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Hugh d’Avranches (1. Earl of Chester) d. 27 July 1101

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Lineage Avranches
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Hugh d’Avranches
Other last names 1. Earl of Chester
Other given names Hugh d’Avranches, 1. Earl of Chester

Richard Le Goz (d'Avranches) [Le Goz] b. 1025 d. 1082

Emma de Conteville [Conteville] b. 1029

Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Hugh d’Avranches, 1. Earl of Chester


1093 marriage: Ermentrude de Clermont [Clermont]

1094 child birth: Richard d’Avranches (2. Earl of Chester) [Avranches] b. 1094 d. 25 November 1120

27 July 1101 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Herleve (Arletta) ? (of Falaise)
birth: 1003, Falaise (Calvados)
marriage: Herluin de Conteville
death: 1050
burial: 1050, Fatouville-Grestain, Grestain Abbey
Eustace FitzJohn (Halton)
birth: before 1100
title: Lord Halton
death: July 1157
Oda Conteville
birth: 994
Herluin de Conteville
birth: estimated 1005, Conteville (Eure), France
title: Vicomte de Conteville
marriage: Herleve (Arletta) ? (of Falaise)
death: about 1066
burial: Fatouville-Grestain, Abbaye de Grestain
Robert Sr. Bigod
birth: 1015, France, (St. Saveur ???)
death: 1071
Thurstan Le Goz
birth: 1025
other: Title : (Viscomte de Averanches ???) (probably Vicomte d'Avranche)
death: 1066, Hastings (England), Battle of Hastings
Simon Le Goz (de St.Sauveur)
birth: St Saveur, Gascony
Richard Le Goz (d'Avranches)
birth: 1025, Avranches, France
death: 1082
William I FitzRobert (The Conqueror)
birth: 14 October 1025, Falaise (Calvados), France
title: from 3 July 1035 - 9 September 1087, Duke of Normandy
marriage: Matilda of Flanders (de Flandres) , Eu (Seine-Maritime), Normandy, France
title: from 14 October 1066 - 9 September 1087, King of England
death: 9 September 1087, Rouen, France
Robert de Burgh (Le Bello Campo)
birth: 1031, Conteville (Calvados), France
title: Count de Mortain
death: 8 December 1090, Roches, France
burial: Fatouville-Grestain, Abbaye de Grestain
Odo von Bayeux
birth: after 1030
death: 1097, Palermo
== 3 ==
Margaret Le Goz
birth: 1054
== 3 ==
Richard d’Avranches (2. Earl of Chester)
birth: 1094
marriage: Mathilde de Blois
death: 25 November 1120, Barfleur, (Weißes Schiff))

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