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Dorothy Heydon b. 1465 d. August 1560

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Lineage Heydon
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Dorothy Heydon

w Henry Heydon [Heydon] b. about 1435 d. about 1504

Anne Boleyn [Boleyn] b. 1440 d. 1510



1465 birth: England, Baconthorpe, Norfolk

1503 child birth: Cobham (Kent), England, w Elizabeth Brooke [Brooke] b. 1503 d. August 1560

August 1560 death: England


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  • Baconthorpe, Norfolk

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[edit] Sources

  1. -

From grandparents to grandchildren

William Heydon
birth: 1450, Hertfordshire, England
death: April 1515
John Heydon
marriage: Eleanor (Elianor) Winter (Wynter)
death: 27 September 1479, England, Baconthorpe, Norfolk
burial: Norwich (Norfolk), Norwich Cathedral
Eleanor (Elianor) Winter (Wynter)
birth: 1436, England, Baconthorpe, Norfolk
marriage: John Heydon
Geoffrey Boleyn
birth: 1406, Blickling, Norfolk (England)
death: 1463, London, England
Thomas deHoo
birth: 1416, Etchingham (East Sussex), Sussex (England)
death: 8 October 1486
Anne deHoo
birth: 1410, Blickling, Norfolk (England)
death: 1484, Norwich (Norfolk), England
Henry Heydon
birth: about 1435, Baconsthorpe Castle, Norfolk, England
marriage: Anne Boleyn
death: about 1504, England, Baconthorpe, Norfolk
burial: Norwich (Norfolk), Norwich Cathedral
William Boleyn
birth: 1451
marriage: w Margaret Butler (Boleyn)
death: 10 October 1505
Anne Boleyn
birth: 1440, Blickling, Norfolk (England)
marriage: Henry Heydon
death: 1510, Baconsthorpe, Norfolk (England)
== 3 ==
John Heydon
birth: about 1468, Norfolk, England
marriage: Katherine Willoughby , England
death: 16 August 1550
Thomas Brooke
birth: 1465, England, Cowling, Kent
death: 19 July 1529, Cobham (Kent), England
Dorothy Heydon
birth: 1465, England, Baconthorpe, Norfolk
death: August 1560, England
== 3 ==
Thomas Wyatt
birth: 1503, Allington (Kent), England, Allington Castle
death: 10 October 1542, Sherborne, Dorset (England)
Elizabeth Brooke
birth: 1503, Cobham (Kent), England
death: August 1560, Allington (Kent), England, Allington Castle
burial: London, Tower of London
Thomas Wyatt
birth: 1521, Allington (Kent), England, Allington Castle
death: 11 April 1554, London, England, London Tower

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