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Josiah Addison b. about 1809 d. after 1880

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Lineage Addison
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Josiah Addison

John Addison [Addison] b. 1763 d. 1827


about 1809 birth: Franklin County (Georgia)

1840 census: Franklin County (Georgia), P. 320, 211th dist.

after 1880 death: Franklin County (Georgia), Red Hill


October 17, 1835 - Landon Payne of Franklin County to Josiah ADDISON of Franklin County for $150 100 acres on waters of Payne's Fork. Wit: S. D. Thomason, E. W. M?. Rec: July 12, 1838 ? - Josiah ADDISON of Franklin County to Thomas Morris & Eppy McMorris for $100 80 acres on waters of Payne's Creek, Bordering Robert Williams & Benjamin F. Guest, dividing line made by Thomas Payne Sr. between Littleton & Landrum Payne, Baker Ayers, Wagner. Wit: T. F. Cooper, Noah Soony J. P. Rec: October 25, 1838

April 16, 1858 - Mortgage on crop of fodder & cotton. Josiah ADDISON of Franklin County agrees to pay Joseph L. Henson of Franklin County $5 before October 14, 1858. Wit: David Scoggins, N. M. Payne J. P. Rec: August 16, 1858

1840 Franklin Co. GA Franklin Co. GA P. 320, 211th dist.

The 1850 Franklin County census 10/7/1850, house #700 lists: Addeson, Josiah 44 Ga Jane 38 SC Mary A. 13 Ga Martha 17 Ga Eppa M 10 Ga (male) Pleasant 7 Ga (male) Elizabeth 5 Ga Benjamin F. 2 mo (no birthstate listed) The census taker got Mary and Martha's ages mixed up.

1860 Franklin Co. GA census, Page 568: Josiah, 51, GA, 80 acres (on same page as son-in-law Joseph L. Henson) Jane, 50, SC Eppy M. 20, GA Pleasant F. 18, GA Elizabeth A. 15, GA Benjamin 12, GA Robert 8, GA

1870 Franklin Co. GA census, Page 49, Dist 812, 6/20/1870, Bold Springs PO, house #376-360 Josiah Adderson 64, GA Personal 200 Jane 60, SC Bettie E. 22 Benji F. 21 Robert 17

1880 Franklin Co. Census June 10, 1880, page13/553 Census Place District 211 Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Josiah ADDISON Self M Male W 65 GA Farmer SC SC Mary ADDISON Wife M Female W 25 GA Keeping House GA GA James Holland 31, Black Male Source Information: Family History Library Film 1254147 NA Film Number T9-0147 Page Number 553A

Josiah & his wife Jane are both buried in the Family Cem. located on the old Paul Vandiver place near Allen's Methodist Church. Marjorie Hamel <>

Hi David, I checked with several Franklin County resources and this was all I could come up with. There have been two locations for this church. The original was moved long ago, but the old cemetery site remains. The directions I came up with claim that it is "near Hunter's Creek, adjacent to the Dock Burnette farm." The present day church and cemetery is, "on Hwy. 106, north of Carnesville, nearest town - Red Hill Community." I know this isn't much, but it was all I could find. I talked with the woman who is over the genealogy department at the library and this was all she knew. I hope this helps. Debbie Jenkins<>

