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Violante Manuel

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Lineage Manuel de Villena
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Violante Manuel

w Мануэль Кастильский [Manuel de Villena] b. 1234 d. 25 December 1283

Constanza d'Aragon [Aragon] b. 1239 d. 1269

Wiki-page wikipedia:es:Violante Manuel


child birth: Isabel de Portugal y Manuel [Borgoña-Portugal]

From grandparents to grandchildren

Berenguela de Leon
birth: 1201
marriage: Jean (John) du Brienne
title: 1224, Reine de Jérusalem
title: 1229, Impératrice latine de Constantinople
death: 12 April 1237
Alfons van Castilie
birth: 1204
title: Infante de Castille et de León.
title: seigneur de Molina et de Mesa.
marriage: Mafalda Gonzalez de Lara
marriage: Terese Gonzalez de Lara
marriage: Mayor Téllez de Meneses
death: 6 January 1272
Фердинанд Леонский
birth: about 1192
death: August 1214
Санча Леонская
birth: about 1193
death: 1270
Дульсе (Альдонса) Леонская
birth: between 1194 and 1195
death: after 1243
Леонор Леонский
birth: between 1198 and 1199
death: 31 October 1210
María Alfonso de León
birth: between 1205 and 1215
other: внебрачная дочь короля Альфонса IX Леона и Терезы Хиль де Соверос
other: тётя Альфонса X и его возлюбленная
death: after 1275
Urraca Alfonso de León
birth: about 1228
other: fue hija ilegítima del rey Alfonso IX de León y de la noble portuguesa Teresa Gil de Soverosa
other: рosteriormente se casó por segunda vez con Pedro Núñez de Guzmán, señor de Guzmán
marriage: w Pedro Núñez de Guzmán
death: after 1252
Pedro Alfonso de León
birth: about 1196, Spanien
death: 1226, Spanien
Fernando Alfonso de León
birth: 1211
other: fallecido en su juventud
Жанна де Даммартен
birth: 1220
marriage: Ferdinand III of Castile , Burgos
title: 1237, королева Кастилии и Леона
death: 16 March 1279, Абвиль
Ferdinand III of Castile
birth: 30 July 1199, Zamora (Spain)
title: 1217, King of Castile
marriage: Елизавета Швабская
title: 1230, King of León
marriage: Жанна де Даммартен , Burgos
death: 31 May 1252, Seville (Spain)
burial: Seville (Spain), Cathédrale de Séville
Maria van Hohenstaufen
birth: 1201, Arezzo
marriage: Heinrich II. Löwen von Brabant
title: 1214, Princesse de Brabant
death: 1235, Leuven
Кунигунда Швабская
birth: January 1202
marriage: Wenceslaus I of Bohemia ? (Premyslid)
title: 1224, Princesse de Bohême
title: 1226, Reine de Bohême
death: 13 September 1248
Райнальд Швабский
death: в младенчестве
Фридрих Швабский
birth: 1206
death: в младенчестве
Беатриса Младшая Швабская
birth: August 1208
death: August 1208
Елизавета Швабская
birth: 1202
marriage: Ferdinand III of Castile
title: 30 November 1219, Королева Кастилии
title: 1230, Королева Леона
death: 5 November 1235, Toro (Zamora)
Leonor de Castilla
birth: 1202
marriage: Jaime I de Aragón , Ágreda
title: 6 January 1221, Ágreda, Reine d'Aragon, Comtesse de Barcelone et Dame de Montpellier
annulment: Jaime I de Aragón
death: 1244, Burgos
Jaime I de Aragón
birth: 2 February 1208, Montpellier, France
marriage: Teresa Gil de Vidaure de Vidaure
title: 12 September 1213, Rey de Aragón.
marriage: Leonor de Castilla , Ágreda
annulment: Leonor de Castilla
marriage: Violant of Hungary , Barcelona, La Barceloneta
death: 27 July 1276, Valencia (Spain)
Elisabeth von Ungarn
birth: 7 July 1207, Sárospatak, Ungarn, Burg Sárospatak
marriage: w Людвиг IV Святой Тюрингский
death: 17 November 1231, Marburg
other: 1235, канонизирована папой Григорием IX
Anna - Anissia
birth: about 1204
death: 1221
marriage: Ivan Asen
Bela IV of Hungary
birth: 29 November 1206
marriage: Maria ? (Laskarina, Laskaris)
title: from 14 October 1235 - 3 May 1270, King of Hungary
title: from 14 October 1235 - 3 May 1270, King of Croatia
title: from 1254 - 1258, Duke of Styria
death: 3 May 1270
Stephen Postumus (of Hungary)
birth: 1236
death: 10 April 1271
birth: about 1208
title: from 1213 - 1215, князь Галицкий
title: from 1215 - 1219, князь Галицкий
