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Yolande Palaeologina b. 1318 d. 1342

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Lineage Palaiologoi
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Yolande Palaeologina

w Theodore I of Montferrat [Palaiologoi] b. 1291 d. 21 April 1338

Argentina Spinola [Spinola]


1318 birth:

marriage: Aimone of Savoy [Savoy] b. 15 December 1291 d. 22 June 1343

4 January 1334 child birth: Amadeus VI of Savoy [Savoy] b. 4 January 1334 d. 1 March 1383

1336 child birth: Chambéry, w Blanche von Savoyen [Savoyen] b. 1336 d. 31 December 1387

1342 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Jean I von Montferrat
birth: 1276
title: between 1292 and 1305, marquis de Montferrat, Seigneur d'Ivrée
marriage: Marguerite de Savoie
title: between 1299 and 1301, Seigneur de Novare
title: 1303, Seigneur d'Asti
death: 9 March 1305
Marguerite Isabelle de Montferrat
birth: about 1265
marriage: Juan von Kastilien , Burgos
death: after 1286
Irene of Montferrat
birth: 1274, Casale Monferrato
title: from 1284 - 1317, Byzantine Empress consort
marriage: Andronikos II Palaiologos
death: 1317, Constantinople
Eudokia Palaiologina
birth: 1265
death: 1302
Евфросинья Михайловна Палеолог
birth: Римское царство
marriage: Nogaï ou Nokhoi
death: Татарское царство
Анна Венгерская Арпад
birth: about 1260
marriage: Andronikos II Palaiologos
death: 1281, Константинополь, Византия
Andronikos II Palaiologos
birth: 25 March 1259, Constantinople
marriage: Анна Венгерская Арпад
title: from 11 December 1282 - 1328, Byzantine Emperor
marriage: Irene of Montferrat
death: 13 February 1332, Mount Athos
Opicino Spinola
title: Captain of the People of Genoa
Михаил IX Палеолог
birth: 17 April 1277
marriage: Rita von Armenien
title: after 1295, со-император Византийский
death: 12 October 1320
Марія Баялун Палеолог
birth: Східне царство, Захід Материка
marriage: w Sultan Mohammed Öz-Beg
marriage: Тохта Татарський
death: Татарське царство, Степ, Схід Материка
Theodora Palaiologina Angelina
birth: 1276
death: 6 January 1342, Konstantinopel
birth: about 1294, Constantinople, Byzantine Empire
marriage: Стефан Урош II Милутин , Thessaloniki, (spring 1299), marriage without posterity
death: after 1340, Constantinople
Demetrios Palaiologos
birth: about 1295, Konstantinopel
death: after 1343
Theodore I of Montferrat
birth: 1291
title: from 1306 - 1338, Margrave of Montferrat
marriage: Argentina Spinola
death: 21 April 1338
== 3 ==
Giovanni (John) II di Montferrat
birth: 5 February 1321
title: from 1338 - 1372, Margrave of Montferrat
marriage: w Isabella of Majorca , Montpellier
death: 19 March 1372
Aimone of Savoy
birth: 15 December 1291
title: Comte d'Aoste et de Maurienne
marriage: Yolande Palaeologina
title: from 1329 - 1343, Count of Savoy
death: 22 June 1343
== 3 ==
Humbert de Savoie
title: seigneur des Molettes
death: 1378
Bonne of Bourbon
birth: 1341
marriage: Amadeus VI of Savoy , Paris, France
title: 1355, Comtesse de Savoie
death: 1403, Mâcon, France
Amadeus VI of Savoy
birth: 4 January 1334
title: from 1343 - 1 March 1383
marriage: Bonne of Bourbon , Paris, France
death: 1 March 1383
Galéas II Visconti
birth: 1320, Milan
title: co-seigneur de Milan
marriage: w Blanche von Savoyen
death: 4 August 1378, Pavie
Blanche von Savoyen
birth: 1336, Chambéry
marriage: Galéas II Visconti
death: 31 December 1387, Pavia, Italien
Isabelle de France
birth: 1 October 1348, Vincennes (Val-de-Marne)
marriage: Gian Galeazzo ou Jean Galéas Visconti
death: 11 September 1372, Pavia, Italien
Catherine Visconti (Visconti)
birth: about 1360, Milan, seignerie de Milan
marriage: Gian Galeazzo ou Jean Galéas Visconti
death: 17 October 1404, Monza, duché de Milan
Gian Galeazzo ou Jean Galéas Visconti
birth: 16 October 1351, Milan, seigneurie de Milan
title: duc de Milan
marriage: Isabelle de France
marriage: Catherine Visconti (Visconti)
death: 3 September 1402, Milan, duché de Milan
Bonne of Berry
birth: 1365
marriage: w Amadeus VII of Savoy
title: 18 June 1377
title: 1 March 1383, Naples, Comtesse de Savoie
marriage: Bernard VII d'Armagnac
title: 1393, Mehun-sur-Yèvre, Comtesse d'Armagnac, de Rodez, de Fézensac et de Charolais
title: 1402, Comtesse de Pardiac et Vicomtesse de Carlat
death: 30 December 1435, Carlat
Amadeus VII of Savoy
birth: 24 February 1360
marriage: Bonne of Berry
title: from 1383 - 1 November 1391, Count of Savoy
death: 1 November 1391

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