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Theodoric I ? (The Ostrogoth, Dietrich, Balti Dynasty) b. estimated 390 d. 24 June 451

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Lineage Balthus
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Theodoric I ?
Other last names The Ostrogoth, Dietrich, Balti Dynasty
Other given names Теудеред, , Теодерид, Theodorid , Teodorico
Wiki-page wikipedia:Theodoric_I


estimated 390 birth: Peuce Island, Dobruja

child birth: Daughter of Theodoric ? (X-Wife of Huneric the Vandal) [Balthus]

from 418 - 451 title: King of the Visigoths

about 420 child birth: Aeric (Euric) Balthus [Balthus] b. about 420 d. July 484

estimated 420 child birth: Візіготське воєводство, Римське царство, Torismund Balthus (Torismund) [Balthus] b. estimated 420 d. 453

estimated 420 child birth: w Theodoric II [Balthus] b. estimated 420 d. 466

estimated 420 child birth: Daughter of Theodoric I ? (Wife of Rechiar) [Balthus] b. estimated 420

estimated 420 child birth: Frédéric [Balthe] b. estimated 420 d. 463

estimated 420 child birth: Rethemeris ? (Ricimer) [Balthe] b. estimated 420

estimated 420 child birth: Ψ Himmérit [Balthe] b. estimated 420

24 June 451 death: Battle of Chalons, France


Place name error !
Image:LieuLogo60x60.jpg Warning, we tried to find one place cited on this record, and we did not find it !
  • Peuce Island, Dobruja

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Place name error !
Image:LieuLogo60x60.jpg Warning, we tried to find one place cited on this record, and we did not find it !
  • Battle of Chalons, France

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This record needs sources. Please help this record by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.

Died in battle against Attila

Was either an illegitimate son of Alarek or else his son in law.


  • Thorismund
  • Theodoric II
  • Frederic
  • Euric
  • Retimer
  • Himnerith

[edit] Sources

  1. Gibbon, Edward. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. - Parentage of Theodoric

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Amalaberge d'Ostrogothie
birth: about 400
Theodoric I ? (The Ostrogoth, Dietrich, Balti Dynasty)
birth: estimated 390, Peuce Island, Dobruja
title: from 418 - 451, King of the Visigoths
death: 24 June 451, Battle of Chalons, France
== 1 ==
Aeric (Euric) Balthus
birth: about 420
marriage: Ragnacilde
title: from 466 - 484, King of the Visigoths
death: July 484
Torismund Balthus (Torismund)
birth: estimated 420, Візіготське воєводство, Римське царство
title: from 451 - 453, Візіготське воєводство, Римське царство, воєвода (князь, король, рекс, рой)
death: 453, Візіготське воєводство, Римське царство, убитий внаслідок змови
title: Roi de Galice
nationality: suève
marriage: Daughter of Theodoric I ? (Wife of Rechiar)
Theodoric II
birth: estimated 420
title: from 453 - 466
death: 466
Huneric ? (King of the Vandals and Alans)
birth: estimated 427
marriage: Daughter of Theodoric ? (X-Wife of Huneric the Vandal)
marriage: Eudocia (Krekka)
title: from January 477 - 23 December 484, King of the Vandals
death: 23 December 484
birth: estimated 420
death: 463
Rethemeris ? (Ricimer)
birth: estimated 420
Ψ Himmérit
birth: estimated 420
Alaric II Balthus
birth: about 458
marriage: Theudicote d'Ostrogothie
title: from 484 - 507, roi des Wisigoths
death: 507
Odoacer (Adaccar ) (Utigur) ? (Skirer, Federatus)
birth: 433
marriage: Evochilde de Wisigothie
other: 471, Angers, {{Histoire des Francs|Livre=II|Permalien=|Page=}}''"Adovacre (Odoacre) étant venu à Angers, le roi [[:fr:Personne:31417|Childéric ]] arriva le jour suivant , et ayant tué le comte Paul, il s’empara de la ville. Ce jour-là l’église fut consumée par un grand incendie."''.
title: from 476 - 493, King of Italy
death: 15 March 493

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