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Lucia ? (Daughter of Cunobelinus)

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Lineage ?
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Lucia ?
Other last names Daughter of Cunobelinus

Cunobelinus II ? (ap Tentanius, Kymbeline, Catuvelani) [?] d. before 45

? (Third Wife of Cymbeline) [?]


child birth: Aulus Didius (Audin) Gallus [Aula]

marriage: Aulus Plautius (Pileatus) (Victor) [Aula] b. -1

From grandparents to grandchildren

Androgeus ? (Avarwy ap Lludd, Mandubracius)
marriage: Andrivete
title: between -46 and -44, King of Britain
Theomantius ? (Tenantius (Tenevan), ap Lludd)
title: between -44 and -43, Rex Britannia
other: between -25 and -20, Calleva Atrebatum (Silchester), Rex Atrebates
fact 1: 8, Rome, Exile
Epaticcus Epillus (Secundus)
other: King of the Cantiacci
death: 35
Verica ? (Bericus)
title: 15, King of the Atrebates, Fishbourne Roman Palace, Fishbourne
== 3 ==
Lucius Prasutagus Pankratiastus (Esuprastus, Esico)
birth: 10
marriage: Boudicca (Budvuocj)
title: Venta Icenorum, Norfolk (England), Dux Icenorum - Subrex
death: before 59
Caracticus (Sandarcottas) Commius (Arivargus)
birth: before -25, Colchester (Essex)
marriage count: 43
death: 74, Colchester (Essex), Camulodunum
Aulus Plautius (Pileatus) (Victor)
birth: -1
fact 1: Invasion of Brittania in Support of Bericus (Vericus)
marriage: Lucia ? (Daughter of Cunobelinus)
fact 1: 24, Apulia, Suppression of the Slave Revolt
title: 29, Suffect Consul of Pannonia
title: between 43 and 47, Governor of Britannia
== 3 ==
Pomponia Graecina (Galla)
marriage: Aulus Didius (Audin) Gallus
residence: between -43 and -47, Colchester (Essex), Britannia
Aulus Didius (Audin) Gallus
birth: Dacio-Sarmatia
title: God of the NORSE
title: Proconsul of Asia
fact 1: member of the XVviri Legion, XV Viri Legionaire
other: Imperial legate of Bosporus
title: Proconsul of Africa
marriage: Pomponia Graecina (Galla)
title: 19, Questore de Roma
title: between 38 and 49, Curator Aquarum (Superintendent of Aqueducts)
title: between 52 and 57, Governor of Britain
Aulus Didius Gallus Fabricius ? (of Heimdall, (Othinn Magnus), Veiento, Aula)
birth: Marseilles en Provence in South France
occupation: Imperial Delator (informer/spy) stationed in Germania
other: Author of Codicilli, mock wills which libelled priests and senators
occupation: Priest of Nematona (Celtic Diety), 'Goddess of the Sacred Grove' This mode of worship was key to the Druidic cults. Central to these cults was the reverence held for Twin Dieties There is a temple to Nemeton near Aqui Sulis at Bath
occupation: Sodalis Atticae (Greek Temple)
occupation: (Sodalis Titialis ) Priest of Apollo
other: 62, Impeached while serving as Preator
death: about 80
Aulus Gallus (Geatus)
birth: 65
death: 155, Tara Dania, Sea of Azov, Swithiod
Claudia Rufina
birth: after 50
physical description: Red Hair
marriage: Aula Caesius Nasicus (Pudens)
Aula Caesius Nasicus (Pudens)
birth: about 35
marriage: Claudia Rufina
other: 56, Commanded the Spanish Legion VIIII Hispana in Britain

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