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Karl Franz Joseph von Preußen b. 15 December 1916 d. 23 January 1975

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Lineage Hohenzollern
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Karl Franz Joseph von Preußen
Other given names Karl Franz Josef Wilhelm Friedrich Eduard Paul

Йоахим Пруський [Гогенцоллерни] b. 17 December 1890 d. 18 July 1920

Marie Auguste von Anhalt [Askanier] b. 10 June 1898 d. 22 May 1983

Wiki-page wikipedia:en:Prince Karl Franz of Prussia


15 December 1916 birth: Potsdam, Deutschland,

title: Prince de Prusse

5 October 1940 marriage: Берлін, Пруське королівство, Німецьке царство, w Henriette von Schönaich-Carolath [Schönaich-Carolath] b. 25 November 1918 d. 16 March 1972

3 September 1943 child birth: Zielona Góra, Schloss Saabor, Франц Вільгельм Пруський [Гогенцоллерни] b. 3 September 1943

3 September 1943 child birth: Zielona Góra, Franz Joseph von Preussen [Hohenzollern] b. 3 September 1943 d. 26 September 1943

17 October 1944 child birth: Deutschland, François-Frédéric de Prusse [Hohenzollern] b. 17 October 1944

5 September 1946 divorce: w Henriette von Schönaich-Carolath [Schönaich-Carolath] b. 25 November 1918 d. 16 March 1972

9 November 1946 marriage: Luise Dora Hartmann [Hartmann] b. 5 September 1909 d. 23 April 1961

1959 divorce: Luise Dora Hartmann [Hartmann] b. 5 September 1909 d. 23 April 1961

