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Оттон b. before 1276 d. 1299

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Lineage Бранденбурга
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Оттон

w Albrecht III von Brandenburg [Brandenburg] b. 1250 d. 4 December 1300

Mathilda de Danemark [Estridsen] b. 1250 d. 1311


before 1276 birth:

1299 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Matilda (Mehtild) von Brandenburg
birth: estimated 1210
marriage: Otto I (the Child) of Brunswick-Lüneburg
title: 1228, Princesse de Lunebourg
title: 1235, Duchesse de Brunswick et de Lunebourg
title: 1235, duchesse de Lunebourg
death: 10 June 1261
Johann de Brandebourg (Johann Ier)
birth: 1213
title: 1220, Margrave de Brandebourg
marriage: Zofia
marriage: Jutta de Saxe
death: 4 April 1266
Otton III Pobożny Askańczyk
birth: 1215
title: 25 February 1220, маркграф Бранденбурга
marriage: Bożena Przemyślidka
death: 9 October 1267, Brandenburg (Havel)
Premysl Ottokar II of Bohemia
birth: 1230, Městec Králové
marriage: w Agnes von Kuenring
title: 1247, Duc de Moravie
marriage: Margrethe d'Autriche
title: 22 September 1253, King of Bohemia
divorce: Margrethe d'Autriche
marriage: Kunigunda of Galich
death: 26 August 1278, Dürnkrut (Austria)
Anezka de Bohême
birth: 1244, Prague
death: 1268
Bożena Przemyślidka
birth: about 1231
marriage: Otton III Pobożny Askańczyk
title: 1243, Margravine de Brandebourg
death: 25 May 1296, Breslau
Abel of Denmark
birth: 1218
title: 1232, duc du Sud Jutland
marriage: w Matilda Schauenburg von Holstein
title: 1 November 1250, King of Denmark
death: 29 June 1252
Waldemar III of Denmark
birth: 1209
title: from 1215 - 28 November 1231, King of Denmark
marriage: Eleanor de Portugal
death: 28 November 1231
Erik IV "Plovpenning" of Denmark
birth: 1216
marriage: w Jutte de Saxe
title: from 1241 - 10 August 1250, King of Denmark
death: 10 August 1250
birth: 1217
marriage: Johann de Brandebourg (Johann Ier)
title: 1230, Margravine de Brandebourg
death: 1247
Кнут Вальдемарссон
birth: about 1205
physical description: внебрачный сын датского короля Вальдемара II Победоносного
title: герцог Ревеля, Блекинге и Лолланна
marriage: Ядвига Померанская
death: 1260
Christopher I of Denmark
birth: 1219
title: 1241, King of Denmark (1252-59)
birth: 1241, seigneur de Falster
marriage: Маргарита Самбирия - Тчевская
title: 1252
death: 29 May 1259, Ribe
Маргарита Самбирия - Тчевская
birth: about 1230
title: dame de Falster
marriage: Christopher I of Denmark
title: 1248, dame des Iles de Lolland
title: from 1252 - 1259, reine consort de Danemark
death: 1 December 1282, Rostock
Otton V Długi Askańczyk
birth: 1246, Прага, Королевство Богемия
title: 4 April 1267, маркграф Бранденбурга, регент
marriage: Юдита
death: July 1298
Johann III von Brandenburg
birth: 1244, Prag
title: 1267, маркграф Бранденбурга
death: 8 April 1268
Otto IV von Brandenburg
birth: 1264
title: 9 October 1267, Brandebourg-sur-la-Havel, Margrave de Brandebourg
death: 6 July 1303
Kunigunde von Brandenburg
birth: 1247
marriage: Bela von Slawonien
title: 1264, Duchesse de Slavonie
marriage: Walram de Limbourg (Walram IV)
title: 10 January 1273, Duchesse de Limbourg
death: 1292
Mathilde von Brandenburg
birth: 1248
title: 1267, Duchesse de Poméranie
marriage: Barnum II ? (of Pommern)
death: 20 December 1316
Albrecht III von Brandenburg
birth: 1250
title: 9 October 1267, маркграф Бранденбурга, со-правитель
marriage: Mathilda de Danemark
death: 4 December 1300
Erich V Klipping von Dänemark
birth: about 1249, Schloss Ålholm
title: 29 May 1259, король Дании
marriage: Agnès de Brandebourg
death: 22 November 1286, Findrup bei Viborg
Waldemar de Danemark
death: 21 December 1259
Mathilda de Danemark
birth: 1250
marriage: Albrecht III von Brandenburg
title: 1268, Margravine de Brandebourg
death: 1311
== 3 ==
Beatrix von Brandenburg-Stargard
birth: about 1270
marriage: w Henry II The Lion (Lord Mecklenburg)
title: 1292, Princesse héritière de Mecklembourg
title: 2 January 1302, Princesse de Mecklembourg
death: 22 September 1314, Weimar
birth: 1270
marriage: w Przemysł II von Großpolen
title: 1291, Duchesse de Grande-Pologne
title: 26 June 1295, Gniezno, Reine de Pologne
marriage: w Albrecht III von Sachsen
title: 1302, Duchesse de Saxe-Lauenbourg
death: 1315
birth: before 1276
death: 1299
== 3 ==

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