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Thomas Wyatt b. 1521 d. 11 April 1554

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Lineage Wyatt
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Thomas Wyatt

Thomas Wyatt [Wyatt] b. 1503 d. 10 October 1542

w Elizabeth Brooke [Brooke] b. 1503 d. August 1560

Wiki-page wikipedia:Thomas_Wyatt_the_younger


1521 birth: Allington (Kent), England, Allington Castle

1550 child birth: Allington (Kent), England, Allington Castle, George Wyatt [Wyatt] b. 1550 d. 16 September 1623

11 April 1554 death: London, England, London Tower

[edit] Sources

  1. -

From grandparents to grandchildren

Henry Wyatt
birth: 1460, Allington (Kent), England, Allington Castle
death: 10 March 1537, Allington (Kent), England, Allington Castle
Anne Skinner
birth: 1475, Reigate, Surrey (England)
death: 1503, Allington (Kent), England, Allington Castle
Thomas Brooke
birth: 1465, England, Cowling, Kent
death: 19 July 1529, Cobham (Kent), England
John Heydon
birth: about 1468, Norfolk, England
marriage: Katherine Willoughby , England
death: 16 August 1550
Dorothy Heydon
birth: 1465, England, Baconthorpe, Norfolk
death: August 1560, England
Thomas Wyatt
birth: 1503, Allington (Kent), England, Allington Castle
death: 10 October 1542, Sherborne, Dorset (England)
Elizabeth Brooke
birth: 1503, Cobham (Kent), England
death: August 1560, Allington (Kent), England, Allington Castle
burial: London, Tower of London
== 3 ==
Jane Hawte
birth: 1522, Allington (Kent), England
death: 1600, Allington (Kent), England, Allington Castle
Thomas Wyatt
birth: 1521, Allington (Kent), England, Allington Castle
death: 11 April 1554, London, England, London Tower
== 3 ==
Jane Finch
birth: 1555, Eastwell (Kent), England
death: 27 March 1644, Allington (Kent), England, Allington Castle
George Wyatt
birth: 1550, Allington (Kent), England, Allington Castle
death: 16 September 1623, Boxley Abbey, Kent
Thomas Wyatt
birth: 4 March 1602, England, Boxley, Kent
death: 21 December 1621, Maidstone (Kent), England
Haute Wyatt
birth: 4 June 1593, England, Boxley Parish, Kent
death: 31 July 1637, England, Boxley Parish, Kent
Francis Wyatt (Governor)
occupation: between November 1639 and February 1641, Jamestown (Virginia), Governor of Virginia
death: before 24 August 1644, Boxley (Kent), England

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