20 June 1959 marriage: Lima, Peru, Maria Eva Herrera y Valdeavellano [Herrera] b. 10 June 1922 d. 6 March 1987

29 March 1960 child birth: Lima, Peru, Alexandra von Preußen [Hohenzollern] b. 29 March 1960

13 May 1961 child birth: Lima, Peru, Désirée de Prusse [Hohenzollern] b. 13 May 1961

23 January 1975 death: Arica (Chili)

From grandparents to grandchildren

Friederike Amalia Wilhelmine Viktoria
birth: 12 April 1866, Potsdam, Brandenburg, Kingdom of Prussia, New Palace
title: from 12 April 1866 - 19 November 1890, Princess of Prussia
baptism: 24 May 1866, Potsdam, Brandenburg, Kingdom of Prussia, New Palace
marriage: Adolf Wilhelm Viktor
title: from 19 November 1890 - 19 November 1927, Princess of Schaumburg-Lippe
marriage: w Александр Анатольевич Зубков
death: 13 November 1929, Bonn, Rhine Province, German Empire
Viktoria Elisabeth Auguste Charlotte
birth: 24 July 1860, Potsdam, Brandenburg, Kingdom of Prussia
title: from 24 July 1860 - 18 February 1878, Princess of Prussia
marriage: Bernhard III von Sachsen-Meiningen , Berlin
title: from 18 February 1878 - 1 October 1919, Duchess of Saxe-Meiningen
death: 1 October 1919, Baden-Baden, Baden-Württemberg, German Empire
Albert Wilhelm Heinrich
birth: 14 August 1862, Berlin, Kingdom of Prussia, Crown Prince's Palace
title: from 14 August 1862 - 20 April 1929, Prince of Prussia
marriage: Irene Louise Mary Anne Hesse-Darmstadt
death: 20 April 1929, Hemmelmark, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, throat cancer
Sophia Dorothea Ulrica Alice
birth: 14 June 1870, Potsdam, Brandenburg, Kingdom of Prussia
marriage: Constantine (Constantine I of the Hellenes) , Athens (Greece), Attica (Greece), Kingdom of Greece
title: 27 October 1889, Princess of Prussia
title: 18 March 1913, Crown Princess of Greece
death: 13 January 1932, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Margaret Beatrice Feodora
birth: 22 April 1872, Potsdam, Brandenburg, Kingdom of Prussia, New Palace
marriage: Friedrich Karl von Hessen-Kassel-Rumpenheim
title: 25 January 1893, Princess of Prussia
title: 9 October 1918, Landgravine of Hesse
title: 15 March 1925, Kronberg im Taunus, Hesse, Germany,
death: 22 January 1954, Kronberg im Taunus
Franz Friedrich Sigismund
birth: 15 September 1864, Potsdam, Brandenburg, Kingdom of Prussia, New Palace
title: from 15 September 1864 - 18 September 1864, Prince of Prussia
death: 18 June 1866, Potsdam, Brandenburg, Kingdom of Prussia, New Palace
Joachim Friedrich Ernst Waldemar
birth: 10 February 1868, Berlin, Kingdom of Prussia, Crown Prince's Palace
title: from 10 February 1868 - 27 March 1879, Prince of Prussia
death: 27 March 1879, Potsdam, Brandenburg, Kingdom of Prussia, New Palace
Hermine of Reuss
title: from 17 December 1887 - 7 January 1907, Prinzessin Reuss zu Greiz
birth: 17 December 1887, Greiz
marriage: Hans Georg von Schönaich-Carolath , Greiz
title: from 7 January 1907 - 5 November 1922, Prinzessin Schönaich-Carolath
marriage: Frederick William Victor Albert (Wilhelm II)
title: from 5 November 1922 - 4 June 1941, Kaiserin von Deutschland, Königin von Preußen
title: from 4 June 1941 - 7 August 1947, Kaiserinwitwe von Deutschland, Königinwitwe von Preußen
death: 7 August 1947, Frankfurt (Oder), in sowjetischer Haft
Frederick William Victor Albert (Wilhelm II)
birth: 27 January 1859, Berlin, Kingdom of Prussia, Crown Prince's Palace
title: from 27 January 1859 - 9 March 1888, Prince of Prussia
marriage: Augusta Victoria Fredericka Louise Feodore Jenny Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg , Berlin, Kingdom of Prussia
title: from 15 June 1888 - 9 November 1918, King of Prussia
title: from 15 June 1888 - 9 November 1918, German Emperor
marriage: Hermine of Reuss
death: 4 June 1941, Doorn, Netherlands
burial: after 4 June 1941, Doorn, Netherlands