From: "Dianne Stancil Brown" <> To: "David S. Payne" <> Subject: 1st Allen's cemetery Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 10:12:32 -0500 David,The lady, who's grandfather owns the land where the first Allen's Church and Cemetery were located, just called me and told me that there are 4 markers in the old cemetery, 1-Ledbetter, 2- Mabrey's and 1 with no name, and some field stones. Also, there is a family cemetery located on former land of Edward C. Vandiver, just above the present day Allen's Church. Edward C. Vandiver & some other man, purchased or gave the land for the present day Allen's. This cemetery is in the History of Franklin Co., Cemetery survey's, and they list one marker, with his son named, and the other graves are just marked with field stones. Sorry we couldn't find proof that your Addison's are buried here. Mrs. Jordan said that we would be welcome to visit the cemetery if we wanted to. Her father, Alfred Burnette, owns the land where the cemetery is located. Dianne Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 13:02:18 -0500 David, I went to the Franklin County Courthouse yesterday and as I'm not good with directions, I checked the miles to Burnette Road, where the old Allen's Cemetery is located. From Anderson, take I-85 south to Georgia exit 173- CARNESVILLE/TOCCOA. When you stop at the top of the exit ramp, you will be facing the Echo Truck Stop & Restaurent. Turn right onto highway 106 towards Toccoa. You will go about 6.3 miles on Hwy 106 to Burnette Road, which is on the left. You will pass Allens Methodist Church, (left side)and a sign for Broad River Baptist Church, the Mason Hall, another sign for Broad River Baptist Church, and a big white ante-bellum type house (all on the right). After you pass the large white house you will see signs for an intersection, which will be Burnette road, to your left. (if you don't turn left, appx 2/10 of a mile, you will come to Ellis Chapel, the 2nd location for Allen's church, still called the colored Allen's by people in this area). When you turn left onto Burnette road, The 1st Allens Church cemetery is located on private property owned by Mr. Alfred Burnette #1600 Burnette road, he is about the 5th house on the right and has a circle drive. His phone # is: 706-779-2248 So far, I haven't found any one who knows who Paul Vandiver was. I'm thinking that the cemetery is the one on the Old Edward Calllaway Vandiver property, but that is just a guess. Think I told you about that cemetery, with just fieldstones and one marker for Edward's son. If you speak with Mr. Alfred Burnette, he may know about Mr. Paul Vandiver. I'm not good with directions but the Edward Callaway Vandiver family cemetery is supposedly located behind the home of Wayne Isbell. The old house has been replaced with a double-wide mobile home and is the 2nd house(#15950) on the right side of Hwy 106 just after you pass Allen's Methodist Church Cemetery. Mr. Isbell has a metal building/shop above the mobile home directly on hwy 106, and I have seen people there during day hours. Even tho I don't know Mr. Isbell, I presume that he was the person I saw there. His phone # is: 706-384-5507. If you do get over to Franklin Co., you may want to visit Broad River Baptist Church, where your Joel and Nancy Mahalia Susan Vandiver Addison are buried. Most of my Vandiver and Stancil relatives are buried there and I'm a member, even tho I don't go there anymore. Got to do better and start back!! The Land for Broad River Baptist was given by Mahalia's father, B.P. Vandiver and my family still owns some of B.P.'s original tract. Apparently B.P. gave each of his children a portion of his farm and my grandfather, Albert E. Stancil bought his mother's part and a couple of her sisters. My grandfather stated in his will, that farm would go to his sons and then passed to his grandchildren. My cousins and I now own the farm and both my children live on my portion. One of my cousins has a mobile home just below the church, My son has a mobile home near hwy 106, and my daughter has just built a house over there. Let me know when you think you will come over and If I'm home, I would like to meet you. Good Luck, Dianne

From grandparents to grandchildren

Thomas Addison
birth: 12 September 1730, Stafford County (Virginia), Stafford or P.G. Co. VA (?)
residence: Camden District SC (Chester/Lancaster/Fairfield)
marriage: ? Elizabeth
death: about 1812, Fairfield County (South Carolina)
? Elizabeth
marriage: Thomas Addison
death: about 1812, Fairfield Co. SC
Christopher Addison
birth: 1760, South Carolina
military service: Revolutionary War
death: after 1821, Franklin or Gwinnett Co. GA
William Addison
birth: 29 December 1766, Fairfield Dist. SC, United States
military service: Rev. War, United States
death: 20 May 1853, Todd Co. KY, United States
Martin Addison
birth: 1768
Joseph Addison
birth: 1769, South Carolina
Thomas Addison
birth: about 1765
John Addison
birth: 1763, South Carolina
military service: served in the First Regiment during 1783. A.A.41B; C482; Y824.
death: 1827, Franklin County (Georgia), United States
== 3 ==
Christopher C. Addison
birth: 21 February 1799, Fairfield Co. SC or GA
marriage: Susannah E. Guest (Addison) , United States, Fairfield County, Georgia
census: 1840, Franklin County (Georgia), P. 321, 211th dist.
death: 25 November 1861, Franklin County (Georgia)
Hester M. Addison
birth: about 1804, Franklin County (Georgia)
census: 1840, Franklin County (Georgia), 320, 211th dist.
death: before 1880
Brasell Addison
birth: 1795, United States, Fairfield Co. SC or GA
death: before 1860, Habersham County (Georgia), United States
Lott Addison
birth: 1803, Franklin County (Georgia)
death: Tennessee
burial: Benton (Tennessee), Grassy Creek Cemetery
Josiah Addison
birth: about 1809, Franklin County (Georgia)
census: 1840, Franklin County (Georgia), P. 320, 211th dist.
death: after 1880, Franklin County (Georgia), Red Hill
== 3 ==

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