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Katharina d'Autriche b. 28 February 1320 d. between 28 September 1349 and 28 October 1349

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Lineage Habsbourg
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Katharina d'Autriche

Leopold d'Autriche (Leopold Ier) [Habsbourg] b. 4 August 1290 d. 28 February 1326

Catarina de Savoie [Savoie] b. 1300 d. 1336


28 February 1320 birth:

1338 marriage: Enguerrand VI de Coucy [Coucy] b. 1313 d. 26 August 1346

1338 title: Dame de Coucy, d'Oisy, de Marle, de La Fère et d'Havrincourt

1339 child birth: Enguerrand VII de Coucy [Coucy] b. 1339 d. 18 February 1397

between 28 September 1349 and 28 October 1349 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Henry of Bohemia
birth: about 1265
birth: between 1295 and 1335, Count of Tyrol
marriage: Anne of Bohemia
title: between 1295 and 1335, Duke of Carinthia
title: 1306, King of Bohemia
title: between 1307 and 1310, King of Bohemia
marriage: w Adelheid von Braunschweig-Grubenhagen , Innsbruck
death: 2 April 1335, Tirol (South Tyrol), Tyrol Castle
Konradin der Staufer
birth: 25 March 1252, Landshut, Burgruine Wolfstein (Isar)
title: from 21 May 1254 - 29 October 1268, король Иерусалима, под именем Конрад III
title: from 21 May 1254 - 29 October 1268, король Сицилии, 10-й под именем Конрад II
title: from 21 May 1254 - 29 October 1268, герцог Швабии, под именем Конрад IV
marriage: София Ландсбергская
death: 29 October 1268, Neapel
Єлизавета Тирольська Мейнхард
birth: about 1262, Мюнхен, Свята Римська імперія
title: 1274, Свята Римська імперія, графиня Габсбургська
marriage: Albert I of Austria , Vienne (Autriche)
title: 1282, Свята Римська імперія, герцогиня Австрії і Стирії
title: 1298, Свята Римська імперія, королева римлян
death: 1312, Свята Римська імперія
Mathilde Habsburg von Österreich
birth: 1251, Rheinfelden AG
marriage: Ludwig de Bavière (Ludwig II) , Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg
title: 1273, Duchesse de Haute-Bavière
death: 23 December 1304
Klementia of Habsburg
birth: 1262
marriage: Charles Martel of Anjou , Vienna (Austria)
title: 11 January 1281, Vienne (Autriche), Princesse héritière de Hongrie
title: 10 July 1290, Kőröshegy, Reine de Hongrie
death: 8 February 1293
Agnes de Habsbourg
birth: about 1257, Rheinfelden (Baden), ville libre du Saint-Empire romain germanique
marriage: Albrecht II von Sachsen-Wittenberg
title: 1273, duchesse de Saxe
death: 11 October 1322, Wittemberg, duché de Saxe-Wittemberg
Юдита Габсбург
birth: 13 March 1271, Райнфельден, Швабия
title: 24 January 1285, Egra, Королева Чехии
marriage: Wenceslaus II of Bohemia , Cheb (Czech Republic), (Egra)
title: 1292, Duchesse de Sandomierz
title: 1295, Великая княгиня Польши (Кракова)
death: 21 May 1297, Прага, Королевство Богемия
Hedwig de Habsbourg
birth: 1259
marriage: Otto de Brandebourg (Otto IV)
title: 1279, Margravine de Brandebourg
death: 1286
Katharina von Habsburg
birth: about 1256, Rheinfelden
marriage: w Otto III von Bayern
death: 4 April 1282, Landshut
Hartmann de Habsbourg
birth: 1263
death: 1281
Rudolf de Habsbourg (Rudolf II d'Autriche)
birth: 1270
title: 1282, Duc d'Autriche et de Styrie
