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John Addison b. 1763 d. 1827

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Lineage Addison
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) John Addison

Thomas Addison [Addison] b. 12 September 1730 d. about 1812

? Elizabeth [?] d. about 1812


1763 birth: South Carolina

military service: served in the First Regiment during 1783. A.A.41B; C482; Y824.

1795 child birth: United States, Fairfield Co. SC or GA, Brasell Addison [Addison] b. 1795 d. before 1860

21 February 1799 child birth: Fairfield Co. SC or GA, Christopher C. Addison [Addison] b. 21 February 1799 d. 25 November 1861

1803 child birth: Franklin County (Georgia), Lott Addison [Addison] b. 1803

about 1804 child birth: Franklin County (Georgia), Hester M. Addison [Addison] b. about 1804 d. before 1880

about 1809 child birth: Franklin County (Georgia), Josiah Addison [Addison] b. about 1809 d. after 1880

1827 death: Franklin County (Georgia), United States


I am not sure if this John is the father of these children yet. DSP

Revolutionary War Bounty Land Grants in South Carolina - Draine & Skinner ADDISON, John - Vol. 2, pg. 60, 3 Sep. 1792, 79 acres, Camden District, Richland County, on a branch of Congaree River. Camden District, South Carolina Plat Book E August 4, 1792 - Richland County - (Bounty) Pursuant to a warrant from John Winn Esq. Commr. La? for Cam'n dist. I have admeasured and laid out to John ADDISON a tract of Land Cont'g Seventy Nine acres situate in Richland County on a small branch of the congaree river called Mill Creek Bounded on all sides by Land not known and hath such shape and Marks as the above platt represents. Surveyed 5th of Feb'y 1790. Alex Kennedy D. S. August 4, 1792 - Richland County - Pursuant to a Warrent from John Winn Esq. C. L. for C. D. I have admeasured and laid out to John ADDISON a Tract of Land Con'g Two Hundred and Nine acres Situate in Richland County on a branch of Ceader creek Called the Middle Branch of the Waters of Congaree River and Bounded S.W. and E. by Land of Andrew Patterson, S.W. by William ADDISONs Land and on all other sides by Vacant Land and hath such shape form and Marks as the above Plat represents. Surveyed 4th February 1790. Alex. Kennedy D. S. Certified for Jesse Brown. August 4, 1792 - Rich'd County - Pursuant to a warrant from John Winn Esq. Com. Loca. Cam. Dist. I have admeasured and laid out to John ADDISON a tract of Land Cont'g Two Hundred thirty two acres Situate in Richland County on a branch of the Congaree River called Ceader Creek and Bounded E. by John Marshalls Land and on all other sides by vacant Land and hath such shapes form and Marks as the above plat Represents. Surveyed 4th February 1790. Alex'r Kennedy D.S. Certified for Jesse Brown.

Deed Book 8 - 1793-1794 Edgefield County, S.C. pp. 338-344 - John ADDISON to John Gray, both of Edgefield Co. SC for 50 pounds, sold 100 acres being part of 2 tracts (1) 10 acres being part of 200 acres originally granted 20 Apr 1764 unto Allen ADDISON being on Horns Creek & land where Herman Gallman formerly lived; (2) 90 acres on Horns Creek being part of 200 acres originally Granted 31 Aug 1774 unto John Bayly & at his death fell to Elijah Merry Bayly, his oldest brother & heir at law who with his wife Leah sold to Harmon Gallman 26 Jul 1785 & who with his wife Lucretia sold to John ADDISON 5 Nov 1790. Said tract adj. lands of William Brown, Samuel Marsh & said John ADDISON. Wit: Josiah Grey, Samuel Marsh Rec: 2 Sep 1793 EF Co. Ct. Sep term 1793: Amy ADDISON, wife of John relinquished dower & thirds 2 Sep 1793.