Луиза София (Феодора Луиза София Адельхейд Генриетта Амалия) Шлезвиг-Голштейн-Зондербург-Аугустенбург
birth: 8 March 1866, Киль, Шлезвиг-Голштейн
title: принцесса Шлезвиг-Голштейн
marriage: Friedrich Leopold von Preußen
title: from 24 June 1889 - 13 September 1931, принцесса Прусская
death: 28 April 1952, Бад-Наухайм, Гессен
Friedrich Wilhelm Victor Karl Ernst Christian August Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg
birth: 3 August 1857, Augustenborg (Denmark)
title: from 3 August 1857 - 29 October 1858, Prince of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg
death: 29 October 1858, Augustenborg (Denmark)
Friedrich Victor Leopold Christian Gerhard Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg
birth: 20 January 1862, Augustenborg (Denmark)
title: from 20 January 1862 - 11 April 1862, Prince of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg
death: 11 April 1862, Augustenborg (Denmark), He died in infancy
Ernest Günther Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg
birth: 11 August 1863, Dolsk, Kingdom of Prussia, (Dolzig)
marriage: Dorothée de Saxe-Cobourg-Kohary , Coburg, Bavaria
death: 22 February 1921, Przemków, Province of Brandenberg, Kingdom of Prussia, (Primkenau)
Viktoria Friederike Auguste Marie Karoline Mathilde Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg
birth: 25 January 1860, Augustenborg (Denmark)
title: from 25 January 1860 - 19 March 1885, Princess of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg
title: from 19 March 1885 - 27 April 1931, Duchess of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg
marriage: Friedrich Ferdinand Georg Christian Karl Wilhelm , Dłużek (Lubusz Voivodeship), (Dolzig)
death: 20 February 1932, Grünholz, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Феодора (Феодора Адельхейда Хелена Луиза Каролина Густава Паулина Алиса Дженни) Шлезвиг-Голштейн-Зондербург-Аугустенбург
birth: 3 July 1874, Примкенау
title: принцесса Шлезвиг-Голштейн-Зондербург-Аугустенбург
death: 21 June 1910, Оберасбах, Бавария
Augusta Victoria Fredericka Louise Feodore Jenny Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg
birth: 22 October 1858, Dolsk, Kingdom of Prussia, (Dolzig)
title: from 22 October 1858 - 27 February 1881, Princess of Schleswig-Holstein
marriage: Frederick William Victor Albert (Wilhelm II) , Berlin, Kingdom of Prussia
title: from 15 June 1888 - 9 November 1918, German Empress
title: from 15 June 1888 - 9 November 1918, Queen of Prussia
death: 11 April 1921, Doorn, Netherlands
Leopold Friedrich von Anhalt-Dessau
birth: 18 July 1855, Dessau-Roßlau
marriage: Elisabeth de Hesse , Schloss Philippsruhe
death: 2 February 1886, Cannes
Friedrich II von Anhalt
birth: 19 August 1856, Dessau-Roßlau, Sachsen-Anhalt
marriage: София Мария Луиза Амелия Жозефина Баденская , Karlsruhe
title: 24 January 1904, герцог Ангальтский
death: 21 April 1918
Elisabeth d'Anhalt
birth: 7 September 1857, Wörlitz
marriage: Adolf Friedrich V Mecklenburg-Strelitz , Dessau-Roßlau, Sachsen-Anhalt
title: 17 April 1877, Dessau, Grande-Duchesse héritière de Mecklembourg-Strelitz
title: 30 May 1904, Neustrelitz, Grande-Duchesse de Mecklembourg-Strelitz
death: 20 July 1933, Neustrelitz
Alexandra Theresa Maria von Anhalt
birth: 4 April 1868, Dessau-Roßlau, Sachsen-Anhalt
marriage: Günther Sizzo von Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt , Dessau-Roßlau, Sachsen-Anhalt
death: 26 August 1958, Schwetzingen, Baden-Württemberg
Eduard Georg Wilhelm von Anhalt-Dessau
birth: 18 April 1861
marriage: Luise de Saxe-Altenbourg , Altenburg, Thüringen
divorce: Luise de Saxe-Altenbourg
title: 21 April 1918, Duke of von Anhalt-Dessau
death: 13 September 1918
Елизавета Августа Мария Агнеса (Елизавета Маврикиевна) Саксен-Альтенбургская
birth: 25 January 1865, Майнинген, Тюрингия, 13 января по ст. ст