title: from 1219 - 1221, князь Галицкий
title: from 1226 - 1241, герцог Славонский
title: from 1226 - 1241, герцог Хорватский
death: between May 1241 and June 1241, Загреб, умер от ран полученных в битве на реке Шайо с монголами 11 апреля 1241 года
Violant of Hungary
birth: about 1216, Esztergom, Hungary
marriage: Jaime I de Aragón , Barcelona, La Barceloneta
title: 8 September 1235, Queen Consort of Aragon
death: 9 October 1251, Huesca, Spain
Eleanor of Castile
birth: 1241, Castile (historical region)
marriage: Edward I Plantagenet (Longshanks) , Burgos, Spain, Abbey of Santa María la Real de Las Huelgas
title: 31 October 1254, Burgos, Princesse héritière d'Angleterre
death: 28 November 1290, Harby (Nottinghamshire)
Alfonso X of Castile
birth: 23 November 1221, Toledo (Spain)
marriage: w Maria Guillén de Guzmán
marriage: Violant of Aragon , Valladolid (Spain)
title: 1252, King of Castile and León
title: 1257, King of the Romans
death: 4 April 1284, Seville (Spain)
Heinrich von Kastilien
birth: 1230
marriage: Mayor Pecha y Rodriguez
title: 1230, сеньор де Эсиха
death: 8 August 1304
Fernand d'Aumale (Fernand II)
birth: 1239
title: from 1252 - 1260, comte d'Aumale
death: 1269
Fadrique von Kastilien
birth: 1223
title: 1223, сеньор де Санлукар де Альбайда
death: 1277, тайно убит по приказу Альфонсо X
Eleonore von Kastilien
birth: 1227
death: 1227, в младенчестве
Berenguela von Kastilien
birth: 1228
caste: Las Huelgas, Nonne
death: 1288
Felipe de Castille
birth: 1231
marriage: Christina Haakonsdatter
death: 28 November 1274
Sancho von Kastilien
birth: 1233
title: 1251, архиепископ Толледо
death: 27 October 1261
Maria von Kastilien
birth: 1235
death: 1235
Juan de Castille
birth: 1244
death: 1244
Simone de Castille
birth: 1244
death: 1244
Beatrice de Savoie
birth: 1250
marriage: Pierre "le Bouvier" de Salins
marriage: w Мануэль Кастильский
title: 1274, Dame de Escalona, de Santa Eulalia, de Penafiel, de Agreda, de Roa, de Cusliar, de Elche et de Vilena
death: 23 February 1292
Мануэль Кастильский
birth: 1234, Каррион-де-Лос Кондес
title: 1234, сеньор де Эскалона
title: 1248, сеньор де Санта Олалья
marriage: Beatrice de Savoie
death: 25 December 1283, Пеньяфьель
Violant of Aragon
birth: 1236, Zaragoza, Spain
title: Infanta of Aragon
marriage: Alfonso X of Castile , Valladolid (Spain)
title: 26 December 1246, Valladolid, Infante de Castille
title: 31 May 1252, Queen Consort of Castile and Leon
title: 1 April 1257, Rom, Reine des Romains
death: 1301, Roncesvalles, Navarre, Spain
Isabella d'Aragon
birth: 1243, Montpellier, France
marriage: Филипп III Капетинг , Clermont-Ferrand, Cathedral
title: 28 May 1262, Clermont-Ferrand, Princesse héritière de France
title: 25 August 1270, Queen of France
death: 28 January 1271, Cosenza, Italy
Peter III von Aragón
birth: 1240, Valencia
marriage: w Constantia II of Sicily , Montpellier
title: 27 July 1276, король Арагона
title: 30 August 1282, Foggia, Roi de Sicile
death: 11 November 1285, Vilafranca del Penedès
Jaime I de Jérica
birth: 1255
death: 1288
Jakob II von Mallorca
birth: 31 May 1243, Montpellier
marriage: Esclarmonde von Foix , Perpignan (66)
title: 27 July 1276, король Майорки
death: 29 May 1311, Mallorca
Fernando d'Aragon
birth: 1245
death: 1250
Sancha d'Aragon
birth: 1246
death: 1262
Maria d'Aragon
birth: 1248
death: 1267
Sanche d'Aragon
birth: 1250
death: 1275
Constanza d'Aragon
birth: 1239
death: 1269
== 3 ==
Хуан Мануэль Кастильский
birth: 5 May 1282, Эскалона
title: 5 May 1282, герцог Вильена
marriage: w Бланка Фернанда де ла Серда и Лара
death: 13 June 1348, Кордова
Alfonso de Portugal
title: Infante de Portugal
== 3 ==
Juan de Haro (Juan de Haro, Apodado el Tuerto)
title: XIII señor de Vizcaya entre los años 1322 y 1326.
Maria Diaz de Haro (Maria Diaz II de Haro)
birth: about 1318
title: XIV Señora de Vizcaya, entre los años 1334 y 1348.
marriage: Juan Núñez III de Lara
death: 16 September 1348

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