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Henry Treguier (de Penthievre) b. about 1100 d. about 1183

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Lineage Penthievre
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Henry Treguier
Other last names de Penthievre

w Stephen Penthievre [Penthievre] b. 1060 d. 13 April 1135

Hawise de Guingamp [Blois] b. estimated 1070


about 1100 birth:

child birth: Nobilis de Penthièvre [Penthièvre]

19 September 1151 marriage: Mahaut de Vendôme [Preuilly] b. 1132 d. 1201

1154 child birth: w Alain Ier d'Avaugour [Avaugour] b. 1154 d. 29 December 1212

about 1183 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Hoël II of Brittany
birth: 1030
marriage: w Hawise FitzAlan (Bretaigne)
title: from 1058 - 13 April 1084, Duke of Brittany
death: 13 April 1084
Alan III of Brittany (Rennes)
birth: 997
title: from 20 November 1008 - 1 October 1040, Duke of Brittany
marriage: Bertha de Blois
death: 1 October 1040, Vimoutiers, France
Adèle de Bretagne
death: 1067, Rennes (35)
Eodon Pentevr
birth: 999
marriage: Agnes de Cornouailles Canhiart
death: about 7 January 1079
Bertha de Blois
title: 1018, Duchesse de Bretagne et Comtesse de Rennes
marriage: Alan III of Brittany (Rennes)
marriage: w Hugo IV von Maine
death: 1080
Garsende of Maine
birth: about 1030
marriage: Thibault III de Blois
title: 1044, Comtesse de Blois, de Tours, de Châteaudun, de Chartres, de Sancerre, de Provins, de Saint-Florentin et de Château-Thierry
other: Thibault III de Blois , Répudiation
marriage: Albert-Azzo II van Este , 2
death: about 1071
Thibault III de Blois
birth: about 1019
title: 15 November 1037
marriage: Garsende of Maine
other: Garsende of Maine , Répudiation
marriage: Adela von Crépy
title: 1066, Épernay, Comte de Champagne, de Troyes, de Meaux et de Vitry
death: 30 September 1089, Épernay
Simon de Vexin - (Saint Simon, Simon de Crépy)
title: Comte de Bar-sur-Aube et Vitry-en-Pertois 1065/1067 - 1077, comte d'Amiens, Vexin et Valois 1074-1077, comte de Mondidier et Péronne 1074-1076
marriage bann: Аgathe d'Angleterre
annulment: Аgathe d'Angleterre
ordination: 1077
death: 22 September 1080, Rome
death: 18 September 1082
Adélaïde de Valois
birth: estimated 1040
marriage count: 2
children count: au moins 6, 2 avec Herbert IV de Vermandois, 4 avec Theobald III, Count of Blois.
marriage: Hubert IV Vermandois
death: after 1077
N. Vexin
title: дама де Шатовиллен и д'Арк-ан-Барруа
marriage: Бартелеми ? (де Бройе, де Бофор)
Готье де Вексен
title: граф де Бар-сюр-Об и Витри-ан-Пертуа с 1053
death: between 6 September 1065 and 6 September 1067
Adela von Crépy
birth: 1045
title: графиня
marriage: Thibault III de Blois
death: between 12 May 1093 and 12 May 1100
Hoel III de Bretagne (Count of Nantes)
title: between 1148 and 1156, Count of Nantes
death: 1156
Alain der Rote
death: August 1093
Stephen Penthievre
birth: 1060
marriage: Hawise de Guingamp
death: 13 April 1135
Stephen II Henri (de Blois)
birth: about 1045
marriage: Adela FitzWilliam , Breteuil
title: 30 September 1089, Graf von Blois
death: 19 May 1102, Ramleh
Филипп де Блуа
birth: about 1060
death: 1100
Hugues I de Blois (de Champagne)
birth: between 1069 and 1074
title: Count de Bar-sur-Aube (1089-1125), Count de Troyes and Meaux (1093-1125), Count of Champagne
death: 14 June 1126, Palestine
== 3 ==
Alan of Penthièvre
birth: about 1100
title: from - 1141, Count of Cornouaille
title: Count of Tréguier
title: from 1135 - 1146, Earl of Richmond
marriage: w Berthe de Bretagne
death: 15 September 1146
Geoffrey II Penthievre
title: comte de Penthièvre
death: 1148
== 3 ==
Alain Ier d'Avaugour
birth: 1154
title: Comte de Tréguier, comte de Penthièvre
marriage: Perronnelle de Beaumont-au-Maine
death: 29 December 1212
Guiomarch "L'Insensé" de Léon
title: Comte de Léon
death: 1179
Hervé Ier de Léon
property: Seigneur de Léon, de Landerneau, Coëtmeur-Daoudour, Pensez, Plougastel-Daoulas, Crozon et Bourgneuf
death: 1203
Henri II d'Avaugour
birth: 16 January 1205
title: Comte de Penthièvre, baron d'Avaugour
marriage: Marguerite de Mayenne
death: 6 October 1281, Dinan (22)

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