other: 1 June 1283, Vienne (Autriche), Renonciation aux Duchés
title: 1289, Duc de Souabe
marriage: Agneska de Bohême , Prague
death: 10 May 1290
Albert I of Austria
birth: July 1255
marriage: Єлизавета Тирольська Мейнхард , Vienne (Autriche)
title: 1282, Duke of Styria
title: 1298, Margrave of Meißen
title: from 1298 - 1308, Römisch-deutscher König
death: 1 May 1308
Margarete von Brabant
birth: 4 October 1276
title: 9 June 1292, Pisa
marriage: Henry VII Luxembourg
title: 1308, Reine des Romains
death: 14 December 1311, Genua
Johann II von Brabant
birth: 27 September 1275
marriage: Маргарита Йоркская , City of Westminster
title: 3 May 1294, герцог Брабанта
death: 27 October 1312, Tervuren
Ne de Brabant
birth: September 1272
death: September 1272
Godefroy de Brabant
birth: 1273
death: 1284
Maria von Brabant
birth: 1280
marriage: Amadeus V of Savoy
title: April 1297, Comtesse de Savoie
death: 1340
Louis Ier de Savoie
birth: 1254
title: baron de Vaud
marriage: Jeanne de Montfort
marriage: Adeline van Lotharingen
death: 10 January 1302
Alice de Savoie
birth: 1252
death: 1277
Éléonore de Savoie
birth: 1250
title: dame de Châteauneuf
marriage: Louis I de Beaujeu
death: 1296
Sybille of Baugé
birth: 1255
marriage: Amadeus V of Savoy ,
death: 28 February 1294
Amadeus V of Savoy
birth: 5 September 1249
marriage: Sybille of Baugé ,
title: from 1285 - 1323, Count of Savoy
marriage: Maria von Brabant
death: 16 August 1323
burial: Saint-Pierre-de-Curtille (73), Abbaye d'Hautecombe
Albert II of Austria
birth: 12 December 1298, Habsburg Castle, Swabia
marriage: Jeanne de Ferrette , Vienna (Austria)
title: 13 January 1330, Duke of Austria
title: 1335, Duke of Carinthia
death: 16 August 1358, Vienna, Austria, Duchy of Austria of the Holy Roman Empire
Elizabeth Habsburg
birth: 1285
marriage: Ferris III of Lorraine (Frederick IV)
title: 1304, Princesse de Lorraine
title: 13 May 1312, Duchesse de Lorraine
death: 19 May 1353
Rudolf I of Bohemia
birth: 1282
title: 1298, Duke of Austria
marriage: w Blanche de France
title: 16 October 1306, King of Bohemia
marriage: Elzbieta de Grande-Pologne , Poznań
marriage: Elzbieta de Grande-Pologne , Poznań
death: 3 July 1307, Horažďovice
Katharina von Österreich
title: 3 February 1295, Burghausen, Herzogin von Niederbayern
birth: October 1295, Wien
title: 4 August 1305, Budapest, Königin von Ungarn
marriage: Karl von Kalabrien
title: 1316, Herzogin von Kalabrien
title: 1318, Vize Königin von Neapel
death: 18 January 1323, Neapel
Anna d'Autriche
birth: 1280
marriage: Herman III Długi , Graz
title: September 1295, Margravine héritière de Brandebourg
title: July 1299, Margravine de Brandebourg
marriage: Heinrich VI von Schlesien-Breslau
title: 1311, Duchesse de Wroclaw
death: 1327
Агнесса Габсбург
birth: about 1281, Німецьке королівство, Святе Римське царство
marriage: Andrew III of Hungary , Відень, Австрійське воєводство, Німецьке королівство, Святе Римське царство
death: 11 June 1364, Вендіш, Німецьке королівство, Святе Римське царство, couvent de Königsfelden
Friedrich d'Autriche (Friedrich III des Romains)
birth: 1289, Vienne (Autriche)
title: from 7 January 1314 - 1330, Ulm, Roi des Romains
marriage: w Elisabeth von Aragón , Judenburg
