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Athanagild ? (of Cantabria) b. 583

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Lineage Visigoth
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Athanagild ?
Other last names of Cantabria

Hermenegild [Visigoth] b. 564 d. 13 April 585

Ingonda [Merovingian] b. 570 d. 24 March 585


583 birth:

calculated 611 child birth: Constantinople, Ardabast [Ardabast] b. calculated 611

From grandparents to grandchildren

Хильперик I Меровеевич
birth: 539, Франковское княжество
marriage: Audovère - (Andoblide, Andouère)
title: 561, Орлеанское княжество, орлеанский князь
marriage: Galswinthe - (Galsuintha, Gailesuinda, Gelesuinta, Galswintha, Galswinde)
annulment: Audovère - (Andoblide, Andouère)
title: 567, Франковское княжество, франковский князь
marriage: Fredegonde
death: 20 September 584, Chelles
burial: Париж, Франковское княжество, Saint-Germain-des-Prés
Charibert I Merovec
birth: about 521, Paris, France
title: between 561 and 567
marriage: w Theudogild
death: between 567 and 570, Paris, France, Abbey St Vincent
burial: Paris, Abbaye de Saint-Gemrain des Près (Saint-Vincent à l'époque).
birth: between 532 and 534, Orléans
marriage: Vénérande
title: 561, Roi de Orléans
annulment: Marcatrude - (Marcatrude d'Outre-Jura)
marriage: Austregilde
death: 28 March 592, Chalon-sur-Saône
other: about 595, Canonisé
birth: 517
death: 561
Chramne de France
birth: 520
title: 532, Vice-Roi d'Aquitaine
death: 1 September 559
Childéric - (Childebert, Childericus)
birth: 518
death: before 561
Sigeberto I
birth: 535, Metz, Neustria
title: from 561 - 575, Rey de Austrasia.
marriage: Brunegilda , Metz
death: 575, Metz, Neustria
Galswinthe - (Galsuintha, Gailesuinda, Gelesuinta, Galswintha, Galswinde)
birth: 540, Tolède
title: estimated 560, Princesse d'Espagne
marriage: Хильперик I Меровеевич
title: 566, Reine d'Orléans et de Paris
death: between 567 and 568, Soissons (02)
Mérovée -
birth: estimated 555
marriage: Brunegilda
death: 577
birth: 547, Toledo (Spain)
title: 566, Princesa de los Visigodos.
marriage: Sigeberto I , Metz
marriage: Mérovée -
death: 613, Renève
burial: 613, Autun, Abbaye Saint-Martin d'Autun
Liuva I (Llacheu)
birth: estimated 530, Hispania
title: between 568 and 572, Hispania, Rey de los visigodos
birth: between 456 and 576
marriage: Leovigild
birth: about 500, Hispania
religion: Arrianismo
marriage: Gosuinda (Goiswintha)
marriage: Teodosia
marriage: Richilde
title: from 572 - 586, Rey de los visigodos
death: 586
Florentina de Cartagena
birth: calculated 545, Carthago Nova, Carthaginense, Hispania,
death: San Benito, Baetica, Hispania
Leandro de Sevilla
birth: 534, Carthago Nova, Carthaginense, Hispania, Carthago Nova, Carthaginense, HispaniaSpali, Baetica, Hispania
death: 13 March 600, Spali, Baetica, Hispania
Fulgencio de Cartagena
birth: about 540, Carthago Nova, Carthaginense, Hispania,
death: 630, Spali, Baetica, Hispania
title: 1880, Roma, Vaticano, Doctor de la Iglesia, por Pío IX
Isidoro de Sevilla
birth: calculated 550, Spali, Baetica, Hispania
death: 4 April 636, Spali, Baetica, Hispania
fact 1: 1598, Roma, Vaticano, Canonizado
title: 1722, Roma, Vaticano, Doctor de la Iglesia, por Inocencio XIII
birth: calculated 550, Hispania, Spali, Baetica
marriage: Leovigild
Reccared I
birth: 565
marriage contract: Ringunthe , Paris
annulment: Ringunthe , Toulouse
title: from 586 - 601, Rey de los Visigodos.
marriage contract: Clodosinde de France , Spain, Second Recaredo's mariage
marriage: Baddona , Spain, Third Recaredo's mariage
death: 601
Nn Leodegildsdatter
birth: between 491 and 611
birth: 564
marriage: Ingonda
death: 13 April 585, Tarragona
other: 1585, Canonized as a Catholic Saint
Childebert II
birth: 570, Metz
title: from 575 - 595, Roi d'Austrasie
title: from 592 - 595, Roi des Burgondes
title: from 592 - 595, Roi de Paris
title: from 592 - 596, Roi de Bourgogne
death: October 596
Clodosinde de France
birth: 572, Metz (57)
marriage contract: Reccared I , Spain, Second Recaredo's mariage
birth: 570, Metz
marriage: Hermenegild
death: 24 March 585, Africa
== 3 ==
== 3 ==
Flavia Glaswintha Tabira
birth: about 640
marriage: Фройла Феррандез , Second mariage of Glaswintha
marriage: Ardabast , Toledo (Spain), first mariage of Glaswitha
birth: about 575
marriage: Ardabast
birth: calculated 611, Constantinople
marriage: Goda
immigration: before 653, Spain, (to )
marriage: Flavia Glaswintha Tabira , Toledo (Spain), first mariage of Glaswitha
Ervig d'Ardabast
birth: estimated 655
marriage: Liuba de los Visigodos
title: between 680 and 15 November 687, Visigothic King
death: 15 November 687

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