ланчия д’Альяно
birth: between 1200 and 1210
other: Frederick II Roger Hohenstaufen , liaison
marriage: Frederick II Roger Hohenstaufen , marriage is concluded on the deathbed of the bride and was not recognized by the church
death: 1 December 1246
Frederick II Roger Hohenstaufen
birth: 26 December 1194, Iesi, Ancona
title: from 28 September 1197 - 1212, King of Sicily
marriage: Konstanze von Aragón
title: from 1212 - 13 December 1220, King of the Romans
title: from 1212 - 1216, Duke of Swabia
title: from 1217 - 13 December 1250, King of Sicily
title: from 22 November 1220 - 13 December 1250, Holy Roman Emperor
title: from 1225 - 1228, King of Jerusalem
marriage: Isabella (Yolanda) de Brienne
title: from 1230 - 1239, King of Thessalonica, titular
other: Бианка Ланчия д’Альяно , liaison
marriage: Isabella of England , Worms (Germany)
marriage: Бианка Ланчия д’Альяно , marriage is concluded on the deathbed of the bride and was not recognized by the church
death: 13 December 1250, Torremaggiore, Apulia, Italy, Castel Fiorentino
burial: Palermo
Jean du Leon (de Brionne)
birth: about 1230
death: 1296
Louis Brienne (d'Acre)
birth: about 1235, Lincolnshire (England), Bartant
marriage: Agnes (Wife of Louis Brienne) Beaumont
death: after September 1297
Alfons von Brienne
birth: about 1227
marriage: Marie de Lusignan
death: 25 August 1270, Tunis
Marie de Brienne
birth: 1225
title: 1234, Impératrice latine de Constantinople
marriage: Baudouin II de Courtenay
title: 1237, Marquise de Namur
death: 1280
Isabella (Yolanda) de Brienne
birth: 1211
marriage: Frederick II Roger Hohenstaufen
title: 9 November 1225, Brindisi, Kaiserin des Heiligen Römischen Reiches, Reine de Sicile, des Romains et Duchesse de Souabe
death: 1228
Ludwig de Bavière (Ludwig II)
birth: 13 April 1229, Heidelberg
title: 29 November 1253, Kelheim, Duc de Bavière et Comte palatin du Rhin
marriage: w Marie de Brabant , Heidelberg
title: 1255, Duc de Haute-Bavière
marriage: Anna de Schlesien-Glogau
marriage: w Mathilde Habsburg von Österreich , Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg
death: 12 February 1294, Heidelberg
Heinrich de Bavière (Heinrich XIII)
birth: 19 November 1235, Landshut
marriage: Erszebet de Hongrie
title: 29 November 1253, Landshut, Duc de Haute-Bavière
title: 1255, Duc de Basse-Bavière
death: 3 February 1290, Burghausen
Agnes von Bayern
birth: 1240
death: 7 December 1306
Meinhard II von Görz und Tirol, Herzog von Kärnten
birth: 1238, Schloss Greifenburg, Kärnten
marriage: Elisabeth de Bavière
death: 1 November 1295, Schloss Greifenburg, Kärnten
Heinrich VII
birth: 1211, Sizilien
title: from 1212 - 1217, король Сицилии, 8-й под именем Генрих II
title: from 1216 - 4 July 1235, герцог Швабии
title: from 23 April 1220 - 4 July 1235, король Германии
marriage: Margrethe d'Autriche , Nuremberg
death: 12 February 1242, Martirano, Kalabrien
Manfred de Savoie
birth: about 1232, Venosa
marriage: w Helena Angelina Dukaina
marriage: Beatrice of Savoy
title: from 10 August 1258 - 26 February 1266, Roi de Sicile
death: 26 February 1266, Bénévent
Margaret Hohenstaufen of Swabia
birth: 21 December 1241, Foggia
marriage: w Adalbert II Wettin of Thuringia
death: 8 August 1270, Frankfurt
birth: 1236
death: 1236
birth: 1237
death: 1237
Heinrich von Hohenstaufen
birth: 18 February 1238, Ravenna
death: January 1254
title: граф Театский
death: 1249
Энцо Сардинский
birth: about 1215
title: король Сардинии
title: король Корсики
marriage: Аделасия
divorce: Аделасия
marriage: Аделаида
death: 1272
Фридрих Антиохийский
birth: about 1221
death: 1256
birth: 1223
death: 1244
birth: 1230
death: 1298
Konrad IV der Staufer
birth: 25 April 1228, Andria, Apulien
title: from 25 April 1228 - 21 May 1254, König von Jerusalem
title: from 1235 - 21 May 1254, Herzog von Schwaben
title: from February 1237 - 21 May 1254, Römisch-deutscher König
marriage: Elisabeth de Bavière
title: from 13 December 1250 - 21 May 1254, König von Sizilien
death: 21 May 1254, Lavello
== 3 ==
Єлизавета Тирольська Мейнхард
birth: about 1262, Мюнхен, Свята Римська імперія
title: 1274, Свята Римська імперія, графиня Габсбургська
marriage: Albert I of Austria , Vienne (Autriche)
title: 1282, Свята Римська імперія, герцогиня Австрії і Стирії
title: 1298, Свята Римська імперія, королева римлян
death: 1312, Свята Римська імперія
Henry of Bohemia
birth: about 1265
birth: between 1295 and 1335, Count of Tyrol
marriage: Anne of Bohemia
title: between 1295 and 1335, Duke of Carinthia
title: 1306, King of Bohemia
title: between 1307 and 1310, King of Bohemia
marriage: w Adelheid von Braunschweig-Grubenhagen , Innsbruck
death: 2 April 1335, Tirol (South Tyrol), Tyrol Castle
Konradin der Staufer
birth: 25 March 1252, Landshut, Burgruine Wolfstein (Isar)
title: from 21 May 1254 - 29 October 1268, король Иерусалима, под именем Конрад III
title: from 21 May 1254 - 29 October 1268, король Сицилии, 10-й под именем Конрад II
title: from 21 May 1254 - 29 October 1268, герцог Швабии, под именем Конрад IV
marriage: София Ландсбергская
death: 29 October 1268, Neapel
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