death: 13 January 1330, Gutenstein (Basse-Autriche)
Отто Австрійський Габсбург
birth: 23 July 1301, Vienne (Autriche)
marriage: Elisabeth de Bavière
title: 1330, Duc d'Autriche et de Styrie
marriage: Anna de Luxembourg , Znojmo
death: 17 February 1339, Vienne (Autriche)
Juditha von Habsburg
birth: 1302
death: 5 March 1329
Leopold d'Autriche (Leopold Ier)
birth: 4 August 1290, Vienne (Autriche)
title: 1308, Duc d'Autriche et de Styrie
marriage: Catarina de Savoie
death: 28 February 1326, Strasbourg (67)
Aimone of Savoy
birth: 15 December 1291
title: Comte d'Aoste et de Maurienne
marriage: Yolande Palaeologina
title: from 1329 - 1343, Count of Savoy
death: 22 June 1343
Anne de Savoie
birth: about 1306
marriage: Andronikos III Palaiologos
death: 1365, Istanbul, (Constantinople)
Agnese von Savoyen
birth: about 1290
marriage: w Guillaume III de Genève
death: 4 October 1322
Edoardo I von Savoyen
birth: 1284, Baugé-en-Anjou
marriage: Blanche de Bourgogne , Montbard
title: 16 October 1323, Avignon, Comte de Savoie
death: 4 November 1329, Gentilly
Marguerite de Savoie
birth: about 1270
marriage: w Jean I von Montferrat
death: 6 August 1339, Castello di Ciriacum
Catarina de Savoie
birth: 1300
title: 1315, Duchesse d'Autriche et de Styrie
marriage: Leopold d'Autriche (Leopold Ier)
death: 1336
== 3 ==
Agnese d'Autriche
birth: 1315, Vienne (Autriche)
death: 2 February 1392, Świdnica
Enguerrand VI de Coucy
birth: 1313
title: 1335, Seigneur de Coucy, d'Oisy, de Marle, de La Fère et d'Havrincourt
marriage: Katharina d'Autriche
death: 26 August 1346
Katharina d'Autriche
birth: 28 February 1320
marriage: Enguerrand VI de Coucy
title: 1338, Dame de Coucy, d'Oisy, de Marle, de La Fère et d'Havrincourt
death: between 28 September 1349 and 28 October 1349
== 3 ==
Isabelle de Lorraine
title: 1386, Dame de Coucy, de Marle, de La Fère, de Crécy-sur-Serre, d’Oisy et Comtesse de Soissons et de Bedford
marriage: Enguerrand VII de Coucy
death: 1410
Isabella Plantagenet
birth: 16 June 1332, Woodstock (Oxfordshire), England
marriage: Enguerrand VII de Coucy
death: before 4 May 1379, London, England
Enguerrand VII de Coucy
birth: 1339
marriage: Isabella Plantagenet
title: 29 August 1346, Crécy-en-Ponthieu, Seigneur de Coucy, de Marle, de La Fère, de Crécy-sur-Serre, d’Oisy et Comte de Soissons et de Bedford
marriage: Isabelle de Lorraine
death: 18 February 1397, Bursa, Türkei
Henri De Bar
birth: 1362, Meuse, France, Bar-le-Duc ?
marriage: w Marie de Coucy
title: 1394, seigneur de Marle
death: November 1397, Venice, Italy, battle of Nicopolis ?
Marie de Coucy
birth: April 1366, Coucy-le-Château-Auffrique
marriage: Henri De Bar
title: 1383, Comtesse héritière de Bar
title: 1394, Dame de Marle et Princesse de Bar
death: 1404
Philip II of Nevers
birth: October 1389, Villaines-en-Duesmois
title: from 1405 - 1415, Count of Nevers
title: from 1407 - 1415, Count of Rethel
marriage: Isabelle de Coucy , Soissons
marriage: Bona d'Artois , Hénin-Beaumont
death: 25 October 1415, Agincourt
Isabelle de Coucy
marriage: Philip II of Nevers , Soissons
title: 9 April 1409, Soissons (02), Comtesse de Nevers et de Rethel
death: 1411

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