Edgefield County, South Carolina Estate Records ADDISON, John - Apt'd Overseer of Road from Edgefield Court House to Horn's Creek in the room of Caspar Gallman, excused. Edgefield Ct. Min. Jan. 1795

Pendleton District, S.C. Deeds - 1790-1806 pages 145-146 - 10 Feb. 1794, Godfrey Isbell of Franklin County, Ga., planter, to James Alexander of Pendleton Co., planter, for L75 stg. for 100 acres on Cain Creek of Toogalow River, part of 200 acres granted to John ATTERSON, soldier, by Benj. Guerrard, 21 Jan. 1784, conveyed to Minor Winn, Esq., then to Isbell, 14 Feb. 1790. Signed: Godfrey Isbell, Hannah Isbell Wit: James Clark, John Alexander Rec: 14 Feb 1794 (note: Minor Winn is in 1790 census of Fairfield County, S.C. 102-09)

1820 Georgia Land Lottery ADISON, John - Franklin County - Akin's District - Lot # 29, Section 7, Gwinnett County.

February 17, 1827 - John ADDERSON of Franklin County to James Smith of Franklin County for $150 100 acres on Middle fork of Hunter's Creek where said Smith now lives, bordering William Bell, Dorsey's, Adams's Mill, including half benefit of spring. Wit: John S. Davis, Robert Williams J. P. Rec: November 9, 1855


From grandparents to grandchildren

Thomas Addison
birth: 12 September 1730, Stafford County (Virginia), Stafford or P.G. Co. VA (?)
residence: Camden District SC (Chester/Lancaster/Fairfield)
marriage: ? Elizabeth
death: about 1812, Fairfield County (South Carolina)
? Elizabeth
marriage: Thomas Addison
death: about 1812, Fairfield Co. SC
== 3 ==
Christopher Addison
birth: 1760, South Carolina
military service: Revolutionary War
death: after 1821, Franklin or Gwinnett Co. GA
William Addison
birth: 29 December 1766, Fairfield Dist. SC, United States
military service: Rev. War, United States
death: 20 May 1853, Todd Co. KY, United States
Martin Addison
birth: 1768
Joseph Addison
birth: 1769, South Carolina
Thomas Addison
birth: about 1765
John Addison
birth: 1763, South Carolina
military service: served in the First Regiment during 1783. A.A.41B; C482; Y824.
death: 1827, Franklin County (Georgia), United States
== 3 ==
Susannah E. Guest (Addison)
marriage: Christopher C. Addison , United States, Fairfield County, Georgia
birth: 28 August 1802, Franklin County, Georgia, United States
death: 27 May 1876, Franklin County, Georgia, United States
Christopher C. Addison
birth: 21 February 1799, Fairfield Co. SC or GA
marriage: Susannah E. Guest (Addison) , United States, Fairfield County, Georgia
census: 1840, Franklin County (Georgia), P. 321, 211th dist.
death: 25 November 1861, Franklin County (Georgia)
Josiah Addison
birth: about 1809, Franklin County (Georgia)
census: 1840, Franklin County (Georgia), P. 320, 211th dist.
death: after 1880, Franklin County (Georgia), Red Hill
Hester M. Addison
birth: about 1804, Franklin County (Georgia)
census: 1840, Franklin County (Georgia), 320, 211th dist.
death: before 1880
Brasell Addison
birth: 1795, United States, Fairfield Co. SC or GA
death: before 1860, Habersham County (Georgia), United States
Lott Addison
birth: 1803, Franklin County (Georgia)
death: Tennessee
burial: Benton (Tennessee), Grassy Creek Cemetery
Frances Manerva Williams
birth: July 1844, Rome, Walker County, Georgia, United States
marriage: Austin Bush
marriage: Robert Lee Farnsworth
marriage: Thompson Benjamin Addison , Scott County, Arkansas, United States
marriage: B. F. Evens , Scott County, Arkansas, United States
death: 1914, Scott County, Arkansas, United States
Basheba Caroline Taylor
birth: September 1842, Georgia, United States
marriage: Thompson Benjamin Addison
death: 1882, Dayton, Sebastian Co., Arkansas, United States
Thompson Benjamin Addison
birth: 20 March 1843
marriage: Basheba Caroline Taylor
marriage: Frances Manerva Williams , Scott County, Arkansas, United States
Mary Ann Addison
birth: 15 October 1821
Brazill G. Addison
birth: 26 May 1851, United States
occupation: Franklin County, Georgia, United States, School Teacher.
death: 22 May 1851, United States
occupation: 1869, Franklin Counth, Georgia, United States, Farmer
Jemimah Lane Addison
birth: 12 June 1826
other: Rose Birdwell, Kinship
Synthia Addison
birth: 13 March 1829, Franklin County (Georgia)
Clark Terrell Addison
birth: 8 November 1831, Franklin County (Georgia)
death: 7 January 1892, Franklin County (Georgia)
burial: Allen's Meth. Cem
General Marion Addison
birth: 13 July 1834, Franklin County (Georgia)
death: 15 August 1904, Polk County (Arkansas)
burial: Rooky Cemetery

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