title: from 25 January 1865 - 27 April 1884, Принцесса Саксен-Альтенбургская
marriage: Константин Константинович Романов , Sankt Petersburg, Russland
title: from 27 April 1884 - 15 June 1915, Великая княгиня
title: from 15 June 1915 - 24 March 1927, Вдовствующая Великая княгиня
death: 24 March 1927, Лейпциг, Саксония, Германия
Мария Анна Саксен-Альтенбургская
birth: 14 March 1864, Альтенбург, Саксен-Альтенбург
title: from 14 March 1864 - 16 April 1882, Принцесса Саксен-Альтенбургская, герцогиня Саксонская
title: from 16 April 1882 - 8 May 1893, Крон-принцесса Шаумбург-Липпе
marriage: Georg zu Schaumburg-Lippe , Altenburg
title: from 8 May 1893 - 29 April 1911, Принцесса Шаумбург-Липпе
title: from 29 April 1911 - 3 May 1918, Вдовствующая принцесса Шаумбург-Липпе
death: 3 May 1918
Ernst II Bernhard Georg Johann Karl Frederick Peter Albert
birth: 31 August 1871, Altenburg, Duchy of Saxe-Altenburg, North German Confederation
title: from 31 August 1871 - 7 February 1908, Принц Саксен-Альтенбургский
marriage: Adelheid zu Schaumburg-Lippe
title: from 7 February 1908 - 13 November 1918, Duke of Saxe-Altenburg
divorce: Adelheid zu Schaumburg-Lippe
death: 22 March 1955, Trockenborn-Wolfersdorf, Saale-Holzland-Kreis, Thuringia, Germany
Luise de Saxe-Altenbourg
birth: 11 August 1873, Altenburg, Rhénanie-du-Nord-Westphalie, Allemagne
marriage: Eduard Georg Wilhelm von Anhalt-Dessau , Altenburg, Thüringen
title: 6 February 1895, Altenburg, Rhénanie-du-Nord-Westphalie, Allemagne, Princesse d'Anhalt
divorce: Eduard Georg Wilhelm von Anhalt-Dessau
death: 14 April 1953, Berchtesgaden, Bavière, Allemagne
Augustus William Hohenzollern
birth: 29 January 1887
title: Prince de Prusse
marriage: Alexandra Viktoria Auguste Leopoldine Charlotte Amalie Wilhelmine , Berlin
divorce: Alexandra Viktoria Auguste Leopoldine Charlotte Amalie Wilhelmine
death: 25 March 1949, Stuttgart
burial: after 25 March 1949, Langenbourg
Victoria Louise Adelaide Matilda Hohenzollern
birth: 13 September 1892, Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany
marriage: Ernest Augustus Hanover , Berlin, Germany
title: 24 May 1913, Princesse de Prusse
title: 14 November 1923, Princesse de Hanovre
death: 11 December 1980, Hanover, Lower Saxony, Germany
Frederick William Victor Augustus Hohenzollern (Prussia)
birth: 6 May 1882, Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany
title: from 6 May 1882 - 1 December 1918
education: from 1901 - 1903, Université de Bonn
marriage: Cecily Augusta Mary von Mecklenburg-Schwerin (Mecklenburg-Schwerin) , Berlin, Germany
death: 20 July 1951, Hechingen, Germany
burial: Allemagne, Hechingen
Eitel-Frédéric de Prusse
birth: 7 July 1883, Potsdam
title: Prince de Prusse
military service: Général-major
education: from - 1904, Université de Bonn
marriage: Sophie Charlotte von Oldenburg , Berlin,
divorce: Sophie Charlotte von Oldenburg
death: 8 December 1942, Potsdam
burial: after 8 December 1942, Potsdam
Adalbert de Prusse
birth: 14 July 1884, Potsdam
title: from 14 July 1884 - 1 December 1918, Prince de Prusse
marriage: Adelaide Erna Caroline Marie Elisabeth , Germany
title: from 1928 - 22 September 1948, Comte Lingen
death: 22 September 1948, Suisse
Oscar de Prusse
birth: 27 July 1888, Potsdam, Marmorpalais
marriage: Ina-Marie de Bassewitz
title: 1927, Grand Maître de l'Ordre de Saint Jean Balley Brandebourg
military service: 1939, Réactivation comme un général de division, a été nommé à la réserve des dirigeants
death: 27 January 1958, Munich
Йоахим Пруський
birth: 17 December 1890, Потсдам, Пруське королівство, Німецьке царство
title: Пруське королівство, Німецьке царство, королевич пруський
marriage: Marie Auguste von Anhalt , Берлін, Пруське королівство, Німецьке царство
death: 18 July 1920, Потсдам, Пруське королівство, Німецьке царство, вчинив самогубство
