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Готье де Вексен d. between 6 September 1065 and 6 September 1067

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Lineage Вексен
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Готье де Вексен
Other given names де Бар-сюр-Об, Витри-ан-Пертуа

Raoul IV de Crepy [Vexin] b. about 1021 d. 23 February 1074

Aelis van Bar-sur-Aube [Bar-sur-Aube] b. estimated 1010 d. 11 September 1053


title: граф де Бар-сюр-Об и Витри-ан-Пертуа с 1053

between 6 September 1065 and 6 September 1067 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Dreux Vexin
birth: 990
title: from 1024 - 1035, Comte de Vexin
title: from 1024 - 1035, Comte d'Amiens
death: 1035
Oda de Vexin
birth: estimated 965
Adèle Clermont (de Breteuil)
birth: estimated 1005
marriage: Raoul III de Vexin
death: 11 September 1051
Renaud van Soissons
birth: estimated 985, Troyes
marriage: Aelis van Roucy
death: 1057, Soissons
Notger III van Bar sur Aube
birth: estimated 980
death: about 1040
Anna Yaroslavna Rurikid
birth: about 1024, Kiev, Kievan Rus'
marriage: Henry I Capet , Reims
title: from 19 May 1051 - 4 August 1060, Reims, Quueen of France
title: 1061, Comtess of Valois
marriage: Raoul IV de Crepy
title: 1063, Comtess od Vexin and Amiens
death: between 1075 and 1079, France
Raoul IV de Crepy
birth: about 1021
title: Count of Valois
annulment: Алиенора Хакенеза
marriage: Anna Yaroslavna Rurikid
death: 23 February 1074, Péronne (Somme), Montdidier (Somme), Péronne or Montdidier (contradictory sources).
burial: Montdidier (Somme)
Aelis van Bar-sur-Aube
birth: estimated 1010
title: графиня де Бар-сюр-Об и Витри-ан-Пертуа
death: 11 September 1053
== 3 ==
Simon de Vexin - (Saint Simon, Simon de Crépy)
title: Comte de Bar-sur-Aube et Vitry-en-Pertois 1065/1067 - 1077, comte d'Amiens, Vexin et Valois 1074-1077, comte de Mondidier et Péronne 1074-1076
marriage bann: Аgathe d'Angleterre
annulment: Аgathe d'Angleterre
ordination: 1077
death: 22 September 1080, Rome
death: 18 September 1082
Adélaïde de Valois
birth: estimated 1040
marriage count: 2
children count: au moins 6, 2 avec Herbert IV de Vermandois, 4 avec Theobald III, Count of Blois.
marriage: Hubert IV Vermandois
death: after 1077
N. Vexin
title: дама де Шатовиллен и д'Арк-ан-Барруа
marriage: Бартелеми ? (де Бройе, де Бофор)
Adela von Crépy
birth: 1045
title: графиня
marriage: Thibault III de Blois
death: between 12 May 1093 and 12 May 1100
Готье де Вексен
title: граф де Бар-сюр-Об и Витри-ан-Пертуа с 1053
death: between 6 September 1065 and 6 September 1067
== 3 ==

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