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Abdagases I ? (Sadashkana, King Evelake, Amalek, Licchavi-Araunah)

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Lineage ?
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Abdagases I ?
Other last names Sadashkana, King Evelake, Amalek, Licchavi-Araunah
Other given names Скьёльд, Kadphises, Sodasa, Jasna (Hebrew)

Anonyma (Miriamne) Mauriyam (of Magadan) [Koshanou] b. before 10

Kujula Kadphises [House of David - Araunah] b. calculated d. about 80

Wiki-page wikipedia:Abdagases_I


birth: of Cana, Gola

child birth: Kadphises ? (Apfallach ap Amalech, da Yuedsi, Licchavi-Araunah) [?]

between and 65 title: King of Indoparthia

religion: Christian

nationality: Da Yuezhi (Judean)

title: Avalokitesvara

military service: Pilliste (Spear Thrower)


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The name means Abdu Gaesus or Servant of JesusWho said that?. This king was a nephew and fosterling of King Gondophares of IndoParthia and succeeded him as king of that realm in 47CEWho said that?.

The bilingual coin illustrated here exhibits the kharoshti script where it can be read as "Gudaphara brathaputrasa maharajasa Abadagashasa." Brathaputra means nephew in Prakrit, the language in the coin.

[edit] Sources

  1. Mathura Lion Capital inscription -
  2. -
  3. Hill, John E. 2004. The Peoples of the West from the Weilüe 魏略 by Yu Huan 魚豢: A Third Century Chinese Account Composed between 239 and 265 CE. Draft annotated English translation. -
  4. Hill, John E. (2009). Through the Jade Gate to Rome: A Study of the Silk Routes during the Later Han Dynasty, First to Second Centuries CE. BookSurge. ISBN 978-1-4392-2134-1. -
  5. Enoki, K.; Koshelenko, G. A.; Haidary, Z. (1 January 1994). "The Yu'eh-chih and their migrations". In Harmatta, János. History of Civilizations of Central Asia: The Development of Sedentary and Nomadic Civilizations, 700 B. C. to A. D. 250. UNESCO. pp. 171–191. ISBN 9231028464. -
  6. -

From grandparents to grandchildren

Rustaham-Gondofarr (Gondophares) (Gaspar) ? (Suren-Pahlav)
title: between -10 and 17, King of Saka
Abgar IV Rufus ben Paqor
title: between -29 and -26, King of Osroene
Manu III (Menander) Hermaeus Soter (Manu II Deus, Manigula of Chuksa, Ma'nu III Saphul Bar Paqor)
birth: between -23 and 4, Regent of Osroene
residence: Margalla, Taxila, Chuksa
residence: Cana, Galatea
other: Prince of Bactria Kushan
other: between -23 and 4, Satrap of Edussa
other: between -10 and 10, Satrap of Chuksa - deposed
Joseph II Phasael (Josephus Phaselus)
birth: -40, in Exhilos, Postumous
residence: Egypt
residence: Jerusalem
residence: Nazareth
residence: Betharamphtha, Probably Beit Lahna, in the Province of Galatea
residence: Sumhuram, Kane, Sumharium Cana
occupation: -25, Hadramut, Saba, Ship's Carpenter, Overseer of the Judean Shipyard
Gondophares Phraotes ? (Frodo, Frode)
religion: Christian
title: Autokratôr
title: between 21 and 47, King of Indoparthia
Abgar V Ukkama bar Ma'nu (Abgarus of Edessa)
religion: Christian Convert
title: between 13 and 50, King of Osroene
Ma'nu IV bar Ma'nu
title: between 7 and 13, King of Osroene
Anonyma (Miriamne) Mauriyam (of Magadan)
birth: before 10, Margalla (Mārĩkalā), Taxila
religion: Langbardi
religion: Nazarine
residence: Qana (near Ic'ataban (Acathaba)
title: 42, Magalensa Ludi - Prima Deia
Kujula Kadphises
birth: calculated
title: from 30 - 80, Kushan Empire, Emperor of Kushan Empire
death: about 80
== 3 ==
Sara ? (de Mauriyan, Da Yuezhi)
birth: calculated 27, either Magadha India, or Egypt
emigration: 42, Galia
Vima Takto
title: from - 90, Kushan Empire, Emperor of Kushan Empire
Abdagases I ? (Sadashkana, King Evelake, Amalek, Licchavi-Araunah)
birth: of Cana, Gola
title: between and 65, King of Indoparthia
religion: Christian
nationality: Da Yuezhi (Judean)
title: Avalokitesvara
military service: Pilliste (Spear Thrower)
== 3 ==

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