burial: 1931, Потсдам, Пруське королівство, Німецьке царство, Palais de Sanssouci
Friederike Margarethe von Anhalt
birth: 11 January 1896, Ballenstedt, Sachsen-Anhalt
death: 18 November 1896, Ballenstedt, Sachsen-Anhalt
Leopold Friedrich von Anhalt
birth: 10 February 1897, Ballenstedt, Sachsen-Anhalt
death: 26 December 1898, Ballenstedt, Sachsen-Anhalt
Joachim Ernst von Anhalt
birth: 11 January 1901, Dessau-Roßlau, Sachsen-Anhalt
title: 13 September 1918, герцог Ангальтский
other: 12 November 1918, Berlin, Deutschland, Abdankung
marriage: Elisabeth Strickrodt
divorce: Elisabeth Strickrodt
marriage: Editha Marwitz
death: 18 February 1947, Speziallager Nr. 2 Buchenwald, Thüringen
Wolfgang Albrecht von Anhalt
birth: 12 July 1912, Ballenstedt, Sachsen-Anhalt
death: 10 April 1936, Ballenstedt, Sachsen-Anhalt
Marie Auguste von Anhalt
birth: 10 June 1898, Ballenstedt, Sachsen-Anhalt
marriage: Йоахим Пруський , Берлін, Пруське королівство, Німецьке царство
title: 11 March 1916, Berlin, Deutschland, Prinzessin von Preußen
death: 22 May 1983, Essen, Nordrhein-Westfalen
== 3 ==
Luise Dora Hartmann
birth: 5 September 1909, Hamburg, Germany
marriage: w Karl Franz Joseph von Preußen
divorce: w Karl Franz Joseph von Preußen
death: 23 April 1961, Hamburg, Germany
Henriette von Schönaich-Carolath
birth: 25 November 1918, Berlin, Deutschland
title: from 25 November 1918 - 1 October 1940, Pss Schönaich-Carolath
title: from 1 October 1940 - 5 September 1946, Принцесса Пруссии
marriage: w Karl Franz Joseph von Preußen , Берлін, Пруське королівство, Німецьке царство
title: from 5 September 1946 - 16 March 1972, Pss Schönaich-Carolath
divorce: w Karl Franz Joseph von Preußen
death: 16 March 1972, Нойендеттельзау, Западная Германия
Maria Eva Herrera y Valdeavellano
birth: 10 June 1922, Lima, Peru
marriage: w Karl Franz Joseph von Preußen , Lima, Peru
death: 6 March 1987, Lima, Peru
Karl Franz Joseph von Preußen
birth: 15 December 1916, Potsdam, Deutschland,
title: Prince de Prusse
marriage: Henriette von Schönaich-Carolath , Берлін, Пруське королівство, Німецьке царство
divorce: Henriette von Schönaich-Carolath
marriage: Luise Dora Hartmann
divorce: Luise Dora Hartmann
marriage: Maria Eva Herrera y Valdeavellano , Lima, Peru
death: 23 January 1975, Arica (Chili)
== 3 ==
Марія Володимирівна Романова
title: from 1953 -, Захід, руська княжна
birth: 23 December 1953, Мадрид, Іспанія
marriage: Франц Вільгельм Пруський
divorce: Франц Вільгельм Пруський
Франц Вільгельм Пруський
title: from 3 September 1943 - 21 July 1976, Prinz von Preußen
birth: 3 September 1943, Zielona Góra, Schloss Saabor
religion: from 21 July 1976 - 1986, Erhielt die Orthodoxie im Namen von Michael Pauls Sohn
marriage: Марія Володимирівна Романова
divorce: Марія Володимирівна Романова
title: from 1986 -, Prinz von Preußen
Franz Joseph von Preussen
birth: 3 September 1943, Zielona Góra
death: 26 September 1943
François-Frédéric de Prusse
birth: 17 October 1944, Deutschland
marriage: Gudrun Winkler
Alexandra von Preußen
birth: 29 March 1960, Lima, Peru
title: Prinzessin von Preußen
marriage: 1989
marriage: Albert Reboa
Juan Carlos Gamarra y Skeels
birth: 15 November 1954, Lima, Pérou
marriage: Désirée de Prusse , Lima
Désirée de Prusse
birth: 13 May 1961, Lima, Peru
title: Prinzessin von Preußen
marriage: Juan Carlos Gamarra y Skeels , Lima
Rebecca Bettarini
marriage: Georg Mikhailovich von Russland , Moskau, standesamtlich
marriage: Georg Mikhailovich von Russland , Sankt Petersburg, kirchlich, Isaakskathedrale,
Georg Mikhailovich von Russland
birth: 13 March 1981, Madrid
title: from April 1981 -, რუსეთის დიდი მთავარი
marriage: Rebecca Bettarini , Moskau, standesamtlich
marriage: Rebecca Bettarini , Sankt Petersburg, kirchlich, Isaakskathedrale,
Christine de Prusse
birth: 22 February 1968, Deutschland

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