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Kujula Kadphises b. calculated d. about 80

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Lineage House of David - Araunah
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Kujula Kadphises

Joseph II Phasael (Josephus Phaselus) [Herodian] b. -40

Wiki-page wikipedia:Kujula_Kadphises


calculated birth:

child birth: Vima Takto [?]

child birth: Sadashkana [?]

child birth: w Rajuvula Kiarostami (The Lion of Mathura) [Kiarostami]

child birth: Abdagases I ? (Sadashkana, King Evelake, Amalek, Licchavi-Araunah) [?]

calculated 27 child birth: either Magadha India, or Egypt, Sara ? (de Mauriyan, Da Yuezhi) [?] b. calculated 27

from 30 - 80 title: Kushan Empire, Emperor of Kushan Empire

about 80 death:



The origins of Kujula Kadphises are quite obscure, and it is usually considered he was a descendant of the Kushan ruler Heraios

Translation of Book of the Later Han

"Qiujiuque (Ch: 丘就卻) [Kujula Kadphises] was more than eighty years old when he died."[3]

Translation of Rabatak inscription

for King Kujula Kadphises (his) great grandfather, and for King Vima Taktu (his) grandfather, and for King Vima Kadphises (his) father, and *also for himself, King Kanishka (Cribb and Sims-Williams 1995/6: 80)

See also

See the list of Emperors of Kushan Empire

[edit] Sources

  1. other source - Catalogue of coins of Kujula Kadphises
  2. cited by wikipedia - Rabatak inscription
  3. Hill (2009), p. 29; also note 13.16, p. 351, and Appendix O, p. 608.

From grandparents to grandchildren

Ирод Антипа Иродов сын Идумейский
birth: -20
title: -4, тетрарх Галилеи
death: 39
Vebalathus (Ve) III Antipater
birth: -46
religion: Xalmoxian
other: Nicknamed (The Idumean)
death: -4
Mariamne I
birth: -48, Samaria
death: -29
Alexander Herodias
birth: -35
death: -7
title: царь Иудеи
death: -37
death: -37
Joseph II Phasael (Josephus Phaselus)
birth: -40, in Exhilos, Postumous
residence: Egypt
residence: Jerusalem
residence: Nazareth
residence: Betharamphtha, Probably Beit Lahna, in the Province of Galatea
residence: Sumhuram, Kane, Sumharium Cana
occupation: -25, Hadramut, Saba, Ship's Carpenter, Overseer of the Judean Shipyard
== 3 ==
Anonyma (Miriamne) Mauriyam (of Magadan)
birth: before 10, Margalla (Mārĩkalā), Taxila
religion: Langbardi
religion: Nazarine
residence: Qana (near Ic'ataban (Acathaba)
title: 42, Magalensa Ludi - Prima Deia
Kujula Kadphises
birth: calculated
title: from 30 - 80, Kushan Empire, Emperor of Kushan Empire
death: about 80
== 3 ==
Abdagases I ? (Sadashkana, King Evelake, Amalek, Licchavi-Araunah)
birth: of Cana, Gola
title: between and 65, King of Indoparthia
religion: Christian
nationality: Da Yuezhi (Judean)
title: Avalokitesvara
military service: Pilliste (Spear Thrower)
Sara ? (de Mauriyan, Da Yuezhi)
birth: calculated 27, either Magadha India, or Egypt
emigration: 42, Galia
Chanakya ? (Da Yuezhi)
birth: of Cana, Gola
nationality: Da Yuezhi (Judean)
Vima Takto
title: from - 90, Kushan Empire, Emperor of Kushan Empire
Vima Kadphises
title: from 90 - 100, Kushan Empire, Emperor of Kushan Empire

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